Falling in Love Online with an Ancient General

Chapter 257

Feng Qingyi asked, "Did they say where they're going?"

"They haven't specified which country yet. They'll figure it out when they get there," Feng Qingci replied.

Feng Qingyi thought for a moment, realizing she didn't have any plans for this summer vacation.

A few days ago, the "Jinghe" magazine had published her award-winning painting. The magazine's editorial office had even sent her an email and called to request more of her work.

She had agreed, even though painting was just a hobby for her. After all, who would refuse an invitation from "Jinghe" magazine?

Besides that, it was time for Peng Lai Residence to introduce some summer items. Although recent income had been stable, with Shengjing's hot summer weather approaching, hot tea wasn't as popular anymore.

Even their previous pastries weren't selling well, as people seemed to prefer staying at home.

Once the final exams were over, she would have plenty to keep her busy. Thinking about it, this summer vacation would likely be quite fulfilling.

Mid-July arrived, and with it came the final exams at Jing University.

After the hectic exam week, everyone started packing to go home.

Feng Qingyi made a special trip to the train station to see off Qu Jingqiu and Shen Hanyue.

As their train hadn't arrived yet, Feng Qingyi sat with them outside the station to wait.

Shen Hanyue, perched on her large suitcase, asked, "Qingyi, aren't you going home for the holidays?"

"It doesn't matter whether I go back or not. There's no one at home anyway," Feng Qingyi replied.

Shen Hanyue suggested, "Why don't you come home with me? Although my home is in a poor little mountain village, it's a great place to escape the heat. It's so cool in the summer, and we can catch fish and shrimp in the river."

Feng Qingyi shook her head, "No, thanks. You should go back early so you can return to school earlier. You can stay at my place then."

Qu Jingqiu, standing by a stone pillar outside the station with her backpack on, chimed in, "Qingyi, when will you have time to visit us? Our place is closer, you can get there directly by car."

Feng Qingyi replied, "Alright, you two, stop inviting me. I don't have a ticket now anyway, so I couldn't go even if I wanted to. We'll find a chance another time."

Shen Hanyue checked the time, "Qingyi, it's almost time for me to go. Take care on your way back."

Qu Jingqiu added, "I'm taking the same train as her. We're off!"

"Be safe on your journey, and remember to message me when you get there," Feng Qingyi said.

The two waved goodbye to her and went to have their tickets checked.

After seeing them off, Feng Qingyi returned to the villa to find Feng Qingci also packing.

"How long will you be gone?" she asked.

Feng Qingci replied, "The exact duration isn't set yet. Don't starve yourself while you're home alone!"

Feng Qingyi rolled her eyes, "Am I really that stupid?"

"Who was it that nearly fainted from hunger before?" Feng Qingci retorted.

Feng Qingyi sighed, "That was so many years ago. How do you still remember?"

"I'm just reminding you. If you're hungry and don't want to cook, order takeout or eat out. Worst case, go to your boyfriend's place. Don't actually starve yourself at home."

Feng Qingci finished packing his suitcase, ready to leave.

Feng Qingyi said, "I got it. Now hurry up and go!"

After Feng Qingci left, Feng Qingyi decided to go to Shengjing to find Xu Linghe.

At the teahouse, Feng Qingyi asked the staff, but they all said they hadn't seen Xu Linghe in a long time.

Worried, she went to Wenyuan Pavilion to find Zhao Yiqing, hoping to get some information from him.

There, she learned that Xu Linghe had been confined at home by her father. After getting the address, Feng Qingyi went to the Xu family's residence.

She knocked on the main gate, and someone quickly came to open it.

"Miss, who are you looking for?" the guard at the door asked.

Feng Qingyi replied, "I'm looking for Xu Linghe. I'm her friend, my surname is Feng."

"Miss Feng, we've heard the young miss mention you. She's in the courtyard. I'll take you there right away."

Feng Qingyi was led to Xu Linghe's courtyard, where she found Xu Linghe embroidering.

The threads on the embroidery frame were in complete disarray, and the pattern being stitched looked quite bizarre.

"Linghe, what are you embroidering?"

Seeing Feng Qingyi arrive, Xu Linghe immediately threw herself into her arms.

"Qingyi, you've finally come to see me. You have no idea how miserable I've been lately. I'm forced to play the piano and paint every day. My father even wants me to embroider a lotus flower picture. He won't let me out until I finish it."

Feng Qingyi pointed at the embroidery frame, "Is that supposed to be your lotus flower picture?"

Xu Linghe nodded, "I've tried my best."

"...This lotus flower looks a bit strange." It didn't look like a lotus flower at all, more like a bunch of irregularly shaped leaves.

Xu Linghe complained, "I think my father is just trying to torture me. I've been handling weapons since I was little, when have I ever embroidered? Isn't this just making things difficult for me?"

"How about I teach you?" Although Feng Qingyi's skills weren't great either, she could manage a lotus flower.

Xu Linghe looked at Feng Qingyi, "Qingyi, you know how to embroider too?"

"I know a little," Feng Qingyi said.

Xu Linghe looked around, "Qingyi, I really can't do it. Why don't you embroider this lotus flower picture for me? I'll show it to my father, and then we can go out and play together."

Feng Qingyi hesitated, "That doesn't seem right. I should teach you, and you should do it yourself."

Xu Linghe insisted, "My mother hired several embroidery teachers to teach me, and none of them succeeded. Qingyi, don't waste your effort."

"Alright, get a new embroidery frame, and I'll help you," Feng Qingyi conceded.

Xu Linghe smiled brightly, "Qingyi, you're the best! Thank you!"

After some time learning embroidery, Feng Qingyi had mastered the basics, and embroidering a lotus flower was quite easy for her.

Xu Linghe stood beside her, marveling, "If you were my parents' daughter, they'd be overjoyed. You're good at music, chess, calligraphy, and painting, and now embroidery too. If I were a man, I'd definitely marry you and treasure you forever."

Feng Qingyi replied, "Don't say that. Even if you couldn't do any of these things, your parents would still love you very much. I think you're perfect the way you are."

"You're genuine and brave, passionate and skilled in martial arts. If I had a daughter like you, I'd be thrilled."

Xu Linghe sat across from Feng Qingyi, "Really? Then why do my parents always talk about how gentle and graceful the Wang girl next door is, saying that a hundred of me couldn't match up to one of her, and that they wish they could exchange daughters?"

"If they really wanted to exchange you, wouldn't they have done it already?" Feng Qingyi said with a smile.

Xu Linghe nodded, "You're right. They're all bark and no bite. They might complain and find fault with me all the time, but when I get hurt, they're more worried than anyone else."

"It's just that they like to control me all the time, not letting me do this or that. It's so annoying. Qingyi, are your parents like this too?"

Feng Qingyi thought for a moment, then shook her head wistfully.

"My relationship with my parents isn't actually very good. They've been absent for many important moments in my life and my brother's. I was basically raised by my brother. They've always been very busy with work and rarely had time to be with us."

"Although we've never explicitly expressed it, we do complain sometimes. But now that we're grown up, we don't really care that much anymore."

"They have their own choices and their own lives. We're just not the most important part of their lives, that's all. But it's undeniable that they love us too, just in a different way from other parents."

Xu Linghe said, "Qingyi, I'm sorry. I didn't know."

"There's nothing to be sorry about. Just stay here beside me, I'm almost done with the embroidery," Feng Qingyi said.

Xu Linghe looked at the lotus flower pattern that had already taken shape on the embroidery frame, "Qingyi, you're amazing!"

"Should I add the lotus leaves from the pattern now?" Feng Qingyi asked.

Xu Linghe nodded, "Yes, once you're done, I'll take it to my father, and then we can go out. I've been confined at home ever since I came back last time."

Feng Qingyi sped up her work. Since it wasn't a complex pattern, just a lotus flower with a few leaves, she finished quickly.

Xu Linghe took the completed embroidery to her father, tossed it to him, and hurried away.

Looking at the embroidery, Xu's father could hardly believe his eyes.

"Yesterday it looked like a dog's scrawl, and today it's like this. Could she be a genius at embroidery?"

Xu Linghe returned to the courtyard and pulled Feng Qingyi out of the house.

"Qingyi, don't you have classes recently?"

Feng Qingyi nodded, "I'm on vacation. I don't have classes until September."

"This is fantastic! So, can we start making the things you mentioned earlier?" Xu Linghe asked.

Feng Qingyi replied, "Of course. Let's go to the Peng Lai Residence and take a look. The weather has been too hot lately. If the teahouse is too warm, people won't want to visit. We need to cool it down first."

"I've noticed some teahouses and taverns using ice blocks, but they're quite expensive. We might end up losing money if we use them," Xu Linghe pointed out.

Feng Qingyi smiled and said, "Don't worry about that. I'll figure something out. Worst case scenario, I can have some transported from my home."

"That's great. With ice blocks, we can cool down the teahouse, which will surely attract more customers. Then, if we introduce some new teas, we'll definitely make a fortune," Xu Linghe said enthusiastically.

Feng Qingyi continued, "Remember we agreed on a 70-30 split? I'll calculate it tonight and give you your share."

"I'm not short on money. You should keep it, Qingyi," Xu Linghe insisted.

Feng Qingyi responded, "We agreed this was a business partnership, so we need to keep the accounts clear. Otherwise, I'd just be taking advantage of you. Besides, this is what you're entitled to."

"Alright then. Looks like I'll have to work hard to help you out!" Xu Linghe said with a laugh.

Feng Qingyi replied, "Don't rush. You'll have plenty to do when the time comes."

The two arrived at the Peng Lai Residence. At that moment, there weren't many people around. Li Yi was fanning himself with a fan, still drenched in sweat.

Seeing this, Feng Qingyi remarked, "It seems we need to prioritize ice production as soon as possible."

"Qingyi, you know how to make ice blocks too?" Xu Linghe asked.

Feng Qingyi nodded, "I do, but we'll need to prepare some things first. I'll have Li Yi go shopping for the supplies. Once everything is ready, we can make it together."

"Can I learn how to do it too?" Xu Linghe inquired.

Feng Qingyi nodded again, "Of course. It's not some closely guarded secret."

"You don't know, Qingyi, but ice blocks are selling for a fortune right now!" Xu Linghe exclaimed. Even her family only had a few blocks.

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