Falling In Love With The King Of Beasts

Chapter 319: Murder

Chapter 319: Murder


A murmur of approval rippled around the room at the spy master's words. Lerrin pretended to be thinking about what he said, but let his eyes trail past Suhle who stood behind the men and had suddenly gone still, staring at him. He could feel her pleading with him not to give in to this cruelty.

But the Spy Master wasn't finished. "As far as everyone else, including our own people knows, the wolves will be retreating—choosing not to hold the land. The Cat will hear and assume we must be weakened in our numbers." The man barely moved as he spoke, only stared at Lerrin as if no one else was in the room. "Both our people and our enemies will have no awareness that we will have our best covert operators hidden in the hills nearby. The bears will be watching and patrolling for soldiers. And I'm guessing the Cat has promised to protect them in their sleep—so there will be scouts, also. The bears will not sleep immediately. They are not fools. But my best fist will keep watch without revealing their presence. And when all is calm, I will send the second in. Between them they can take the entire tribe in days. And the valley will be yours without combat."

"You can take them without killing them?" Lerrin leapt on the idea.

The male snorted. "Of course not. I said without combat, not without bloodshed. But my people are skilled. They will take the bears family by family, while they still sleep. They will not even wake."

"That isn't war, that's murder," Lerrin muttered. Suhle watched the Spy Master, her face a blank mask. He rushed on before his true feelings began to show. "Whether one fist or five, the bears will scent wolves if they remain. You said yourself they will patrol and check after we have retreated. They are not fools. How do you propose to hide your people from them?"

"There are ways."

Lerrin held the man's gaze and let himself feel the mantle of the Alpha—let his scent rise. Disgust over the plan or not, Lerrin was of no confusion about who the strongest wolf in the room was.

The Spy Master took a deep breath, then dropped his eyes. "Of course, I would share it with you, Sire. However, the more ears that hear our… special talents, the less effective they will be. But trust me, I can hide five wolves within the boundaries of the valley and the bears will not sense them. Neither will the Cat's scouts—we'll be able to observe them and report, offer crucial information that could save wolf lives."

"Five that are skilled enough to hide in this way, yet willing to stay there for weeks? Then immediately begin killing?"

The male's eyes lit from deep within. "They will anticipate it, Sire. They will bring you victory achieved in such a way that not even the Cat will know. You will take the land back without anyone the wiser, leaving you free to focus on your war here—and opening access from the west without the Cat, or his people even knowing until you choose to use it."

There were a great number of howls of approval that rose at that.

Suhle, however, turned back to her small fire and the tea she was steeping there. But Lerrin could see her hands shaking.

His stomach turned over. "Are your people also skilled enough to leave the valley without detection in the event that we need them somewhere else before the appropriate time has come?"

The Spy Master shrugged. "If it is necessary. The more difficult task will be getting a message to them by a lesser skilled wolf. But assuming we position one close to the boundary, it should be achievable. Returning to their hiding would be more difficult though, especially if the Cat's scouts are well planned and not adhering to a routine."

Lerrin gritted his teeth. He was still searching for a reason to say no that the rest of them would accept when the Spy Master dropped his trump card.

"The likelihood is, Sire, that my spies will also identify where and how the false Queen was taken into that region. Perhaps even locate her. Certainly they have the skill to uncover exactly where she was taken within it, and whether she yet lives. A true… how did that bitch put it? Two birds with one stone? Once they are done, you'll be installed in the Tree City within days."

The howls rose again, this time with the smiles and barks of certain victory. Lerrin didn't move or speak, but he let himself think of having his hands on the false queen's throat. The others scented his bloodlust and took it as affirmation of the plan, as he had intended. But he stayed calm and still among their celebrations.

He could not meet Suhle's eyes when she turned, afraid of what he might see there. Or, rather, of what he might not see in her eyes.

He, too, was sickened by the idea of killing helpless children in their beds. But this was war. And he was still considering going through the portal after Elia. Would have done it already if his father hadn't so frantically warned him last year—hadn't made him vow an oath never to use the portal without a need that meant the survival of the wolves.

Lerrin's own confidence that they could take the Tree City had held him back from simply sneaking into the cave personally and taking care of this business. He'd almost done it when he'd found Lucine, but he'd known then that he would be breaking his vow to his father if he had. And now…

Now he needed to give serious thought to his father's warnings. Because if they did truly own the portal territory without the Cat's knowledge…

It really could win them the war.

"Set the fist in place," he said quietly.

The howls around him rose higher and the Spy Master nodded.

Lerrin didn't look at Suhle.


WANT MORE FROM ANIMA? The next book in the BEAST series is out now! Support my entry into the 2021 Webnovel Spirity Awards "Taming the Queen of Beasts." No spoilers (it's set 20 years after this book.) Search "Queen Beast" or go to the book page of this book and click my author name, then "Original Works"! (See the Author Note below for an excerpt)

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