Farming and Reclaiming Wasteland, I Pampered Hou Ye In Ancient Times

Chapter 72: potato

Chapter 72: potato

Chapter 72 Potatoes

Jiang Xinyan said happily when she saw the green on the top of the hill in front of her.

"Husband, let's go to the top of the mountain over there to see, there are green ones, see if you can eat them?"

"It's full of poisonous weeds, I read it all over for my husband."

"Poisonous weeds? I was thinking of edible wild vegetables!" After Jiang Xinyan finished speaking, she raised her feet and walked over.

Looking at the hill on the opposite side, it took a lot of time to walk there.

Jiang Xinyan looked down and couldn't see what it was. She repeatedly compared the herbs in the medical books she read in the past two days.

has nothing similar, it is really a weed, nothing to say!

It took her so long to walk over to see a field of weeds, and she felt uneasy.

Jiang Xinyan just grabbed a piece of grass and expressed her frustration.

I dont know, but I cant figure it out, Ill go, even the weeds will bully me.

"Xinxin, why do you want to pull weeds?"

Jiang Xinyan can't tell, she wants to express her anger!

"I thought about the roots of this weed, maybe I could eat it."

Actually, the current Chu Lixuan can read the little wife's thoughts through her expression.

He knew that the potato was inedible, but he didn't want to say it, so he followed the little wife's words.

"Since you can eat it, let my husband dig it out for you to see."

Chu Lixuan squatted down and skillfully dug out a potato with the dagger he carried with him.

Jiang Xinyan saw a bunch of them dug out by Chu Lixuan's hand. They were of different sizes, ranging from round to oval. There was a thin layer of khaki skin on the outside, and there were small pits on the skin.

OMG! Isn't this a potato! Jiang Xinyan opened her mouth in surprise, happiness came too quickly.

Although she doesn't know the upper body of Tudou, she will not admit it wrong. In her previous life, she often bought potatoes to eat.

Chu Lixuan looked at his little wife, stunned for a while, then her eyes flashed with excitement.

"Xinxin, this potato is inedible."

"It's edible! Don't you know potatoes?"

"I don't know potatoes, do you know the potatoes in my hand? This is poisonous."

Jiang Xinyan only then realized that she is now in the ancient Dongchen country.

Isnt the alias of potato, a potato, poisonous? nonexistent!

"Husband, potatoes are not only edible, but also delicious, and can be made into various delicious foods."

Jiang Xinyan remembered one time, she really wanted to eat potatoes, so she went to the market to buy a large potato, and after frying it, she filled a bowl full, and she ate it all in a blink of an eye, not even the soup was left.

She patiently told Chu Lixuan: Potatoes are rich in nutrients and delicious.

However, there are three points to pay attention to when eating potatoes. One is: peeling potatoes.

The second is: Potatoes cannot be eaten raw, because potatoes contain a lot of starch, which is not easy to digest and will cause diarrhea.

The third is: sprouted or green potatoes cannot be eaten, because such potatoes contain a lot of solanine.

It will be poisoned if eaten, and life-threatening if not treated in time.

Chu Lixuan heard his little wife speak, her voice was like a yellow warbler coming out of the valley, and her little face was filled with a sweet smile.

He recalled that a few years ago, his soldiers were so hungry that they ate tree roots and they were fine.

It was after eating potatoes that he foamed at the mouth and died. He checked a lot of books at that time.

I saw a little bit on a bibliography, but there is no detailed information.

Just know that this thing is called a potato, it is neither poison nor medicine, it can satisfy hunger.

However, he and the soldiers tried several times, either diarrhea or poisoning. It turns out that eating potatoes is so particular!

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