Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 263: Scanning for Allies

Chapter 263: Scanning for Allies

The first thing I do is send out the barest feeler with my scan for any powerful people in a truly bad situation that I could safely help with my healing ability or taming ability within the sects territory and are easily accessible. The minimum qualifier is to have strength equal to at least an Early Foundation Establishment expert or abilities that would be helpful at a similar level.

Im instantly flooded with Foundation Establishment experts that are within the sects area. There are even some Nascent Soul, Core Formation, and Qi Condensation experts that are lumped in this, that pass the minimum strength or ability qualifier.

But this isnt the most shocking thing I find.

Theres one additional category that comes up, that I could help with my ability.

False Ascension.

This is the first Ive seen of the realm above Nascent Soul.

From what I can tell, this realm gives pseudo-immortality. But it seems to come at a steep cost, that Im not able to glean yet.

I get extremely excited about this, as if I could get such a backer on my side not even the head of the sect could touch me. I believe they are at the near peak of Nascent Soul, but the difference between realms is massive.

I immediately switch my scan into the filter mode.

The first filter being if I could trust the person.

The False Ascension person instantly drops off the list.

I should have known.

Its sad, but the general rule in cultivation and life, is that many times the most powerful people have been extremely ruthless and selfish to get into their positions.

Not only that, but almost all the Nascent Souls have been taken off the list, as well. Most likely for a similar reason, but also because they dont need their physical bodies to survive bad situations. So, they might not be willing to join such a contract.

Luckily, there are still quite a few Core Formations and Foundation Establishment people left. There are also less Qi Condensation people, as well. Likely, because they were already exceptional in their own way. If they are in a bad situation, its possible that those out for revenge could have goals that would conflict with my own. Like murdering everyone in a family that has a member in my group.

Power, anger, and fear blind one to those who can help you.

Ive already seen enough of that from Ao Jin, the demonic cultivator who I fought in the jungle. Whose wife and child are still being raped and tortured daily.

another reason to make sure I pick strong individuals who will stick with me no matter what.

Those I fight against will have forces of their own. If I try to change things, Ill need the power to make sure I and those I care about are safe.

I put in one more filter with this thought in mind.

Will they accept the guard contract Im planning and hold on to it, no matter what?

Thats the one that takes off the last of the Nascent Souls. A large amount of Core Formation experts also drop off. But many of the foundation establishment experts stay on the list. The rest of the Qi Condensation experts are still there, too.

At that level and with my current backing, abilities, and group, it would make more sense they would be interested in staying with me.

A large reason for the drop-off, though, is likely because of the planned terms for the guard contract. They will definitely receive constant healing from my abilities and training after I get cultivation and body cultivation techniques together. Ill also try to pay them what I can. However, they wont have as much freedom as the others. Itll also be much more of a servant style relationship than the other ones.

Ill need them to be focused on protecting me and the surrounding others.

While currently, some of the ex-Yellow Sashes could serve part of that role I want them to be more allies than true guards. Plus, I dont feel totally comfortable leaving that much of my group in the hands of people who, while loyal to me, also hold combined loyalty to the Yellow Sashes gang.

Especially since I discovered that parasite den underneath the Yellow Sashes base. I feel that there will be a confrontation on some level with them. Ill need to be careful who I engage with in that aspect.

But now I have two good categories of people.

People who I can trust, but wont become my guards. And those who I can trust and will join the guard contract.

The former is still good for establishing relationships that I could have an elder contract with. Even if that doesnt become the case, it still builds a network of support.

The latter is obvious in its benefit to me.

Ill also be separating them based on time limit, as well. If they are in a bad situation, but I wont be able to get to them in time sadly, I wont be able to do anything.

This will require some planning, but starting the list and diving into them individually with the scan after this probe will allow me to keep this safe.

I should share this plan and list with Sister Nuan.

If done right, we might even hop from person to person quickly. Ill need money for their teleporter fees, though. To help them get to my location.

For some of these people, Ill need to move fast. But luckily, or unluckily for them, almost all the remaining people have been stuck in their situations for a while, with no change likely to happen to them. Even for the ones who need a more urgent movement, my scan still gives off the feeling of having some time.

I feel the soft cushion of the bed hit my head as I lay back on it.

There are so many things to take care of.

But the first thing I need to do is get my people up the mountain and have us collect our sect-given materials and cultivation methods.

Up into the Halls of Exalted Purity.

A massive area that holds many treasures, secrets, and training areas for the sect.

Its no wonder that such an important area is closest to the mountaintop housing the elders and top leaders of the sect.

That will be a trial.

Being that close to the elders means I will be more at risk of getting grabbed.

Actually, I can probably bet that it will happen.

Ill also need to inform the team that I will look into a generalized cultivation method that I can share. That way, the people who couldnt get into the outer court can know theyll still have a good cultivation method.

Of course, anyone who has a choice of getting a method will get their own.


The question is, will they still want to practice it after seeing the one I make?

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