Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 268: Small Idle Talk

Chapter 268: Small Idle Talk

As I lay in the bed to prepare for tomorrow, I use the time to run my scan. Looking for anything that could go wrong before I take the outer and inner court members to the Halls of Exalted Purity.

There are a few things that I find, like petty rivalries.

Im trying to be careful about how much I look into people, to not set off any alarms, causing this to take the whole night. But once found, it only takes a few moments to come up with several responses to these that I can pass down to people I trust, like Shi, who can resolve them.

Especially since I have obviously put them in positions of power in the group. Even with that said, I log what the best approach for them to take would be.

Lucky for me, many of these things are simple to resolve. There, of course, are some things that are deeper rooted issues. But for the current surface level interactions for what Ive trained them for, Im not seeing any issues.

I will need to eventually address them, though.

But not this day. 

Its feels pretty amazing that Im able to preempt these before they can become major issues.

By the time I reach their tower, Im able to have most situations covered, including for the trip up the mountain.

Like yesterday, I can see that everyone is working in their rooms, as I call them down to the lower area using the intercom system. And just like before, they stream in much earlier than that.

Once everyone is assembled, I feel some pleasant surprise when I see several of the previous groups that were in cliques, seemed to break out of them.

Maybe the good air within the group and shared circumstances are helping.

Sadly, we only have a limited amount of time, so I speak out to catch their attention.

Hello everyone, thanks for coming down so quickly. As you might guess, for those within the inner and outer court, well need to head over to the Halls of Exalted Purity.

I see some nods from some, with some worried looks from others.

For those that will stay, keep working on the body cultivation method. Once youve reached the end, keep looking. Even if you feel youve reached the end, trust me when I say that there are deeper levels.

We should be returning within a week, but if it takes longer, pushing deeper into this realm of body cultivation will only allow you to have a better time when I teach you the actual method.

Your time will not be wasted pursuing this.

I give a slight smile.

And Im sure each of you is already aware of the immense speed of progress being made with your improved bodies. Take advantage of this to reach deeper heights within every level. It will only show greater and greater gains the more you invest into it.

While there were a few people that were looking a little disappointed, many seem to be in a good mood.

It truly is a phenomenal amount of progress that has been made for them, that they could have never imagined. Most things for cultivation are measured in the months, years, or decades. Not days.

When in doubt, check with the people who were assisting earlier, as theyll be able to guide you through the next steps. And to those same people, the offer still stands. Ill be checking in later to see what worked best and to divvy out rewards.

Also, Ill be grabbing a cultivation method that can be shared with you all. Look forward to it.

Theres more than a little excitement at this prospect and I can see theories being shared back and forth on what it could mean.

Do you think he has an in? He already has a cultivation method, but anything he gets from there, he shouldnt be able to share

There has to be something, right? Either way, at least well have something to use.

No one dares to speak something negative, as receiving something is better than nothing at this point. Of course, it would still be a concern that they might not get something of quality. Lucky for them theyll be getting a personally curated item from a plan Ive been hoping to have put in place.

I speak out, regathering their attention back to me.

For those coming with, you shouldnt need much as well be heading straight over and there will be food and drink there. There are already some rations in the carriages, so even in the case of an emergency, we should be fine.

It doesnt take long before I send them off to the carriages, giving me a chance to speak to a few of the leaders and people, to prevent any of the potential issues that I had discovered with my scan overnight.

A wonderful reminder of how amazing my scan really is. To prevent issues before they occur.

Even adding the rations to the carriages was one thing to head off a potential issue, although my healing could cover any issues.

Now, with all the surface issues resolved or at least addressed, I head back over to the head of the carriages. Of which, there is a much smaller contingent of people, since the vast majority of people in my group didnt make the cut for either the inner or outer court.

With a bit of a start, the carriages open up and start moving towards the road up the mountain.

Since Im in the front of the carriages, theres not much talking that I can hear in person. However, my scan shows many of the conversations that are happening behind the scenes.

Which really arent too interesting.

Most of the people coming along have already discussed what they needed to do before traveling. So, they mostly fill the time with idle talk about what the Halls may like or what their surface level histories are.

All things my scan can find out relatively easily.

Not that I dont listen, though.

But there isnt much to gather from it, so the travel time passes by quickly. It should only take another day or so, considering their high speed of movement and the lower amount of people that are along for the ride.

Like last time on the road, as the night begins, we camp out on this massive road.

Only this time, Ive already ordered some of the spirit beasts from the area around our towers to be guards, and pass the message to the other valleys and crevasses.

There should be no issues on that front.

Not that there would be, anyway. The other spirit beasts know well what it means to mess with sect members and people supplying them. They just got cocky.

Of course, the place I was based in had to have the stupid ones.

 Ah well. Turned out pretty well for me.

My eyes subconsciously look toward the mountaintop, which is still not visible from here.

And I can feel the danger from it in my bones.

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