Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 272: The Invisible Gate

Chapter 272: The Invisible Gate

Young Master

I hear Liu Wei, the nobleman with a complicated family life, whisper the title theyve given me. His voice was quite heavy with emotion. Several of them are looking at me with a measure of hope that we may change their lives beyond their cultivation status.

I need to make some things clear, though.

Let me be clear. I do not tolerate evil, arrogant, and untrustworthy actions.

There are some nods at this, being from a righteous background, but they dont expect the next words.

As you work with me, I expect you to be peaceful, humble, and kind to everyone. No matter their standing. And if someone tosses down our faces, as they call it here, do not immediately retaliate.

This is where many peoples faces twist up and about. I see a glimmer of blonde hair surge ahead of everyone as Shi Ji steps forward.

But Young Master! If someone disparages you, what are we supposed to do? Weve received far too much from you to let such things go.

Ugh, face is a tough concept to deal with here. If they dont defend me, theyll be seen as not trustworthy or grateful. Not only that, but they could be mocked too.

My thoughts drift over to Ai and Lin, who lock eyes with me. Their training from when I first was getting started here and Lins words to not letting people walk all over me and apologize all the time, come back to me.

These things have to be done in moderation.

Ill change the culture slowly, but for now, I need to give them a way to act.

Be patient and kind. If things go too far, then take reasonable actions. Err, on the side of mercy, if possible.

I give a serious look to them all.

With that said if they harm or assault any of our people, then show them we are not to be trifled with, if its within your ability. While I want you all to beacons of actual righteousness, contrary to how some righteous cultivators act, you dont need to tolerate physical abuse to do so.

I can see many are still bothered by this, but seem a little relieved because they have the option to fight back if hit.

Yeah turn the other cheek will be a hard one to put in a practice, in a world where said hit can launch you into a wall or blow your head off.

Ill try to figure something out. But for now, this will work.

My attention falls back onto Liu Wei.

Liu Wei, whatever you choose about this, Ill support you. You dont have to answer now, but just let me know what your decision is when the time comes.

I believe in you and your potential.

Liu Wei gives an emotionally deep bow, not changing position until I turn to the others.

There are still others who need to be informed of their optimal cultivation changes, so I continue with that until everyone is informed.

Soon enough, everyone hops into the carriages, and we are off once again.

I cant help but use my scan to see whether my decisions are correct. But it just gives different choices and merits between. Not a decision to make and whether it is truly the best one.

Im the one that makes the choice at the end of the day.

Maybe this shouldnt all be on me from now on. Even with the scan, I cant be everywhere at once.

Now that were heading to the library, what better place to find intellectual talent than the librarians?

Ive given them the initial guidance, so now I need to find people who will lead from there, like what I did with the tutors in the group.  

As always, I run my scan on potential people that could assist with this. Since Im not fully sure of how sensitive the catches for the librarians and their staff would be, I have a cautionary filter on as I search.

I will have time to enjoy the surrounding area, as it will take a while. Letting me appreciate my current situation.

The sounds of the carriages rolling over the hardened ground of this plateau road bring a calming feeling to the trip. The sight of clouds hovering below the road and over the valleys, while another layer lies above us, is quite something to behold.

Many people have taken the chance to get some sleep before they go all out in their search for their personal cultivation method. Others, being from the city, have been talking while looking out on this picturesque landscape. Enjoying their new life.

My thoughts come back to the scan after some time has passed to check on the status of it.

Unsurprisingly, there arent a lot of librarians that would be a good fit.

Most people that go into that position to get access to knowledge they would normally never have the chance to look at.

Looking for ancient stories, records of obscure events that are found nowhere else, and secret knowledge buried deep within the tomes of a book that even the sect wouldnt have suspected would be powerful.

And others are just there for the benefits. A cushy, prestigious job, carting books from one place to another, while answering generic questions of where to go.

Obviously, Ill be attempting to recruit from the former, as they are likely to have learned varied and/or specialized knowledge.

However, there are a few people of exceptionally high skill and knowledge that are hiding themselves within the latter. Some are purposefully hiding, while others are geniuses that just dont want to do much unless something interests them.

Either way, there are ways to pull both types.

But there are also a lot of normal people. Those of average skill/knowledge, but are open to help with the right motivations and/or support. And despite being average, they are specialized in those areas.

Exactly what I need.

There are several ways I can influence any of these people. What will be tough is bringing them more permanently on my side.

I can give the ones with ambition and looking for certain information that and material support. The ones without motivation will be harder to handle, but still possible. For them, building a relationship is more important than material or tangible rewards.

The general list of people who I can contact and where to reach them slowly appears.

Since Im using the scan at a low level and with little information, I cant pinpoint exactly what the people who match my requirements want or where they currently are. But once I get closer and to the library, I should be able to have an easier time of it.

And so, the time passes.

All until we reach a massive gate

Except no one else can actually see it. Because its completely invisible to the senses.

Even spiritual sense, at our level, wouldnt be able to catch it. Only my scan is giving me the ability to sense its presence.

But thats not all. Theres an equally imperceptible barrier that wraps the horizon, starting from it. From what I can tell, it probably goes around the entire mountain.

Shivers erupt down my entire body from the mere existence of it. Of the barest hints of the power that it holds.

And everyone is just laughing, sleeping, and talking together.

With the carriage moving ever forward to the border.

Adding to that, my awareness and hesitation near the gate have set off the attention of someone ahead.

On the mountain.

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