Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 276: A Soul Searching Process

Chapter 276: A Soul Searching Process

So, you like the demi-humans, huh?

His words echo in my heart. The knowledge that he knows about them.

Why havent they done anything yet? Is this a threat?

He continues on with a widening grin. Noticing my increasing stress, despite my intentions to hide it.

Oh, dont be too worried about it. There are plenty of people who get off to th..

As soon as hes about to finish his words, he straightens up and looks out toward the outside of the building.

Standing there is an elderly-looking man.

Of course, theres only one person who could be in an environment like this. But my mind cant stop repeating Lao Nas last words.

He was clearly going to say plenty of people get off to that.

Is it possible theres another type of rumor going about?

But before I can think on this further, Lao Na stands and bows. Which quickly makes me realize I should do the same.

Immediately, I turn to him and give a deep bow of respect.

Even if Im not used to the action, to not do so properly would be foolish. Not even considering the situation I currently find myself in.

He gives a nod and steps into this building. His servant pulls out tea from somewhere again and serves it to him as he sits.

He motions me to take a seat again.

Lao Na, you can leave us now. Thank you for your work, as always.   

Theres a quick look of disappointment before Lao Na bows, walks out of the building, and disappears with his ability.

It is just us here, with no one else able to listen in.

Even with my earlier thoughts trying to push to the front of my mind, I focus myself in for this moment.

As him being here, means the proxy aspect is over.

And hes just sitting here sipping tea.

I can see his eyes drift to look over at my cup, as if wondering if Im going to drink more, too. To which I do so, as well.

Its actually really exceptional tea. Cultivation boosting too.

This goes on for a good 5 minutes. Just him leisurely drinking his tea and looking relaxed. With me following suit and matching his energy. One of the few options available to me.

While keeping my mind as blank as possible.

But eventually he breaks the silence.

Complete Body Recreation Physique. Thats what you have.

He takes another sip.

Its clear hes referencing the way Im able to come back. So, they actually have a name for what it is.

or what they believe it to be.

He continues.

Though, I suppose that will not be whats on your mind right now, right?

His eyes turn towards me seriously, for the first time. Bluish grey orbs hold my eyes in place, as it feels like he can see right through me.

But its suddenly over, as I hear a sigh come from his mouth and he turns away. The surrounding air seems to change from a wizened man of cultivation to an exhausted, but hearty, old one.

Little Nuan truly has a lot of affection for you. You wouldnt believe how much shes been hounding me for the whole day. It reminds me of the things I had to deal with when her and Elder Gu when they were younger.

His eyes roll after these words, as does my heart at the sudden change.

Constant, constant bickering. But would always make so many excuses for each other. In some ways, that hasnt changed.

Now hes looking at me again.

Theres been a number of Elders that have come forward to support you. A suspiciously high number. Some, who I just brought back into the fold and have claimed you as the reason.

The look of his changes to one of pure seriousness.

Youve made a lot of waves, as you likely already know. Not including the things youve discovered.

And I cant just sit by obliviously.

He slowly stands to his feet.

Im going to use my spiritual sense on you and see the truth. This will cause some issues with your cultivation, but I will spend every effort to get you made whole, if you are what Nuan says you are.

But if theres anything you need to say of importance, now is the time to say it.

theres nothing I can say at this moment that will help.

Only silence and acceptance are the right choice.

I lower my head and await his spiritual sense.

I can feel a nod, as the greatest amount of spiritual sense Ive ever felt pours into my body. But it doesnt only stop there.

I can feel its tendrils of qi poke at every nook and cranny of my body. And thats when I can feel it reach the soul layer.

It's exploring my cultivator soul, which is the part where he mentioned it would affect my cultivation. While its easy to say hes looking at and scanning my cultivator soul with his spiritual sense, it is actually more akin to a surgeon opening your chest up and poking around.  

Even once they are done, theres still a healing process to be had on the soul level. And thats if they did everything right and carefully. With that said, it is clear he is taking care of it.

But with that said, he is using his abilities to put together a puzzle of information. Using historical information from my soul and body to discover what has happened in the past.

My body and soul naturally hide these in the typical way, because it heals better than before. If you already realize that will happen, though, youll just figure out the same information not from the damage, but from what it healed and how.

The only saving grace in all of this is that my metaphysical soul is unreachable by cultivators senses. Which is where all of my abilities are housed.

So, all he will see is the effects of the abilities. But nothing that directly shows him my abilities.

Which is why, right after I feel his sense suddenly leave my cultivator soul, I can see a surprised look on his face. Soon after, he collects himself and speaks out.

Well, this is certainly unexpected.

Hmm you can take this for your healing and cultivation.

He reaches into his robes and pulls out a pill, offering it to me.

Its a healing and cultivation pill. Nothing harmful in it.

I put it into a pouch on my body. Storing it away for when I move to the next level of cultivation. A new priority, after I get back to the tower.

Patriarch Tao focuses on me after a microsecond of thought. The entire air from him has changed to one of respect and placation.

It appears I was incorrect on my assumption of your special constitution. You actually have the infinitely rare Soul-Body Heavenly Recreation Physique.

As you may guess from the name, it should allow you to fully recover from almost any soul injuries, bodily injuries notwithstanding.

He gives me an appreciative nod before continuing.

Though it seems you have already experienced that. Im quite surprised to see someone with the ability to fight off a demonic cultivator in their soul space before they even reached the first level.

Truly, you are a Favored Son of the Heavens.

He waves his hands as he gives me a pleased look.

I see nothing of concern and, in fact, only good things that will add to our sect. I will make sure to fully compensate you. I will also add many things to both Little Nuan and yourself, as talents like yourself will always be nurtured by our sect.

Normally, this would be where a genius would be angry for the disrespect despite their massive potential. And he definitely mentioned nurturing talents and looks quite regretful of his actions. As he looked with not much bad to show for it.

Ive only done good things (generally).

Time to take advantage of the situation for me and my group's benefit.

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