Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 284: Private Research

Chapter 284: Private Research

Ling and Mao lead the way through this modular labyrinth, as they know Im not trying to find reading material, but my allies.

Even with the strange twists and turns of this place, I still see that they have signs for the different sections and even ones detailing how to get back to the railway. So, I wont have to worry about anyone being lost here, as long as they pay attention.

It doesnt take long before I see a few of my people before me, along with one other person, who I believe to be another of the librarians.

Ming, the big guy, is crouched next to Yan, the thicc woman, near some books as they search through and seem to look for something within them.

Chen and Ju, who are grabbing books from the shelves, loudly discussing whether it might have the clients information. Two other people from my group are also here, searching and seeming to follow whatever Chen and Ju say.

Hmm I think they may be doing work on the side. I believe there are quite a few regular requests made to sect members and servants to research specific information in the library, on their free time. It pays pretty well, too, and isnt a problem with sect leaders since most times it is low impact. Not only that, but brings cash flow into the sects coffers since usually sect members get a better deal on certain things within the sect grounds.

But as soon as Chen and Ju see me, their faces pale a bit. And they rush over. The others quickly notice, as well, and immediately stop their movements, too.

I-it isnt what it looks like, Young Master. We were just doing this job as a onetime thing. Were exceedingly grateful for what youve done for us so far.

Chen stutters out an apology.

Why are they apologizing?

Ah. It could be taken that they have to look for other sources of income, because I dont treat them well enough.

Eh. I dont really care about stuff like that.

Which I say.

You dont have to say such things. Ill probably be taking jobs, as well. Do what you can to enrich yourself, as I need you strong for our group.

I laugh a little as I say this, to make them feel a bit more at ease. With the optimal conversation actions becoming a little more engrained. Which, in this case, works, as they visibly look relieved at this.

I add in something extra, as a partial joke.

Keep in mind that eventually itll you guys paying me to stay in the group once we get large enough.

She takes it seriously.

Yes, Young Master! Let us know when you do!

I give her an amused look, which seems to give her the realization that Im mostly kidding. She leans in, bringing Ju with her.

Well, charge us less then. Well definitely do something good for it.

She winks and Ju beside her, blushes a little, but nods.

They are just joking around. Mostly.

But with them stepping back, before I move to Ming and Yan, it seems the librarian that was with them excitedly checks in with the twins beside me, while addressing me.

So, is this him? Ive heard so many great things about him.

The others in the group take a breath at his really casual air. Most young masters or core disciples would take offense to a stranger acting in such a way to them.

But I can tell at a glance hes not even thinking of that. Pure bundle of curiosity.

Which is likely why hes been stored away in this library, away from others.

For me, though, hes a balm to my soul. Someone who isnt worried about all the rules and levels between people. Just another person.

So, I actually get a little excited talking to him.

Hi! Whats your name?

And hold out my hand subconsciously, before almost pulling it back. But hes the one that catches it, shaking it back.

The first time Ive received a handshake in this world.  

Ooo, a traditional Algamarian greeting. I would have never guessed. Its nice meeting another cultured individual here.

The others eyes widen and I can see a few of them listening closely and memorizing this.

Ah shoot, Ive been good about not doing that since Ive got here, but I got a little caught up. Not only that, but I havent really met that many people who reminded me so much of a person from my world.

His voice rings out again, catching my attention.

Oh! But my name is Tao. Ive lived in this library for as long as I remember, so I dont have a surname.

I feel a brush on my shoulder as Mao steps beside me, speaking out.

Brother Tao, you can trust Young Master James here. He knows about us and our qualities. Hell be able to handle the truth.

Oh. That changes some things.


The sense that he is very similar to the twins punctuates his last word, in that there is something very different about him compared to normal people.

And then it goes away. With no one else but them and I seeming to notice.

So, will you be able to help us later with the rest of the pearls?

I decide to ignore what had just happened and move on.

Well, once I get things figured out, I should be able to help with searching for more information about the pearl that I mentioned. How much? Only time will tell.

That was a clever way to see how invested I am in helping them. I need to maintain the balance of partial neutrality. Even if I like the guy, there is clearly something going on behind the scenes.

I mean, its not just the twins now that give off these weird vibes.

It almost seems as if the people in the know are some eldritch commune or something.

I should probably check into this.

No way.

Their group is actually called the Eldritch Enclave.

Well. This will be an interesting ride.

He continues, irrespective of my thoughts.

Well, thats good to hear. You will be glad to know that our people have been assisting yours, as requested. The information you gave was more than enough to lend some of our skills to making sure your people had help.

Curiously, a few of your people seem to have an affinity for some interesting methods, as you had noted.

He turns his head over to Ju, who is a little surprised at the attention, and shyly blushes because of it. She doesnt seem to be used to attention.

its ironic that she reminds me of the hexmaniac, as her optimal cultivation method was based in summoning void-based creatures. A powerful and terrifying ability.

She has an affinity and even bonuses to it, where shell have increased cultivation speed with those types of methods, as well as increased control and deeper connection with whatever she brings over.

As imagined, those creatures and beings are no joke.

But since shes only at the outer court level in the sect, she wont have access to the best methods available. I gave her the best choice that she could have based on where she is.

if everything works out in my plans, then maybe shell be able to have something better than that, though. Something Ive hinted at to her, but she doesnt seem to hold much hope towards.

Ill need to finish this stuff up first, though.

Either way, Im looking forward to working further with you and your group.

He takes a glance over at his side, at Ming and Yan.

I dont want to hold you and your group up any further, so I shall take my leave here. It truly was a pleasure to meet you, Young Master James.

Strangely, he gives respect to me, unlike the feeling I had before. He does a quick bow to the others and the twins before heading out of the room.

Maybe he gave respect because of the change in my standing with the Enclave? Something to consider for later.

I was hoping to have found a potential, albeit strange, friend. Alas, it was not meant to be.

Ming and Yan step into that gap within my thoughts.

Young master James! Glad you came, we were just looking through these books. Theres so much to read here and I cant believe what weve found. We are looking for this certain thing. Its so tough to find, we keep coming across

Yan practically had sprung forward and started speeding out her words in excitement.

In a different way from Chen and Ju, I can see that she truly is excited to see me here. And being here seems to have her in a state far different from the one I found her in on the steps.

Just by exploring and reading books in this place has gotten her excited to learn and share things with others.

And based on the fact she is still going with more information shes discovered here; I quickly discover that it was actually Ming keeping her company, rather than the other way around. He must have been politely listening and reading along, while she went on tangents about other information.

Honestly, she reminds me of myself with ADHD, back on Earth. Something that had lost its grip on me with my Healing Constitution. With only the benefits.

but shes completely healed, as well. So, this is likely just her natural personality, with the same aspects retained.

Either way, I find her excitability endearing and cant help but have a smile on my face while she talks about their findings.

Soon though, I realize I may need to keep moving, as there are others I need to visit and check in on.

well be checking the Five Precepts of Layered Power before we

hey, sorry to interrupt you, Yan. Im really enjoying this talk and I want to do this more with you later, but I will need to head over to help some others in the library.

She pauses in her tracks, with her eyes wide. She bows extremely quickly, causing certain aspects of her to move intensely.

OH! Sorry, Young Master, Ive taken too much of your time!

I wave it off.

No worries, I actually enjoyed our talk and well both have to stop by here every once in a while to find more information to discuss.

As soon as I said it, I knew that the subconscious part of my conversation abilities made it into a flirt as the best possible choice.

Theres a tiny breath from the Chen and Ju section, with the other two people there watching with wide eyes as well.

I-I-I suppose well have to. I-Ill look forward to it.

She stammers out a few words and falls (now) uncharacteristically silent. It appears she isnt against the idea.

Well. At least it worked.

I turn my attention over to Ming.

Its easy to see that this isnt the first time hes been going around helping people. I think its part of his nature to guide others and work with them. I should say something about that.

Adding to that, I actually want to try being his friend. I should start with something nice. Once we get back to the tower, Ill try to hang out with him for a bit.

Thanks for all the hard work, Ming. I know youve been helping others in the background and I wanted to let you know I appreciate it.

I can see a flash of emotion cross his features before a smile rises on it.

Thank you, Young Master. Just doing what I can.

Well, this is good enough for now. Ill do more later to get closer.

It looks like each of them has already gotten their cultivation methods and I can move on. I speak off handedly, while I turn away to leave.

By the way, the book you guys are looking for will be the Five Precepts. You were actually on the right track, and should be able to find the clients' requested information inside.

Stay safe and together on the way back to the tower.

Right as I turn away and finish my words, I can hear them all repeat in somewhat disjointed unison.

Thank you, Young Master! Will do, Young Master!

I turn back around to stop them.

Seriously, you guys dont have to do stuff that we have a different relationship than something like that. Okay?

I give them a smile, to show I mean it.

Each one of them seems uncomfortable about it, but gives a nod.

Its the best I can do. Those types of things will take time to deprogram between us.

For now, I can only do what I can do.

What I do notice, when I leave, is the curious stares of the twins beside me, who said mostly nothing this whole time. Once we get some distance, they speak up.

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