Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 287: Dragon's Tongue

Chapter 287: Dragon's Tongue

The ruins that were around us give way to a darker, less lit area.

An open space with a series of pathways leading to several silo-like structures and, upon a closer look, each of them appear to be covered in shelves and books. Theres something strange about them, though.

The books are shivering. Its almost imperceptible from how slight the movement is.

Its doesnt take a genius to figure out what they really are, considering this is a protected transition point between the public and outer court levels. Theyre golems, set to protect the area.

Which, considering the size of the silos, must mean there are hundreds of millions of golems.

But the golems by themselves wouldnt make sense.

While they can and sometimes do form artifact spirits, there has to be a way that this system identifies who is a threat or not.

Even from the lowest level I can try for, I can see thats a dangerous thing to look up directly. So, I try the next best thing.

How does this transition work between layers?

When in doubt, ask the experts. Theyll give me the general answer and I wont have to pry into deep secrets that could set things off. Best of all, my scan can at least let me know if the information is right or wrong.

Mao, despite the more solemn situation, stills seems talkative from the earlier passion rant, as she speaks up quickly.

Ah, the cart will handle all of that for us. Since its already identified you as a member of the sect and the corresponding court you are in, itll just let us through.

Now, if you didnt have the cart, it would a little more intensive. Youd have to carry your badge and let the protectors check over you. If they like you, theyll take you to a pressurized air pocket.

The protectors? That doesnt sound like the books.

Youll see them when we enter. Itll be quite obvious.

And she falls silent soon after saying it. Leading to a bit of tension hanging in the air. Whatever is here isnt something to mess around with and causes even the librarians here to be respectful or fearful, depending on how you look at it.

We arrive at the opening of where the pathway meets the silo, with an open door marking the boundary. Even from inside the cart, I can feel the fast-moving current moving through the structure. Churning and flowing from place to place inside of it. No one direction it is going in.

Swimming in such a thing would be terrifying.

Despite that, the water remains perfectly clear, where I can see everything with no issues. The inside also appears strangely bright. With the light shining out of the door.

The cart paused briefly before entering, likely transmitting data.

I also find that the silo isn't bigger inside than outside, despite recent events. It matches perfectly.

Walls covered in books. A broken pathway with floating pieces remaining in place, even with the churning currents. A space reminiscent of a pipe, just with books instead of metal.

But while the space seems to fit reality, the being inside doesnt.

Before us and curled around the interior of the tube, is a massive Chinese-styled dragon.

Its easy to think of all the dragons from fantasy I know of and believe them to be terrifying, but its another to have it staring you in the face.

Glossy white eyes with no pupils, which are definitely not blind.

An overwhelming number of teeth, of which a number protrudes from every part of its mouth.

Horns and fleshy whiskers, with a serpentine-like body. Writhing both fast and slow.

Blueish skin and scales rippling like living creatures on its body.

It feels more like an eldritch creature than fantasy. Adding that its size just doesnt feel right with space that its in makes me think it is far larger than the space it's occupying.

All of this just perched before us and staring intently.

Mao and Ling seem frozen in place. Even I feel as if something bad would happen if I moved, though nothing was telling me.

Something must be different. Why are they scared?

But then the dragon turns its head away, moving back towards the wall. Molding itself back into an unseen groove along it. But its head returns to face us there, still watching silently.

The cart continues on downward, to reach the next level, but my mind is stuck on the dragon. Mao and Ling to seem to be clenching each others hands.

that was a spirit beast. A true spirit beast.

And if Im not wrong, I think this dragon may be high core formation.

While the ones Ive tamed are certainly strong in their own way, theres a definite difference between them. Even if they were the same level I cant see any of them beating it.

Just like how the panther is a step above some others at the same level, this dragon is a flight of stairs above them.

But what scares me the most is that I can tame creatures like that. Things that surpass normal thinking. That stretches the mind and inflicts fear on a different level.

The taming cost for such a being, though, would be immense.

Contrary to cultivation-less creatures, taming works differently the higher you get from Qi Condensation. More factors come into play that are difficult for even me to track, that determine the cost of a taming contract.

And at my current stage, while I could have such a being on my side, it would wipe out most of my contracts from the cost. At the same time, recruiting one would increase my taming limits considerably.

Either way, I need to get things of that level on my side.

Because scarily enough, this is just one spirit beast of many, that is of that quality. And considering all the things Ill need to be doing, both for my group and the sect, Ill likely be facing them and stronger beings.  

should I start here?

I pause the cart. Both girls turn to me in fear. Obviously wondering why I would stop the cart in this of all places.

I use the most subtle scan I can to see if I can make a positive influence on this creature. And whether its even a good idea.

I can. But theres only one thing that would gather enough positive curiosity in an ancient spirit beast, whose job it is to guard.

I cough.

And cough. Over and over and over again.

But its not just coughing that Im doing. Im trying to practice vocalizing in tones that humans normally cant speak.

Ling is already at my side, concerned that this is the reason Ive stopped the cart.

The dragon is still staring at me, but as I continue, I can see the look it is giving us changing.

Seconds before I can finish adjusting my voice further, it has already swum over to us and staring at us directly. Only this time, its staring directly at me.

Once again, the two beside me freeze, but after noticing it staring at me, start bowing and apologizing.

Were extremely sorry for disturbing you, Elder Lu! Please forgive us and our guest for our imp

Before Mao finishes, an enormous claw appears before us, raised. But instead of striking us, it appears to be waving off her words. A calming feeling comes over us all, as it lays its qi over our bodies in communication.

I've adjusted my vocal cords to speak the dragon language Elder Lu knows.

I cant hear my voice as it comes out, but even Im surprised by the rumble that I feel pulse through the air from me. Frequencies far too low for humans to hear, but can still feel. Infrasound.

Honored (Respected) Elder. I am pleased (reverent) to be before you.

I feel a little scared when Im able to understand myself automatically from the scan, practically hearing the sound through it.

I guess having it on automatic intuitive was a good idea.

But if I was scared of myself before, Im terrified when I see the dragon open its jaws with far too many teeth and see its throat rumble silently. Emitting a frequency far lower than mine.

How interesting (delectable). A human who can speak (intone) the dragon tongue. I thought I heard a sad (disgusting) attempt before, but you fixed it. Even if it is still near a childs tone.

Tell me, child, where did you learn such knowledge?

I can feel myself gulp.

At this moment, this is almost equal to facing down the Patriarch. Trying to deceive them just enough to get by without revealing everything. Clearly, I failed the last time.

I attempt it anyway, intertwining it with truth.

I was given the knowledge (power) as a gift from a powerful benefactor outside the sect. I apologize (bow in deference) for not being able to say more.

Like many languages, each word used has multiple meanings.

In this language, I must be careful to say in all forms what I mean. As they would expect.

Even with his pupil-less eyes, I can still see the slight suspicion in them before it disappears.

Fair enough (Acceptable). For what reason have you called out to me? Other than to peak (disturb) this ones curiosity?

He pauses, clearly waiting for a response.

Alright. I have one chance here.

Honored Elder. My eyes (senses) see far and have noticed your injury. My trade (path) is of a healer. I believe I may be able to provide some assistance (comfort), if you will it.

If he looked suspicious before, now, I cant tell the look, because of its alien features. All I see is an open mouth full of teeth and closed eyes.

He speaks out louder, causing our bodies to shudder from the new, different frequency and decibels.

This whelp believes they can solve my problem? One just walking into the first realm?!

He falls silent, but our bodies and ears are still shaking. Perhaps he realized he could kill us with just his voice, if we were normal humans.

A moment passes, with my head down and no one daring to breathe.

He remains silent for a moment longer before speaking back out.

Hmph. It appears you arent all talk. If even the Head speaks well of you, then there might be something there.

I didnt think Id say this, but thank goodness that elders can communicate telepathically. But whos this Head he speaks of?

Im not given more time to think before theres a rush and swirling shift of waters around us.

A section of the dragons body appears in the distance. Strangely, it looks to be the thickness of a normal persons body. As I look down the length of it on both sides, however, I can see it grow before disappearing into the darkness.

And down the length of this section is a massive gash, purple and black. The color would have blended in, if not for the flesh that peeked out from underneath.

Horrifically, Im also able to see what caused it. A skeletal arm, embedded into it, lies at the end of the gash. A terrifying thought, that someone could inflict this much damage on such a creature with their bare hands. Even if they lost the arm in the process.

I will need to leave the cart for this.

Stepping out of the cart, I move toward the injury.

Lings hand twitches out toward me before Mao squeezes her hand, causing her to drop it immediately.

This doesnt need to be said (spoken) but dont make things worse. Or Ill make you regret wasting my time.

The rumble after his words stays in the air. The frequency of fear. Not for him, but for us.

Yeah. Dont fuck up, James.

Dont fuck up.

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