Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 292: A Change in Subject

Chapter 292: A Change in Subject

The ride through the water is silent, except for the sound of rushing water outside the bubble.

But even louder than that, is our breathing. And that I can hear all our heartbeats and blood pumping. Its a little maddening.

All thanks to my increased cultivation level. Bringing another terrifying thought.

How the heck do cultivators sit in quiet spaces for years, decades, and even centuries in a completely quiet place, while not going mad?

For those who reach foundation establishment and up, they probably can hear much more of their body processes. Though, I think their ability to hear other things much better and at greater distances still provides enough auditory stimulation.

Even with that, though, it would likely be insane. No wonder many cultivators have something wrong with their heads.

Hmm that could actually be a torture method for a higher level, using an absolutely silent sub-dimension.

Either way, I focus my mind on the group that we are heading towards. Lin Qiang, Tao Chenguang, Min and several other group members. This being the secretive woman, with her More, Daddy servant, and last, the redhead woman who used to be part of Shi Jis group.

I cant believe I really remember this woman primarily because she said More, Daddy.

Kind of hard to forget, though.

The cart rises in the water as we are back within the silo. It doesnt take too long until we pass where Elder Lu was hanging out before. He doesnt show himself, but I assume that is because he is using the opportunity to get some personal cultivation in.

Which means he really shooed us off, not to do his job, but to cultivate.

typical cultivator behavior, I guess. Though I cant blame him if hes getting the healing benefits.

Crazily enough, I havent given him the optimization, as thatll be the bait for the next level. All in due time, I suppose.

Soon enough, we leave out into the public sector of the underwater area again. After quite a distance more of travel, we finally reach the main tracks, which are all on an upward incline towards the past area.

We wont be visiting the same area that the Lin Qiang and them were in, The Greenhouse.

An area absolutely covered in all manner of flora, landscapes, and knowledge. Large spans of an area that are just a perfectly meshed mix of bookcases and trees. Completely native and interesting fauna covering and working together with the librarians.

And I wont be able to see any of it on this trip.

Since they are already out of the area and are on their way back. All because I took so much time with Elder Lu.

still worth it.

Curiously enough, the cart seems to pick up speed to catch up with their cart.

And going faster and faster.

It doesnt feel natural. Making me take a peek over at the twins beside me. And come to my answer.

Ling is spreading her hands out before her, hovering over the back of the cart.

Theres no motor system there, but a formation which is powering the cart itself. It seems she is making slight adjustments to it to speed it up, something already built already into the formation to do.

Likely, to help us get there quicker, so we can move on to what they need me to do. Something I wont complain too much about.

And because of her efforts, we should meet up with them in the next few minutes.

Though, I find myself curious at the blurring water around us and how we will stop safely.

This formation having the ability to incorporate adjustment parameters is valuable information for future reference. I definitely will need to make something like this for our group, both for creating something like the carriages/carts, and for other things.

Since I already have the stuff from the formation expert

So, I study all that shes doing, to glean what I can.

All until I sense the group ahead of us, with us approaching fast. Ling seems to be quick on the uptake, hooked into the carts system.

We slow down over time until we match their speed. And Im able to get a clear look at them, with a thought dominating my mind.

My goodness, thats a large cart.

Theres at least 15 people in the cart. And I cant tell whether the cart was always that size or it expanded to fit that many people.

Likely the former, as when we were originally waiting for the carts, they would appear based on your group size and needs. Im not totally sure how it figured out that one.

Thats not the only thing I try to figure out, though.

 My head rapidly turns in a certain direction as I hear something from their group.

Look, its Master James.

this daddy woman.

The way she says these things causes shivers to go up my spine. And I KNOW shes doing it on purpose. Im sure shes probably done her research on me and learned about whats previously happened with the Yellow Sashes. Including my potential interests.

Best thing I can do is to not react more than I already have.

I give a quick nod to her and greet the rest of the group.

Hey. I just wanted to check up on you guys to make sure everything went well and if you needed any help.


A shockingly loud voice penetrates my ears and I see a flurry of red hair smack Chenguang (the servant) in the face repeatedly, as Min answers my question with a series of head shakes and a shout.

And frantically starts apologize to Chenguang once she realizes this.


The hair victim in this situation has her fingers on the bridge of her nose, as she speaks with a measure of irritation.

Its fine, Min. Calm down. And stop shouting all the time.

Min goes quiet almost immediately, with a small bit of tension still lingering in the air. Revealing things may not be as harmonious in my group as I might have hoped.

Funnily enough, though, this seems to have stopped the flirting from Chenguang in its tracks. As Im almost sure she would have tried another route after not getting a response to her Master address.

Lin Qiang, the master of Chenguang, speaks up to change the subject.

So just an update for you, Master. All of us found our methods, as you instructed. No need to worry on our behalf. Well be heading back to the entrance and moving to purchase items.

While speaking, she referenced the rest of the group, who are average, but part of her increased posse.

After saying that, she does pause before adding something else.

Is there anything you would like us to do for you? Anything, Master.

I feel that both of them are on a similar page. Calling me Master and saying theyll do anything. Once again, Ill use the non-reaction treatment.

No, this much is fine. You guys go ahead. Theres still much I will need to do before I head back to the tower.

Head back to the towers with the others as a group once you are done. Stay safe and protect each other.

I can see the barest flash of disappointment at my lack of reaction before she smiles and nods.

Understood. We look forward to seeing you back there, then.

The carts separate and I can see them head off into the distance.

And now Im left with the twins. Who are now about to take control of the cart and lead me to God-knows-where.

Lets just get this over with.

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