Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 329: The Calm Before the Storm

Chapter 329: The Calm Before the Storm

As I head back to the entrance of the North Tower, I can see Ai, Lin, and Shi sitting and chatting in one of the socializing spaces down here.

The moment they see me, they seem to flash a smile at each other before heading over to me.

I cant help but notice that though Ai and Lin are wearing the standard flowing clothes of this culture, Shi is back in her comfort zone of tight fitting, biker-gang style black leather. With her height, red hair, and eyes, its really fitting and attractive, despite not being the norm.

She seems to notice my glances and blushes a bit. I can feel my own cheeks heating up in return.

Especially after optimizing her, shes become even more alluring and fitting to my preferences.

Man. The people in this world really dont know what they are missing out on with hot older women. To think that a beauty like this is viewed as too old, even though shes only 35.


Before I can physically shake my head at the thought, Ai speaks out to me.

James! We thought you might head back here to do some more work. Are you all finished at the hospital?

Yeah, I wanted to finish out some more plans while we were still here.

They take another look at each other before briskly moving to my side. Ai and Lin grip both my arms, while Shi takes my hand. Despite their assertiveness, its obvious they arent trying to be forceful about it. Just making sure I cant move away.

Youve been working non-stop for the past week. Even if you can heal, you know it can still take a toll on yourself. Come over here. Weve prepared something for you.

They end up bringing me to the seats where they were earlier, moving a chair out for me to sit in. Still gripping my arms in a death lock.

you know Im not going to run away from you all, right? You dont have to be so vigilant.

Ais lips purse and she gives a nod to the others, leading both her and Lin to release their grip.

As a joke, I suddenly move as if to run, but it looks like Shi is about to tackle me, so I stop.

Okay, okay, okay, Ill stop playing around. What did you have for me? If it makes you guys feel better, I can take a break for a bit before getting back to work.

The room goes silent. None of them are really saying anything, but their faces are red.

I suspected some erotic things might happen tonight. And from the subtly revealed matching undergarments from Shi, that practically confirms it.

But what could have them so embarrassed out here?

Ai reaches to the side of the table, where a large container sits. Placing it on the table. It doesnt take a genius to figure out what theyve done.

Opening the lid, she takes out a series of unmistakably homemade, packaged meals. Each of which, when opened, is still hot and cold, respectively.

Meat buns, noodles, meat dishes.

More and more food come out.

And more. And more. All until the table is filled.

Im almost totally sure that this meal was meant for all of us to share, not just for me, considering their tastes. Shi calls out to me, explaining her intentions.

We know that your healing may replace your energy, but having a meal should still give you more energy. Not only that, but we wanted to spend some time with you. We havent really had a chance to do so, yet, after all.

Yeah, they are right. Though, Im a bit surprised since it seems like it may have been Shis idea.

Maybe I shouldnt be. I did say to her I wanted to get closer to the person I have my first time with. Considering their other 'preparations', I should mentally prepare myself for it.

Each of them takes seats around the table, and as this all looks delicious, I dive right into those meat buns.

OOOOOooooo. These are heavenly. It's been way too long since I've eaten.

I may not have to eat, but I really should do this more. Adding to that, they are just that good.

How does it taste?

The fated question comes.


I immediately take another bite as confirmation.

All three beam over at me, blinding me with their wholesomeness.

Shi did most of the work, but Ai and I helped with everything!

Lin speaks up, somewhat cockily. Looks like shes quite proud of their work. They dive into it soon after that and a pleasant atmosphere arises.

And even as we eat, we make some small talk. Some laughter at the recent events. And even a bit of excited discussion on the surprises that none of us expected on our journeys.

and while we were traveling up the steps, one of the young masters with no backing tried to bully us!

Yeah, luckily, Gongs swarms were there to show them they had no chance.

The way they flow over people like a wave gives me shivers every time. Im so glad shes with us.

It really is a peaceful time. One that goes by too quickly, as even though its only been a few hours, it feels like only half of one had passed, with the food long having been finished.

Right as the conversation starts to die down, I shift to stand up. But their eyes fixate on me, the situation not tense, but also not peaceful.

My scan tells me that if I move to go somewhere, theyll be following me and directing me to my room for shenanigans. To which Im both nervous, excited, and also completely goes against what I need to do for the next few days.

I decide to head off this so they can know my plans.

You know, I recently found I have a new ability. One that I should do for the next few days.

Lin is actually the one to counter first.

Really? I feel like we were just talking about how great slee rest would be for you.

Uh, yeah. However, I think you should see what I can do now. Ill stand up and show you.

I rise to my feet, gradually, as they follow suit. Their eyes locked onto me; their cheeks reddened.

Shi is the one to defuse the situation, though.

Ladies, we dont want to corner him. Right? Weve all seen the glances hes given us. He already knows that we want to be with him tonight.

Theres no need to pressure him if he doesnt want to.


She swiftly takes a few steps closer after saying that, and I feel a hint of danger. I instinctively step backward.


Did she just click her tongue? What was she about to do?

Sigh Could you show us your new ability? If you are going to these lengths after what we talked about, Im sure its important.

After her saying that, the air relaxes a bit and I nod in affirmation.

Holding out my hand, I condense the qi around us.

With all of them being knowledgeable cultivators, they can immediately figure out my action.

Theres no way you found a way to condense spirit stones?

I give a nod before two stones pop into existence in front of me.

Two?! And instantly?

Shi shouts out loud in surprise.

My qi fills right after.

After filling back up, another two stones pop out within the next 15 seconds. They all look shocked to the core.

Ai is the one who speaks for the group.

I shouldnt be surprised, as it makes sense, with your healing abilities. I see why you wanted to get an early start then. If you can make them this quickly, then every moment is an opportunity lost.

While the others are still stuck in place, she actually heads behind me, giving me a hug from behind.

With that said, I dont want you all alone up there.

Doing this by yourself all the time. By yourself.

Theres not much we can do, but can you allow us to stay up there too? To help you with the small amount that we can.

She looks over at Shi.

Since shes a foundation establishment, if you use your healing on her at the same time that we all do group cultivation, the rate of spirit stones should go up, right? So, lets do it together.

There is a pause before Lin speaks up alongside her sister.

Even with that, it might be good to consider that because of your speed of creating them that you can stop from time to time. To have time to do other things.

She turns red and whispers a little.

us included.



Theyre quite good, getting me with logic and emotions like this. Even if Shi wasnt able to condense stones, having them up there while I do this would be great for their cultivation.

I absolutely want that for them, now that I think of it. And considering the amount of qi draw that I have, with the fact that Id be healing Shi the additional inflow of qi from the sub-dimension would significantly improve their cultivation by leaps and bounds.

Even if I wont be using any of it, that doesnt mean that they cant.

and her last words are tempting.

They are looking at each other with some hope, with a shared camaraderie. I cant bring myself to stand against something that I know I should accept.

I give a defeated nod, to which they cheer.

Actually, why am I fighting this? Wouldnt finally letting go of my virginity with three beautiful women, that I trust deeply, be a good thing?

Huh. I guess Im just nervous. Adding to that, Im not used to poly relationships at all

Especially considering how I was raised.

But thats not how things are done here. If I were to focus only on Ai or Lin, that would completely wreck our relationship. Causing them a lot of pain between them. Not only that, but their little team has always included Gong, and now Shi is a part of it too.

This isnt all bad for me, though. Id be lying if I said having multiple attractive, understanding, and caring partners in a stable relationship wouldnt be something Im interested in.

I should move past my current comfort zone on this. Ill treat this as a new start.

 This is the time to show them I care for them and will embrace them.

That doesnt mean well have sex, but it means that I will be open to accepting them and their affections in the romantic sense.

breathe in. breathe out.

You got this, James.

I keep repeating that, as without further ado, we head up the tower and begin processing countless stones.

Something that feels like it began and ended in a flash, as many hours pass. Certainly, because my mind is much more focused on the upcoming situation than the money Im making.

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