Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 333: Qi Treasure Creator

Chapter 333: Qi Treasure Creator

Muskets, rifles, machine guns, explosives.

At the core of many of these weapons comes one fundamental concept.

Something moving really fast, into or through something else. An application of violent force and destruction. Just because cultivators have enhanced bodies and techniques, doesnt mean they are immune to this phenomenon.

And when you add qi powered techniques behind these, it reaches an unprecedented strength. The only issue, as it is in my old world, is the precision during the creation process.

The spirit stone process is still operating seamlessly, so I might as well use this time to draft the blueprints and requirements for the Trauma Team's equipment, as well as the drones. Both of which will need weapon systems.

The key to these instructions will be ways to allow for safe experimentation for the reader. Theres no way that they will create a finished product for the first time. But if I can help them through an iterative process, that will fit what I need.

Not only that, but I might still be able to use the first experiments for other purposes

And so, I work on writing information, step by step. All the while, stones constantly appear at my side. Periodically, I have to condense them all further into a superior spirit stone, to save space. A wild concept for anyone else.

I find it a little surprising that I finish the all the blueprints and instructions in only an hour.

 I guess increasing in the stages has had large effects on my writing speed and processing speed. Its almost like Im just sketching the words on the page, rather than writing line by line.

With that done, I move onto several other things I wanted to accomplish before I leave for Monchon City. Improvements to my followers cultivation methods, merchant investment instructions, special techniques to share at certain times, and events that will come up and how to handle them. And many others that I had promised and planned for.

Like a blur, I write and write and write. Moving from one task to another.

All while I do this, I can sense Ai, Lin, and Shi popping in from time to time. Even Mei Lin has stopped by the tower to peek in on me. They seem to be making their own preparations, as well.

It appears that Ill be having quite the sizable group to accompany me to the city.

That makes me kind of happy, actually.

While I can manage it alone, as I have with the forest, Patriarch, Librarian, and other situations its lonely. Adding to it, having them there, as other elements that can be helpful just from their presence. Like Ai and Lin with Gong. Or Shi, with the Yellow Sashes.

I just need to make sure everyone will be safe and prepare for the worst so that the worst doesnt happen or gets mitigated.

Even if I want to do the right thing, it wont matter if I and the people I love arent strong enough to resist the wrong things done to us.

So, for the rest of the day, I continue on these tasks. Preparation and planning.

I even plan out what Ill be doing for the next few days.

Setting up alchemical solutions for emergencies. Preparing my first talismans and materials to make more. And, of course, cultivating to allow myself to move to the next later.

There will also be one last thing I make sure to do.

Make my own weapons.

While I already possess the power equivalent to that of a light gun, the same cannot be said for an RPG. Something quite simple to construct and implement protections. With my alchemical skills, Ill be able to compound on it and add some distance to my alchemy. That doesnt even include the additional effects I could put into it.

I won't be able to use my prodigious cultivation base to power any weapons. Any actions I take using my cultivation method to control and manipulate the qi around me cant be used for offensive techniques. Which ties into it, regrettably.

Now, if I condense a spirit stone in the weapon, then it is the spirit stone and the item itself making the actions. Of course, this doesnt even include the weapons from my world that didnt have any qi.

With that said, considering how large my cultivation base is getting, I feel like I may not need to manipulate it with my cultivation base, to use it as a tool in the future.

I mean, I am already at cultivation base for an early Nascent Soul cultivator, in terms of quantity. Quality-wise, I am so far off its not even funny. Especially since every realm increases the density, quality, and useability of the qi.

So, I cannot even in the same dimension to someone of that level yet.

But quantity is still a quality of its own. I can try things that a Nascent Soul would never even consider, because I dont have better alternatives. And because of the sheer quantity, I can use it to fight against Core Formations.

For creating these tools, I will need a good Qi Treasure creator or raise one up myself. Most likely, the best option will be the latter.

Thats because Qi Treasure Creators are the closest to the type of engineer that I would need to make a normal gun. Not to mention a gun powered by qi.

When they create their qi treasures, they have to consider what they know about physics, chemistry, and the nature of the materials they work with, besides the qi pathways they build into the items.

Just like how a healer has to know alchemy to be successful, an esteemed qi treasure creator should know how to make talismans and formations.

Which also means they need at least be a foundation establishment cultivator, because of the formation aspect. Of course, there are ways around this for qi treasures, which I will exploit, but generally thats the case.

But to start off with, I wont need someone in the Foundation Establishment stage. Just someone who can learn engineering principles and use qi to make precise changes to metal.

And I have just the person.

When I brought everyone into the main room to optimize their bodies and give them a spirit stone, I used the very first low-class person I treated as an example to show the others that they could be more. That they have a chance to become successful cultivators.

That normal guy, He Wen, is who I want to be our Qi Treasure Creator.

However, he doesnt have any special abilities. No special constitution. And not even an affinity to one method or another.

What he has is a wish to become something greater and an interest in becoming qi treasure creator. Because of that, I think he will be an awesome choice for it.

Hell be using the Omnibus Cultivation System as his method, at least initially, but like some others in the group, Ive written specific actions and techniques for him to practice. We can incorporate these into the method, enabling him to still embark on that journey.

Actually why dont I just take him with me?

Of course, I was planning on giving him a jade slip for engineering and such, but why not build the tools alongside him? Have him see someone create them, while he does so as well. With my scan, I'll be able to help him improve swiftly and answer questions right away. Even better, it will allow me to make sure that the person I have building this learns all the right things.

If he learns to use them then it will only mean greater improvements down the line.

Also, I need a guy friend.

Like honestly. Ive only been around women this whole time. Or alone.

Neither of which is good for me in the long run.

There were a few people I was hoping could be that for me, but maybe I just need a normal person to hang out with.

to think that after coming to another world, I end up craving some normalcy.

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