Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World

Chapter 338: Forging Friendships

Chapter 338: Forging Friendships

Finding He Wen is the straightforward part of my next goal.

Getting him to come with me will be the tough part.

Yeah this is the part I wanted to avoid when finding a friend, but is kind of tough to not run into. Being friends with your employees.

Obviously, it is possible. But exceedingly difficult. Especially in a world like this where there are established social hierarchies. Not to mention the cultivation ones. But I have a solution.

Brute forcing it.

Yep. Im going to be his friend, whether he likes it or not.

This will make things awkward as heck, but showing immense amounts of friendly goodwill towards someone is a proven way to have friendships in this world, even beyond social classes. Even more so, if it is coming from the top down.

The most important aspect is to distinctly separate the boundaries and expectations of friendship and work.

Something that I dont do for Ai, Lin, and the others Im close with. Or any of the women Im attracted to.

Huh. I seem to have a problem. One of my own makings.

This may be quite tougher than I thought.

I immediately realize that I've already set up a standard in our group. And if I dont do the same thing with He Wen there will most definitely be future strain in our relationship.

I use my scan to figure out some options.

One is obvious.

Reset all of my relationships outside the people closest to me. Verbally and procedurally setting a new standard.

But that will surely reinforce some of the same cultural behaviors that Ive been trying to train everyone here out of.

So. That ones out.

The other is to treat everyone as I have been. But include the guys in it more. And reinforce the relationships as more of an equal status between all of us. A shared struggle.

Which is easy to say. However, I have a clear biased towards helping women and children.

Guys I still treat fairly, but seem to be less forgiving of. A self-evaluation tells me that comes a bit from my own cultural and personal bias.

If I want to make the society follow a better way I have to be better myself.

I know Im going to fail on this, but I have to try to change.

Bearing these thoughts, I make my way towards the area where He Wen has been lingering.

The smithing section.

As I come close, I can sense the heat pouring out of the building. The sound of clanging resounds around the area. Walking through the door reveals several people working together on some kind of project.

I soon find that it is a human-sized metal puppet.

Hmm this must be for the groups combat training. Considering their increased strength, I bet it surprised them they would need this for their combat training in such a short time.

It is a reminder that at a certain point in cultivation, leather and stuffing just wont cut it. Itll break apart with a literal wave of the hand. Instead, metal combat dummy's are made to take it.

Using metal marbles and chain mesh, they construct them to withstand slashes, blows, and other physical trauma. However, it requires careful crafting to last longer.

Which is why I hear a groan from one of the more experienced smiths here.

Sigh. Stop, stop, stop. Bring the piece back over here. Well need to reforge it, since you twisted it too tightly. You keep trying these new techniques, but we only have so much metal right now.

A tall, well-built black-haired man, covered in soot, rushes over to one of the crafting tables. Ironically, the person he takes the chain link from is He Wen. Luckily, there doesnt seem to be any animosity between the two, just a focus to get this done.

I just cant seem to get that twist right. Let me do it again. Ill get it right this time.

Yeah, yeah. You say that every time. Whens the next time Wen?

A chuckle spread across the group at the wordplay with a groan from him.

Come on, we have plenty of materials and were even told to train by the Young Master. When else can I have a chance like this?

Another guy speaks up at that.

The mans got a point. Heck, at my pops shop, I couldnt touch even touch the good materials. This is practically an apprentice's dream!

The tall guy waves his hands a bit, quieting everyone down so that he can speak. Its clear he has the most influence here and experience. And from my memory, wealthy merchant group background. Clearly, with a production focus from what Im gathering.  

Theres a reason apprentices start on the tough materials first. It weeds out those without patience and the unskilled. Its also meant to teach the apprentice to watch and learn before doing.

He gives a look around with a wry grin.

"I dare say that my family wouldn't have allowed most of us, including me, into their workshops, after our first attempts." Me included.

Personally, Im grateful that we can do this. While I may have some skill, I never could

He pauses, hesitant to continue. One of the guys puts his hand on the tall guy's shoulder.

Words are unnecessary.

Theres some merit in training on tough first, as a way to test a persons patience.

Nevertheless, there are an equal number of disadvantages. You could discourage talent by making them believe they are unskilled, when they just needed a bit more of a guiding hand. Teaching on small concepts and building off those same ones has great merit on its own, as well.

I should take this time to reinforce that.

I walk in with a level voice.

Well, Im glad my intentions have come through to you all.

Everyone's back straightens, and then promptly bows, to which I wave off.

No need to bow, guys. You dont need to be so stiff.

I look over at some mistakes they have piled in the corner.

In fact, Id prefer it if we could be much more casual. While my circumstances were a bit different, I was the same way. If I wasnt given the resources that I have well, I wouldnt have the opportunity to help you all. Thats why Im relying on you all to do the same for others.

To take the lessons from this. That people deserve chances, kindness, and generosity. And that something special may arise because of it. Sometimes, having the chance to try something new is enough.

I pause to make sure what Ive said reached them. I believe so.

Thats not why Ive come today, though. He Wen, I actually wanted to speak to you, when you have a free moment.

He leaps in place upon hearing his name. But immediately answers in the affirmative.

Of course, Young Master! We can go right now, if youd like.

Yeah, this will be tough to push through the boss, employee relationship.

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