Forced to Sell Myself to the Female Lead After Killing the Male Lead

Chapter 49 - 49

Chapter 49: Chapter 49

"Kr, Kri, Lord Krimed??"


How did he??

How did he just drop dead like that?!

Witnessing the fortress commander, corroded entirely by the black liquid, turning into a pool of blood,

The nearby Galros soldiers were terrified, their eyes shaking, as if struck by a bolt from the blue.

It was indeed hard to accept that a commanding officer could just die so inexplicably from an Abyssal demon attack.

'Are you kidding me?!'


This sudden strike also jolted the soldiers back to their senses, and they looked at the encroaching black tide of demons in sheer terror! Although it was hard to believe, the Abyssal demons seemed to be warning them with their actions:

'-You bunch of lowlifes! Don't you dare ignore us!-'

Reality proved,

The enemy would not grant them enough time to talk.

Feeling the overwhelming pressure from the approaching Abyssal demon horde, Meng Xi bit her lip and hurriedly looked at the vice leader, who was already somewhat dazed nearby.

"What are you still dawdling for?!!"


After being yelled at by Meng Xi, the vice leader suddenly snapped back to reality, looking at the masked silver-haired girl in astonishment.

"Are you, are you talking to... to me?"

"Of course! Aren't you second in command?! Krimed that bastard is dead! You're in charge now! Hurry up and activate the city-protecting array! Otherwise, everyone will die!"

"oh.., yes!!"

Hearing Meng Xi's words, the vice leader suddenly realized the urgency of the situation. Ignoring whether Meng Xi and the others were infected, and the matter of Krimed's death, she quickly shouted with the help of magic at a high-ranking mage within the fortress:

"Mr. Abimo! Hurry up and activate the city-protecting magic!"


After receiving the order,

The man named Abimo, a middle-aged man with a strange hairstyle , immediately inserted the magic array in his hands into the array eye on the ground! Almost all his magic power, as a sixth-tier peak mage, was channeled into the array eye through his staff!

'High-level Magic - Haro's Heavy Magic Barrier!'

The man began chanting the spell.

In an instant, as the blue magic power surged wildly, a magic array constructed of deep blue runes abruptly emerged above the ground! As the magic power flowed further, the light from the magic array grew brighter!

At the same time, dozens of fifth-tier mages who had just rushed to the city wall from the rear, upon seeing the formation of the blue array, knelt down without a word, their hands touching the ground, directly channeling all their power into the city wall!


The already-charged magic devices also emitted strong magic power fluctuations. Guided by the magic array, the power of the mages and the energy stored in the magic devices were completely released at this moment, pouring ceaselessly into the city wall!

As the power continued to flood in, and with the further chanting of the mages, blue magic runes were immediately drawn on the surface of the wall!

As the incantation emerged, a deep blue light barrier suddenly shot up from the ground, forming around the perimeter of the city walls, and abruptly enveloping the entire Galos Fortress within it!

The moment the city defense array was activated,

Under the anxious gazes of everyone, the black tidal wave formed by the Abyssal demons fiercely collided with the light barrier!

"Boom! Boom! ~~"

In an instant, a series of resounding collision sounds violently reached everyone's ears! The surging, overwhelming force of shadows ceaselessly battered the blue magic barrier, as the Abyssal demons' sharp fangs and claws madly attacked it.

The barrier, when attacked, didn't back down and released a massive amount of lightning , forcing many Abyssal demons to retreat in succession.

The weaker ones were even directly turned into charred corpses.

Despite this, the horde of demons showed no signs of fear and continued their relentless assault on the barrier!

Various horrifying and heart-pounding sounds echoed all around,

The oppressive feeling brought by the countless Abyssal demons made everyone in the Galos Fortress hold their breath, as the entire fortress was swallowed by the demons' murderous and boiling roars.


No matter what, judging from the current situation,

This city defense array, prepared for hundreds of years, had come in handy, temporarily blocking the attack of the Abyssal demons with the more than 50 meters high barrier released along the walls. Although it was unclear how long they could hold out, they were safe for the time being.

Seeing this,

The vice leader, who had been tense for a long time, finally let out a long sigh of relief, kneeling down on the ground as if a heavy burden had been lifted.

Due to the presence of the magic array, the defenders couldn't launch a large-scale bombardment against the demon horde. What she needed to do now was maintain the magic array as much as possible, and hold out until reinforcements arrived.

Of course,

The prerequisite was that if no higher-ranked Abyssal demons appeared.

If that happened, whether the city's magic defenses could withstand the attack would be an unknown factor...

On the other side,

After Krimde's death,

The remaining vice leader, out of fear for the influence of the Asumos Church, didn't continue to give Ming xi and the others a hard time.

After casually summoning a mage to verify that there was no trace of the shadowy force on their bodies, she agreed to let them enter the fortress.

Although the crisis was far from over,

For these knights of the Church, they had already escaped the jaws of death Twice, and their hearts were filled with joy from surviving this disaster.

Of course,

Except for one person – Ming Xi.

At this moment, a hint of joy was present in Meng xi's light purple eyes, but even more so, there was an indescribable heaviness.

As she was about to follow the city guards down the walls, she couldn't help but look back at the terrifying horde of Abyssal demons surging in from the distance. The silver-haired girl's eyes narrowed slightly.


Something was really off.

From the moment the Abyssal demon horde used that black lasers to attack the mages casting spells, it was clear that they had long-range attack capabilities! They couldn't possibly be the type to seek close combat like fools.

'But, if that was the case?'

So why Didn't they use long-range attacks when they chased us before? If they had used that kind of skill earlier, we would have undoubtedly been in great danger.

'Also, aren't those abyssal demons a bit strange?'

After calming down,

Meng Xi carefully recalled the details of the previous chase,

It was fine not to recall,

Once recalled, Meng Xi's brows furrowed even tighter,

She didn't know if it was her illusion, but those abyssal demons seemed to have almost caught up with them several times, yet they inexplicably fell behind again.

It felt like the monsters were acting or holding back for some reason.

'No, no, no! Impossible!? What am I thinking!'

Meng Xi couldn't help but shake her head wildly, trying to get rid of the unrealistic thoughts in her mind.

Abyssal demons should be irrational,

It's impossible for them to think so much...


It's really strange, isn't it?


The last attack on Krimed,

Why choose krimed out of so many people? That guy clearly hadn't released his fighting spirit yet.

It feels like they were trying to help us...

The more she thought about it, the more confused Meng Xi became.

The pink-haired girl in her arms had an increasingly subtle expression...

Just as Meng Xi was struggling,

Gasping for breath, Garona quickly came to Meng Xi's side,

"Captain, what should we do now?"


Garona's words temporarily pulled Meng Xi out of her tangled thoughts,

Her mind returned to the real world.

Looking at the extremely embarrassed teammates in front of her, and the two remaining knights of the Asumos Church behind them, Meng Xi couldn't help but sigh,


'Now is not the time to think about those questions,'

With that in mind, Meng Xi took a deep breath and gave a serious order,

"Galona, you've all exhausted yourselves. Go rest and drink some recovery potions to regain your strength."

"Yes, but, Captain? What about you?"

"As for me,"

Meng Xi said, looking down at the battered pink-haired girl in her arms. The girl seemed to sense Meng Xi's gaze, slowly raised her head, and stared at Meng Xi with her beautiful eyes like blue sapphires, blinking innocently.

Her eyes seemed to have lost the initial vigilance,

What was left was a touch of innocence and curiosity,

"As for me, I'll take this child for treatment first. Otherwise, I'm afraid her wounds will worsen."

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