From Human to Skeleton: Revived with Infinite System Crystals

Chapter 132: Kieran's Fight

Kieran's determination flared as she clenched her teeth, her eyes narrowing on the captain's disinterested gaze. Undaunted, she boldly declared, "Just you watch," her voice laced with a mix of challenge and promise.

She channeled her energy, focusing it intensely into her whip. The air around her hummed with power as a vibrant blue aura surged from her and into the weapon. The whip crackled with this newfound energy, becoming a conduit for her fierce resolve.

With a swift, agile motion, Kieran lunged forward. Her movements were a blend of grace and ferocity, closing the distance between her and the captain in a heartbeat. As she swung her whip, the energy seemed to crescendo, reaching its peak just as the whip made contact.

The captain, with a calm that belied the intensity of the moment, raised a single hand above his chest, poised to block. His stance was relaxed yet ready, an embodiment of experienced confidence.

At the moment of impact, the energy from Kieran's whip erupted. It didn't simply dissipate upon contact; instead, it exploded outwards in a spectacular display, scattering in all directions around the captain. The scene was akin to a storm of blue light, each tendril of energy dancing and twisting in the air.

The captain, now encased in this swirling aura of blue, looked almost ethereal. Despite the chaotic energy surrounding him, his expression remained unfazed. He looked at Kieran, his voice calm yet carrying an undertone of curiosity, "And what will this do?"

The intensity of the battle escalated as Kieran, with a fierce crack of her whip, unleashed a volley of energy beads. They pierced through the energy field enveloping the captain, striking him with precision.

Yet, astonishingly, they left no visible marks on him. Through this maelstrom of energy, the captain's voice emerged, acknowledging her skill. "That is a good move," he conceded, "definitely something that could catch a pesky devil off guard. Though far too weak in potency."

Undeterred, Kieran continued her assault, her whip lashing out relentlessly in every direction. With each strike, small explosions erupted, gradually building a cloud of smoke that shrouded the captain from her view. The arena seemed to pulsate with the echoes of their confrontation.

For a fleeting second, Kieran flinched, her instincts sensing a shift. Had she stunned him? Her hope was short-lived as she realized the energy trap around him was beginning to deform. He was on the move, and rapidly closing in on her.

In a flash of green, his fist connected squarely with her jaw, the force of the blow propelling her toward the coliseum walls. But before she could collide with the hard surface, the captain teleported behind her, his presence almost ghostlike. His hand firmly on her back, he cautioned, "Please try not to damage any of the surrounding area. It's sacred ground."

Kieran, already reeling from the sudden proximity and the captain's unexpected words, was caught off-guard by his next move. Without a moment's hesitation, he fired a beam of green energy directly at her back. The energy pierced her skin and clothes with alarming precision, and she felt a sharp, searing pain. Overwhelmed, she dropped to one knee, her strength faltering.

But the captain wasn't done yet. In a swift motion, he delivered a powerful kick to her chest. The force of the impact sent her flying back towards the center of the coliseum. As she landed, Kieran could feel the warm trickle of blood from the wounds on her back and the side of her stomach.

Pain coursed through her body, and her vision began to blur, the edges darkening as she struggled to stay conscious.

Through her hazy vision, she heard the captain's voice, tinged with annoyance. "Oh come on, I know The great Aurelius didn't just waste my time to handle his misfits, did he?! You do have some talent, now don't you?!"

His words, though laced with frustration, also carried a hint of recognition of her abilities, albeit grudgingly.

Kieran, on the ground, her breathing ragged and labored, tried to focus through the pain and the blur. The captain's words echoed in her ears, a mix of challenge and acknowledgment. She knew she had to muster whatever strength she had left.

As Kieran lay battered and weakened on the ground, the captain's disdain for her current state was evident. "If this is all you are worth, I will just put you out of your misery now," he declared with cold resolve.

Raising his hand above his chest, he summoned a ball of green energy, its ominous glow casting a pall over the coliseum. "After this, I'll fight that worthless Aurelius for wasting my time. Then, at least, I can burn off some steam."

The green energy blast, charged with destructive intent, fired towards Kieran. In a desperate attempt, she dug her hands into the dirt, struggling to lift herself up. Her mind, swirling in pain and determination, flashed back to Ty's demands for her never to let such defeat happen again, to become stronger.

Amidst this turmoil, a vivid vision of Erebos emerged, transporting her back to their intense fight on Earth. Erebos' mocking tone, his piercing stare with those haunting red eyes, all flooded back to her. It was a confrontation that had pushed her to her limits, a memory that ignited a flicker of defiance within her.

In that fleeting moment of recollection, something extraordinary happened. Kieran's eyes, reflecting her resolve and the surge of energy within her, shifted to a deep red hue, mirroring the intensity she remembered in Erebos' gaze. Then, with a burst of energy, four tendrils of blue energy erupted from her back. They were like living entities, each tendril acting with a purpose of its own.

These tendrils reached out, intertwining and weaving into a protective barrier. As the captain's green energy blast made contact, the tendrils acted like octopus suction cups, absorbing the attack.

The green energy, once menacing and destructive, faded into the translucent blue tendrils, its power seemingly neutralized by Kieran's unexpected defense.

Aurelius, observing the unfolding battle, couldn't hide his surprise at Kieran's sudden transformation. He stood up, his eyes fixed on the scene, as Kieran, now exuding a newfound confidence, turned towards the captain.

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