Game Transmigration: Saving the World Again 1000 Years Later

Chapter 141 - 141 Impeachment and Narration

141 Impeachment and Narration

With that said, the entire Phoenix Hall fell silent. For a moment, only the sound of the Phoenix Holy Fire burning could be heard.

Some lowered their heads, and some looked at Remides, who was sitting high above.

The magical literacy education in Ava State was far from what the Riel Empire could compare with under the shackles of the Astral Laws. Basically, a child on a sidewalk could roughly explain the levels of the Realm of Light, Astral World, Moon Realm, and Currere.

As for the huge storm that swallowed the Terra Riel expeditionary fleet 800 years ago and the abnormal storm that wreaked havoc in the Shattered Sea for more than 800 years, even if some people hadn’t realized its source back then, countless outstanding magic chanters in Ava State had sensed the essence of the power over the years.

As for Ava State, their attitude towards things related to the Moon Realm had never been friendly.


In Ava State myths, the elven ancestors were born in the flames and mist of creation. They were similar to spirit bodies. From the moment they were born, they yearned to return to the Realm of Light. Therefore, they gathered the flames that formed them into a phoenix, hoping that it could bring them back.

However, on the way to the Realm of Light, the Phoenix’s wings were snapped by an unholy existence in the Moon Realm. This caused the elven ancestors to fall from the sky. Without fire, they could only heal themselves with soil. From then on, they were bound by matter and could never return to the Realm of Light.

Although this was only a myth, it resulted in an Ava State tradition that abhorred powers related to the Moon Realm.

Therefore, although the endless storm on the Shattered Sea had indeed protected the entire Ava State for more than 800 years, the attitude of Ava State residents towards the storm and even the storm summoner, Remides, was a very sensitive subject.

This wasn’t a topic suitable for talking about at a banquet or a Mooncycle Conference at the very least.

However, Ward had exposed this charade.

Remides straightened her body slightly and asked without changing her expression,

“So? What does this have to do with your ridiculous suggestion?”

“There’s no connection. I just want to remind everyone not to use the curbing of Moon Realm powers as a reason to refute me when discussing this topic. This is because when it comes to everyone here…”

Although Ward said ‘everyone present,’ he stared at Remides while saying the next few words,

“None of you are qualified.”

Then, he continued, “Therefore, let’s discuss this topic from a more pragmatic perspective. If we accept the empire’s conditions and what we lose if we reject them. First…”

Next, Ward analyzed the pros and cons of Ava State’s two choices bit by bit like a merchant. In his words, the integration of Ava State into the Riel Empire was as easy as signing a trade agreement. Everything was like a numerical formula written on paper that could be calculated precisely.

“…As long as we do this, the sales of our art crafts to the outside world can reach the gold level of the Kings Era. As for the foreign exchange we obtain, we can use it to purchase scarce materials like Elementium Silver or Void Salt before investing it into the production cycle…”

Halfway through his sentence, the man seemed to have forgotten himself. He didn’t feel like a politician discussing important matters in Ava State with the city lords of other free city-states or the Tacma Church’s consultants at the Mooncycle Conference. Instead, he felt like a businessman who was persuading others to accept his trade contracts at a Chamber of Commerce.

Therefore, the man in dark-gold scales sitting beside him made him stop with a sentence.

“So this is what you call pragmatism? Selling Ava State for a good price?” Morton Bloodblade, the City Lord of Ava State’s warrior city, Phoenix Flame City, asked.

Ward Windsong stopped talking. He first stared at the golden-armored warrior for a while before replying,

“So what do you suggest? Bet the lives of everyone in Ava State in exchange for honor and glory? Not everyone is willing to play a game of war with no chance of winning with you, Mr. Bloodblade. I’m just pointing out an obvious way out for everyone.”

Everyone present roughly knew the scale of the empire’s army. Although the High Elves were undoubtedly much better than humans individually, they could be said to be at an absolute disadvantage in terms of numbers. After all, it was akin to comparing the resources of an entire continent to an archipelago. Moreover, with the support of the Astral Laws, the resources required for the other party to nurture a usable magic chanter were much lower than theirs.

If war really broke out, even the most optimistic ones wouldn’t dare have optimistic expectations without any external allies.

With that said, Ward glanced at the governor, Remides, who was still looking at him coldly.

He could tell from her eyes how much she accepted his previous suggestions.

“Alright, under the witness of the Phoenix Holy Fire, you can make your proposal now.”

Remides didn’t comment further. Instead, she presided over the meeting and proceeded to the next step.

As the initiator of the Mooncycle Conference, Ward could make a motion that the seven participants present had to comment on and vote on. This motion would only become a holy resolution under the witness of the Phoenix Holy Fire and be firmly implemented by the seven city-states.

However, no matter what motion it was, it had to be considered feasible by Ava State’s governor before it could enter the later voting stage.

Therefore, from this perspective, the governor had infinite veto power.

“I know that under your auspices, all motions to seek peace with the empire will ultimately be rejected by you…” Walter said slowly.

He was already prepared for this before coming here today.

As a High Elf, he knew that as a race, they were stubborn beings the longer they lived.

As for Remides Shadowmoon, she had lived for too long even by the standards of the High Elves. More than 1,000 years had allowed her to exceed stubbornness on some issues and completely solidify into a brand that couldn’t be separated from her soul.

Even if the empire’s conquest wasn’t as unacceptable as 800 years ago and they might be the ones benefiting in the end, Remides couldn’t consider this proposal.

It was impossible to rely on his previous speech to convince the other party to accept his motion. He could only use other methods.

With this in mind, Ward said solemnly, “Therefore, my motion is to impeach the current Ava State governor, Remides Shadowmoon.”

Only the impeachment motion couldn’t be recognized as an invalid motion.

Since she no longer needed to maintain the Shattered Sea Storm contract, they could naturally begin this process—impeach this state lord who had been in office for centuries.

After that, he could motion for cooperation with the empire again.

Black Crow Gaze, Dawn Fortress.

After the meeting ended, William finally had some free time.

He had been constantly traveling between Viper Scar and Thorn City. To be precise, he was traveling between the two Moon Realm rifts in the Blackwater Province.

Ever since he returned from the Moon Realm, these two locations had been very chaotic, especially the former. Without the Astral Lighthouse’s suppression, it completely revealed its essence as a Moon Realm rift. Lunar Monsters were a daily affair.

Recently, he had discovered that as long as he was close to the Viper Scar, the activity of the Moon Realm rift would correspondingly calm down. It would immediately become active once he left. Moreover, the longer he didn’t return, the greater the commotion.

William had no doubt that once he was far away, the Viper Scar would usher in a large-scale invasion.

This threw him into an extremely conflicted state.

To completely control Viper Scar, he needed to go to Ava State to get help to repair the Dawn Fortress. If he wanted to go to Ava State, he had to completely control Viper Scar.

This cycle was like a dead knot.

My head hurts…

With this in mind, William opened his cup and took a sip of the alchemy potion.

“Presiding Judge, were you looking for me?”

A ball of crow feathers took shape around William, forming Blake’s phantom.

His main body was in Dawn Hall (formerly Twilight Hall) adjusting Black Crow Gaze. He wanted to accommodate as much of Black Crow Gaze as possible without destroying the fortress’s original structure.

William said, “Sorry to ask you to come over despite your busy schedule.”

“Not at all.”

Blake’s phantom waved his hand.

Then, he continued, “However, I can roughly guess what you would like to ask. Actually, I planned on finding time to explain it to you.”

“It’s about what happened between the Judges I know after you left.”

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