Gate of Immortality

Chapter 246: Wrong!

Chapter 246: Wrong!

Yang Shi's expression grew heavy as each moment passed. He closed his mouth, but one could see that Yang Shi was extremely uncomfortable.


  Yang Shi shouted in his mind.

After reading the book of Monarch of Seven Runes and understanding a portion of Samsara Emperor's memory, Yang Shi's knowledge about the runes far exceeds an average Rune master.

When he saw the runic patterns made by Lin Ying, even without using his Celestial View, He could notice countless errors in them.

  Moreover, the patterns looked dull, like they do not have any energy within them.

  Yang Shi could guess that the concentration of Perception Stone ink Lin Ying was using so little that it's making the runes almost lifeless.

" Errm, Mister Lin, are you inscribing a Burning Petals Rune formation?" Yang Shi asked.

" I see Young Noble Yang has some understanding towards rune patterns. You are correct; I am making a Burning Petal Rune formation."

" With this, one can easily utilize the ground fire, and cooking beast meat will be much easier." Lin Ying spoke.

" But, As far as I know, there should be seven basic Fire runes with a rank one Burning rune in the middle, right?" Yang Shi asked again.

" Oh, that? I know." Lin Ying said.

" But why you have inscribed only four Basic Fire runes with a Burning rune?" Yang Shi questioned as he pointed at it.

" Young noble Yang, some things are just better to remain in books."

" If I draw seven of basic runes, the rune formation will collapse as a single Burning rune can't handle them all." Lin Ying answered

" Collapse? B-but why they would collapse? If you use Binding Runes to connect them, it won't collapse at all." Yang Shi advised.

  " Do you not know the Rune Formation Spirit Technique?"

" Rune Formation Spirit Technique? You mean the legendary technique which allows one to connect several runes in one go and enhance the performance of Rune Formation?"

" That technique was lost a long ago." Lin Ying shook his head.

Suddenly his hands trembled as he made a mistake in the inscription.

" Damn it! I have to do it all over again." Lin Ying sighed. But his expression was calm, like such mistakes are very common.

" Such things happen during inscription. I wish I had the ability of my master."

" He could make this rune formation without any mistakes." Lin Ying chuckled

Yang Shi almost punched him on his face. It was a common rune formation and even in that, this bastard is making mistakes.

But Yang Shi couldn't understand how an important technique like Rune Binding Spirit Technique got lost. No, it wasn't lost at all.

The Rune Binding Spirit Technique was hidden inside the book of Monarch of Seven Runes.

  If one wants to learn the Rune Binding Spirit Method without learning directly, they have to learn the Spirit Chain Method described in the book

But Spirit Chain Method was perhaps too basic and low for cultivators, so they generally go after higher grade techniques rather than cultivating basic techniques.

" The key of Rune Binding Spirit Technique lies in the Spirit Chain method, but it seems people have forgotten it with time." Yang Shi sighed.

Lin Ying was more focused in the second. After an hour, he finally wiped his sweat as he said,

  " Whew, The rune formation is complete. The stove is ready to use."

With a snap of his finger, the runes emitted fiery light as suddenly flames appeared. Yang Shi checked the flames with his hands.

" Although it's not perfect, it's passable for cooking. But I don't think it will last more than three months." Yang Shi thought.

This Lin Ying guy might be a haughty guy, but his talent of rune inscription can be considered as good in the Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom. But in Yang Shi's eyes, it might be below ordinary.

" But it's not entirely his fault. The study of runes in Azure Feather Ancient Kingdom isn't much deeper, making the Rune master's foundation shallow." Yang Shi scratched his head.

" Next, the Freezing Rune and Wind Breeze Rune." Lin Ying was about to begin his work again but Yang Shi stopped him hastily.

" Mister Lin, I think that should be enough for now. I just wanted to fix the cooking stove. A for the other two, I will see later." Yang Shi spoke.

" Really?" Lin Ying doubted, " I still have time to fix the other two."

" Thanks for your concern, but you can stop now." Yang Shi shook his head. " Mister Lin, May I take your Talisman brush for a moment?" He suddenly asked.

" Sure." Lin Ying didn't think much as he handed it to Yang Shi. Yang Shi held the brush as he inspected it.

" No wonder, I can feel the traces left behind by a Master grade Rune master. Truly unfortunate that such a good thing got wasted by Lin Ying." Yang Shi sighed as he inspected the brush by his divine sense.

Lin Ying couldn't understand its value because he wasn't able to use Soul qi. If this brush was in the hands of any Violet Palace Expansion Realm expert, they could easily see its value.

" This brush has gotten old. Tch, I have to buy a new one." Lin Ying grumbled.

Yang Shi was startled as he asked, " Why so?"

" The tip of the brush isn't absorbing the Perception Stone ink properly. It's easier to make mistakes in this way."

" I got this from an old cultivator at a cheap price. It has been two years since I am using it."

" Well, I guess, I need to go to the Hundred Gold Pavilion and see if there are any better ones." Lin Ying sighed.

Yang Shi's eyes glimmered as he saw his chance. " I need to control my expression." He thought inwardly.

" Mister Lin, A friend of mine studies a little about the art of Runes. Currently, he is running tight on budget and he wanted a Talisman brush."

" I wonder if you can sell this brush to me?" Yang Shi asked slowly.

" Sell? Now?"

Lin Ying's expression became skeptical. Although he did say that he wanted a new Talisman brush, he didn't mean that he is going to sell this one.

" Don't be hasty, Mr. Lin. Listen to my proposal first. You know, those who follow the supplementary paths, their martial strength fall behind, right?" Yang Shi asked. Lin Ying nodded as it was true.

Those who are devoted in their supplementary professions, although they managed to create extraordinary things, their cultivation also lags behind.

Since they are focusing on their arts, they barely have time to cultivate or practice battle techniques. 

Dual cultivating both the cultivation path and the supplementary path is very difficult.

" How about it? A middle tier Spirit grade weapon for this Talisman brush?" Yang Shi asked.

" A middle tier Spirit grade weapon?" Lin Ying was startled as his breath became rushed. 

Although he was an Adept Rune master, his cultivation was barely at the fifth stage of the Primordial Spirit realm.

Getting such a weapon is very beneficial for his protection. But he still calculated in his mind.

" Two, I need two of them." Lin Ying spoke.

" Nope, I can't give you more than one. I don't have a warehouse of weapons." Yang Shi shook his head.

A middle tier Spirit grade weapon is nothing for Yang Shi, yet he couldn't allow Lin Ying to see his wealth.

" Ugh, Fine. But let me see the weapon first." Lin Ying nodded as he asked.

Yang Shi was constantly practicing his forging techniques, so he had a considerable amount of middle tier and high tier Spirit grade weapons. He produced a short sword and presented it to Lin Ying.

" Fine weapon." Lin Ying exclaimed as he examined the weapon. He swung it a few times to test.

" This will be ok. Moreover, I won't take the fees of the Fire rune formation from you." Lin Ying said happily and handed the Talisman brush to Yang Shi.

Yang Shi also smiled, but he was relieved in his heart.

" From now, I can also try to inscribe runes, hehe."

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