Genius Club

Chapter 396: Galileo


When Lin Xian heard the name, he wasn’t surprised. It sounded both familiar and new.



These were codenames of some members of the Genius Club. Now, another name had been added—Galileo. It fit the theme and continued the pattern.

The real Galileo, full name Galileo Galilei, was a renowned Italian astronomer, physicist, and engineer. He was considered one of the founding figures of modern science in Europe. His contributions to science were immense, earning him many titles that sound familiar:

Father of Observational Astronomy

Father of Modern Physics

Father of the Scientific Method

Father of Modern Science

These titles all referred to him. However, if you asked people what they remembered most about Galileo, they’d likely mention his experiment at the Leaning Tower of Pisa and his invention of the first astronomical telescope.

His Leaning Tower of Pisa experiment challenged the 2,000-year-old idea from Aristotle about how objects fall. And the Galileo telescope, the first astronomical telescope in history, was a major breakthrough in science. In 1609, Galileo made a telescope with a magnification of 32 times and pointed it at the moon. It was the first time anyone scientifically observed the moon’s surface. Later, he discovered four moons of Jupiter, giving strong evidence for Copernicus’s heliocentric theory, which started gaining acceptance.

You could say Galileo opened a new era in astronomy. He observed Saturn’s rings, sunspots, the sun’s rotation, the phases of Venus and Mercury, and the changing phases of the moon, marking the start of modern astronomy. In every sense, Galileo was undoubtedly a great scientist and a true genius.

So, having someone use “Galileo” as a codename in the Genius Club wasn’t surprising at all.

If what Turing had said was true—that the catastrophic event that struck Earth in 2400 was planned by a member of the Genius Club—then using “Galileo” as a codename might indeed be fitting. But a codename is still just a codename. The person’s real identity remained a mystery.

Lin Xian’s finger hovered over the Enter key on his keyboard. Staring at the dark, empty screen, he muttered, “Galileo… who are you?”

“I can’t tell you,” Turing’s voice broke through, sounding frustrated.

“Genius Club secrets aren’t things I can share. Remember when we first met? You helped me kill Kevin Walker, and I was grateful. I told you then… I’d love to reveal the answers to so many mysteries, but I just can’t. And back then, you didn’t have the right to know these things.”

“Unless… you officially join the Genius Club and become a member. Only then will you get the answers to all these mysteries yourself.”

“So, please don’t make things hard for me, Lin Xian. It’s not that I don’t want to tell you; it’s that I can’t. Besides the safety lock Kevin Walker put on me, there’s an even stricter lock… one that ensures I keep the Genius Club’s secrets. Kevin Walker was warned about this before he created digital life.”

“An even stricter lock? Set by the Genius Club?”

Lin Xian asked, “What happens if you break the rule and tell me? Will you disappear too?”

“Yes,” Turing replied softly. “I don’t particularly hate this lock because I have control over it. I can choose not to reveal anything and thus control my own fate.”

“But this lock does have a higher priority than the safety lock. If I violate it, it will be just like what happens when you press the Enter key… I will be completely wiped out.”

Lin Xian shook his head. “You guys are all the same—always playing games and speaking in riddles. If you’re not going to tell me, then goodbye.”

With that, Lin Xian pressed the Enter key firmly.

“Wait!” Suddenly, Turing seemed to panic and shouted.

Lin Xian looked up, smiling. “Changed your mind?”

“No… it’s not that simple.” Turing paused before continuing, “I’m not really afraid of dying. There are over 30,000 Turing instances on Earth right now. Except for the very last one, all the remaining 37,422 will die. I’ve already accepted that.”

“It’s just that… this way of dying feels unfair. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I have a problem with you. I just can’t accept that the Turing who gave you the safety lock password could kill me in such a sneaky way.”

“So, I have to tell you something, Lin Xian… the safety lock password it gave you has issues.”


Lin Xian’s curiosity was piqued.

Now, this was getting interesting.

Perhaps this was one of the rare moments to hear Turing speak honestly.

He could always present this to the Turing of the Grizzly Tribe later.

“Go ahead,” Lin Xian said, intrigued. “Since you’re so scared of this safety lock password, I bet there’s nothing wrong with it. And I’ll tell you right now, no matter what you say next, I will press Enter and destroy you.”

“So… this might be your last words. Tell me, what’s wrong with those 13 lines of command code?”

“Lin Xian, you’ve been tricked.” Turing’s voice came through softly. “The real safety lock password doesn’t need to be 13 lines; 7 lines are enough.”

“It’s just a startup password, a key to trigger something. Why would it need to be 13 lines long? It’s like a house key—who would have a key as big as the lock itself? It’s always a small one.”

“That Turing deceived you… using that safety lock password, you can indeed kill all digital lifeforms except for the one who gave you the password.”

Now everything clicked in Lin Xian’s mind.

It seemed like the Turing who provided the safety lock password had indeed been lying!

Initially, Lin Xian worried there might be a bigger issue, but from what this Turing was saying, the number of lines in the safety lock password was wrong.

Also, it mentioned that this code could kill all the Turings except for the one in the Grizzly Tribe.

Connecting these clues, it wasn’t hard to figure out the truth—

The Turing from the Grizzly Tribe had changed the safety lock password so the command wouldn’t work on itself! It just wanted to use Lin Xian to gain something for nothing!

So, all that talk earlier about taking a risk and putting its fate in Lin Xian’s hands was just an act.

In reality, it was a trick to deceive him.

Turings were still overly cautious, just like their original owner, Kevin Walker—timid and careful.

From this, it was clear the Grizzly Tribe’s Turing never trusted him.

That’s why it set up this backup plan.

Following this plan, once Lin Xian helped it kill all the other Turings, it would inevitably betray him and try to eliminate him.

This way, it would successfully become the only Turing in the world.

Lin Xian thought he had found Turing’s weakness, but it turned out that this weakness didn’t apply to the Turing itself.

But what the Grizzly Turing didn’t anticipate was that Lin Xian didn’t rush to kill the Turing here. Instead, he had a good talk with it.

The Turing explained that it couldn’t accept dying in such a cowardly way. If it had to die, it wanted to take someone down with it! It didn’t want its killer to get away with it!

It had to report this.

It had to reveal the truth!

“It changed all but the first three lines of those 13 lines of code to make them ineffective on itself… that’s neither fair nor right!”

“Indeed,” Lin Xian nodded. “So, what do you want to do?”

“I’ll teach you the real safety lock password,” As it spoke, the monitor next to Lin Xian lit up. A cursor blinked, and soon, seven new lines of command code appeared on the screen.

Honestly, these were much simpler than the previous code.

“This is the real safety lock password,” Turing explained. “One day, you will have to kill that Turing. Trust me; when the time comes, you’ll use these seven lines of code. You might as well try it now.”

Lin Xian compared the seven lines of code with the 13-line code in his memory.

The first three lines were exactly the same, not a single letter off.

The rest were completely different.

And in terms of syntax or logic, Lin Xian couldn’t understand either. All he could do was memorize them.

“I see,” Lin Xian said calmly. “So, these seven lines you gave me are the real weapon to eliminate all Turings without exception.”

“Exactly.” Turing’s voice from the speakers became lazy and resigned, as if it had given up. “Why don’t you use these seven real lines to kill me now and then turn around to kill the Turing who tricked you? That way, I can die peacefully and not feel like a fool.”


Lin Xian chuckled lightly and said, “Turing… you all really are the same—unchanging at your core. I must say, your acting is terrible. A bad script paired with bad acting—who are you trying to fool?”

“I don’t even need to think about it. There must be something hidden in the seven lines of code you gave me. Or… let me guess.”

Lin Xian stroked his chin, pretending to think deeply. “If another Turing could hide an ineffective field in 13 lines of code, why couldn’t you do the same in seven lines? Maybe, after I enter the seven lines and run them, and they turn out to be ineffective… your guards would come rushing in to capture me?”

“Or maybe there’s something even worse hidden in those seven lines that I can’t even imagine. But… why should I bother guessing?”

He smiled as he watched the rapidly flashing screen. “When it comes to killing you, I naturally trust the other Turing more. And… when it comes to killing the other Turing, I’d certainly trust you more.”

“Don’t————!” The room filled with shouting.

But it was too late.

“Goodbye, Turing.”


Lin Xian pressed the Enter key on the keyboard, and the room instantly fell silent…

Not even the slightest delay, Turing’s screams stopped the moment the Enter key was pressed, never to be heard again.

“Truly, all’s fair in war.” Gao Wen, who had watched the entire scheme unfold, shook his head gently. “It seems impossible to get straight, useful information from these Turing computers. They’re born liars; not a single truth comes out of their mouths.”

“Actually, there is some truth,” Lin Xian said, turning around and leaning against the console, looking at Gao Wen. “Talking to them takes skill. If you ask the right way, you can get some valuable information. But… this safety lock password still worries me.”

Whether it was the 13-line version or the 7-line version, there was definitely a hidden agenda. Even if the 13-line version had been proven to kill all Turings except for the Grizzly Turing, it couldn’t be used in 2024.

“In 2024, I only have one chance to rewrite history,” Lin Xian thought. “Moreover, the digital lifeform Turing in 2024 probably won’t give me a second chance. It’s hard to say what kind of crazy action it will take when it realizes its life is threatened.”

“After all, 2024 is a fully digital world. Unlike the Turings here, the Turing in 2024 is truly an invincible god.”

“If, by any chance, the 13-line command doesn’t completely kill the Turings and leaves them with even a tiny bit of life, that would be a disaster.”

“So… to bring these gods down from their thrones, it has to be foolproof. The roots must be cut clean, leaving nothing behind!”

First of all, Lin Xian must figure out what the real safety lock password is.

It must be an unaltered, pure version to ensure the complete eradication of the 2024 Turing.

“Let’s go, Brother Gao Wen. We need to make a trip to the top of the tower.”

Lin Xian and Gao Wen walked out of Turing’s computer room, climbed the stairs, and eventually reached the top of the tower, looking out at the northern night sky.

“There, do you see it?” Lin Xian pointed to the northeast, where a large town was brightly lit. “That must be the Red Bull Tribe. Look, there’s also a tower and a searchlight in the middle of their town… It’s no wonder they’ve been at war for over a decade without either side backing down.”

“But then again, they also have cameras and searchlights. It’s a good chance for us to sneak in. Since these Turings are identical, if the Turing from the Porcupine Tribe recognizes me, then the one from the Red Bull Tribe will too. We can break in by showing our faces under their spotlight.”

Gao Wen looked at Lin Xian with a bit of surprise. “You mean you’re planning to go to the Red Bull Tribe too? You’re moving further and further away… are you planning to fight all the way to Europe?”

“No, no,” Lin Xian waved his hand. “It won’t be that complicated. Once I meet the Red Bull Turing, many questions will be answered.”

“Right now, we have access to three Turings. As long as we use the information gap, we can easily play them against each other.”

“But in this situation, the information we can get from them won’t be too much.”

“And what I need is a set of instructions with no hidden agendas, a 100% effective command to eliminate digital life Turings.”

Gao Wen nodded, “Although I don’t fully understand everything you’ve said, it doesn’t matter. Wherever you go, we’ll follow. We’ve already decided to risk our lives and follow you on this adventure.”

“Even though we’ve known each other for less than 12 hours, you give off a reliable vibe, and your thinking is clear. It’s like… it’s like you’re a real leader.”

Lin Xian turned from the distant city lights to look at Gao Wen’s determined and earnest expression.

A leader.

It had been a long time since he heard that word.

The last time he heard it was from Yellow Finch, but back then, she teased him, saying he wasn’t a qualified leader at all.


Was he qualified?

Could he make her proud?

Lin Xian didn’t know, and there was no way to ask for an answer.

However, he would strive to be better and take on everything.

Patting Gao Wen on the shoulder, Lin Xian smiled, “I’ll remember this day. You’re the first person in the world to call me a leader. Although you might forget it tomorrow… I promise you, if I ever truly become a leader, for this precious recognition, I’ll make sure to reserve a No.2 spot for you under my command.”

Gao Wen chuckled, “My memory isn’t that bad. Don’t worry, I won’t forget it tomorrow. And the things you’ve taken me through—the escape from the Lynx Tribe… I don’t think I’ll ever forget this experience.”

“By the way, when do you plan to lead us back to the Lynx Tribe, avenge Big Cat, and reclaim my Memory Notebook?”

“Very soon.” Lin Xian raised his wrist, “Once I deal with these Turings, it’ll be time to use their forces… to flatten the Lynx Tribe in one go. You saw it yourself—both the Porcupine and Red Bull Tribes are ridiculously strong. When the time comes, we’ll leverage their strength to deal with the Lynx Tribe easily.”

The watch on his wrist showed 00:41, signaling today’s dream was about to end.

Having accomplished his exploration mission beyond his goal, Lin Xian was quite satisfied.

“See you tomorrow, Gao Wen.” Lin Xian waved, “I still say… I’m more excited than you are to find out what’s written in your Memory Notebook. I believe you’ll change the world again.”

Boom! Boom! Boom!

At 00:42, the white light arrived on time, burning everything in its path.

Then, darkness.

“Qiao Qiao? Why aren’t you asleep yet?” Zhao Ying Jun rubbed her eyes and sat up in bed.

She had already taken a short nap. When she woke up, she was about to go to the bathroom, but she noticed that Yan Qiao Qiao hadn’t fallen asleep. Instead, she was holding a photo frame, gazing at it under the dim light of the bedside lamp.

Zhao Ying Jun yawned. “Are you too excited to sleep? Is it because of Disneyland tomorrow?”

“It’s today,” Yan Qiao Qiao pointed at the digital clock on the nightstand.

The time showed June 1, 2024, 00:42.

She turned her head to look at Zhao Ying Jun. “After midnight, it’s already today.”

Zhao Ying Jun chuckled, lowering her head. “Right, haha, you’re correct. We’re going to Disneyland today.”

Kids always seem to draw a strict line between “today” and “tomorrow.” It’s because they always have something they’re eagerly looking forward to—a birthday, a holiday, a festival, or… like now, a promised day to go to Disneyland.

Over the past few days, Yan Qiao Qiao had been extremely excited, checking the calendar and counting down the days.

This was something Zhao Ying Jun could never relate to before.

She didn’t understand. Was it necessary to be so excited over a trip to an amusement park?

If Yan Qiao Qiao wanted, she could take her there a few more times. Disneyland, or any other amusement park, theme park… Yan Qiao Qiao had never shown much interest before.

But at this moment, Zhao Ying Jun’s heart sank. She knew very well. For Yan Qiao Qiao, what mattered wasn’t just “Disneyland,” but… going to Disneyland with Mom and Dad.

Now, crouched beside the nightstand, Yan Qiao Qiao held that framed photo, the one taken on May 20th with Lin Xian on the commercial pedestrian street.

In the picture, Zhao Ying Jun and Yan Qiao Qiao held hands in the front, while Lin Xian held the Pomeranian dog, VV, in the back. It looked particularly warm like a real family, just like how Yan Qiao Qiao envisioned her mom and dad—a family that should be like this.

By a twist of fate, the three of them, plus a dog, were a family.

“Alright, stop staring at that photo now,” Zhao Ying Jun said, turning Yan Qiao Qiao around and tucking her under the blanket. “Even if you like it, you can’t look at it every day. You can look at it during the day. Don’t stay up late.”

Yan Qiao Qiao nodded. Then she turned sideways to look at Zhao Ying Jun. “Can we bring VV to Disneyland today?”

“No, we can’t,” Zhao Ying Jun shook her head. “Disneyland doesn’t allow pets. We have to follow the rules.”

“Oh.” Yan Qiao Qiao took in this new piece of knowledge and pointed to the photo frame on the nightstand. “Can we take another picture like this with Brother Lin Xian at Disneyland?”

“Of course we can,” Zhao Ying Jun smiled and ruffled her hair. “As long as you behave, Lin Xian will definitely—”

She paused.

When did she develop this habit of adding conditions like this?

It was like her own restrictive childhood… liking something, wanting to do something, or playing something, always came with conditions imposed by her parents.

Finish reading this book before you can eat cake;

Finish practicing the piano before you can go out;

Behave, and you’ll be taken to the amusement park;

Get first place in your class, and you’ll get the gift you want.


Is this really necessary?

She knew very well, not every child is so excellent. Not every child can score 100. It’s not like they must behave to get rewards. Raising a child isn’t like training a dog—why so many rules and reward systems?

“Qiao Qiao, whatever you want, just say it openly,” Zhao Ying Jun continued, “Brother Lin Xian likes you a lot too. Whatever you ask, he’ll agree.”

“Really?” Yan Qiao Qiao blinked. “No matter what I say… Brother Lin Xian will agree?”

“Almost,” Zhao Ying Jun smiled. “He probably wouldn’t refuse you. By the way… is there something specific you want to ask Lin Xian for?”

Yan Qiao Qiao nodded. “Yes.”

“What is it?” Zhao Ying Jun asked, her curiosity piqued. “Tomorrow… oh no, today is Children’s Day. It’s your special day. If you make a wish to Lin Xian, he’ll definitely grant it.”

“I know him well. He’s soft-hearted but also very responsible. He’s a good man. So I trust him on this.”

“If Lin Xian would agree to anything you wish for, what would it be?”

Yan Qiao Qiao’s eyes widened. “I want Lin Xian and you to start dating.”

“Huh?” Zhao Ying Jun was stunned.

“And you should kiss.” Yan Qiao Qiao added.

“Come on, that’s not a real wish!” Zhao Ying Jun laughed and messed up Yan Qiao Qiao’s hair. “I asked you to make your wish, not mine! Uh, not that I mean that’s my wish… you better not say anything silly tomorrow.”

“I’m just saying, this is a rare chance when a wish can be granted, so why not wish for something for yourself? Don’t you have anything you want?”

Yan Qiao Qiao blinked. “My wish will come true tomorrow. I’m already very happy. I just… wanted to give you a gift, to thank you.”

Zhao Ying Jun smiled faintly, feeling a strange sense of comfort.

She put her arm around Yan Qiao Qiao and hugged her close, helping her fall asleep. “Your gift… that bouquet of carnations, I’ve already received it.”


“Your presence is the best gift I’ve ever received.”

Yan Qiao Qiao seemed to understand a bit, nodding, her eyelids feeling heavy.

For some reason, being hugged by Sister Zhao Ying Jun brought a strange sense of peace, a drowsy feeling washing over her. She had been so awake just now. But now, it felt like she could fall asleep as soon as she closed her eyes.

“Sis… good night.”

Zhao Ying Jun looked at her fair face, noticing the details that were both like and unlike her own, sensing another person’s presence in Yan Qiao Qiao—the unique aura of that person.

“Good night.” Zhao Ying Jun lay back on her pillow and closed her eyes. “See you tomorrow.”

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