Genius Martial Arts Trainer

Chapter 134:

Chapter 134:

Secret Cave

While the guards at the cave entrance were idly wasting time.

Mu-jin, his companions, and the martial artists of the Sichuan Tang Clan were gathering treasures. They each started moving through a small hole that they had made.

Time was not on their side, so the size of the hole was just slightly larger than Mu-jin’s build. It was wide enough for one person to barely squeeze through unless they were exceptionally small.

Mu-gung, who was larger than Mu-jin, had to practically contort his body to pass through the hole.

As they were escaping one by one through the hole and moving to the opposite side of the cave entrance, halfway up the mountain.

“Catch them!”

“You won’t escape so easily!”

Unfortunately, disruptors appeared.

And they weren’t just any adversaries; they were quite numerous.

Moreover, they weren’t simply many in number. The new arrivals were Taoists and nuns, martial artists from the Qingcheng Sect and Emei Sect.

Initially, the Qingcheng and Emei Sects, who had each breached different parts of the cave, decided to pursue the Tang Clan just in case.

After all, apart from the Tang Clan, there were no significant competitors to worry about.

If the Tang Clan were wiped out while breaking through traps, they could simply move to another side. If the Sichuan Tang Clan obtained the treasures, they planned to ambush them.

At the last moment, Mu-jin and Elder Tang Taeryeong, who intended to be the last to leave the cave, were intercepted. Elder Tang Taeryeong, in a fit of rage, shouted.

“Cowards! You’ve been following us!”

“Hahaha. It’s laughable to hear cowards who use poison and hidden weapons call others cowards. Even the Original Patriarch would laugh.”

But what came back was only the sneering of Cheongpung, the elder of the Qingcheng Sect.

Just as the enraged Elder Tang Taeryeong was about to use poison.

– Do not kill! Just use incapacitating poison!

Mu-jin’s urgent voice transmitted to his ear.

It was well-known not only here but in many martial arts stories that the Sichuan Tang Clan always repays their debts, whether of grace or vengeance.

* * *

While moving with the Tang Clan martial artists, Mu-jin realized something very important.

“This is a sweet deal.”

As they descended the mountain, there were no lunatics to bother them.

Even though they were carrying treasures and weapons openly, without any carriages.

In a way, it was natural.

In the cave, murder and extermination were possible, but in an open area like this, it was madness to confront dozens of Tang Clan martial artists.

To kill them all and take the treasures, dozens or even hundreds would have to attack. If such a large number moved in this area, news would inevitably reach the Tang Clan.

After that…

They would live in constant fear, not knowing when they might be poisoned or struck by hidden weapons for the rest of their lives.

So, using the Tang Clan martial artists as laborers and guards, they moved comfortably for a long time.

“Hey, can I ask you something?”

Elder Tang Taeryeong, who was moving with them, spoke to Mu-jin.

“Please, go ahead.”

“Why did you stop me?”

“To prevent a bloodbath in Sichuan.”

“Hmm… I thought so, but to think that was really the reason. Saving our young lady as well, today I’ve seen a friend who truly deserves the title of hero. Hahaha.”

Elder Tang Taeryeong let out a rare hearty laugh.

He also knew. If he had spread lethal poison and killed many disciples of Emei and Qingcheng there, it could have led to a full-scale war between the Tang Clan and those sects, which were already engaged in a battle of wits.

And it wouldn’t have ended as a simple fight between the Tang Clan, Emei, and Qingcheng.

Given the size and influence of the three major forces in Sichuan, they had numerous affiliated clans under them.

Additionally, there were other sects and forces connected to the vested interests of the three sects.

Countless martial artists would have died, and if a large number of civilians were killed in the process, even the royal court might have intervened.

Mu-jin had another reason for stopping Elder Tang Taeryeong.

‘Things are already tangled, and if he had killed Qingcheng or Emei disciples, it would have been uncontrollable.’

In fact, Mu-jin hesitated to accept Tang So-mi’s proposal for this reason.

When he went to the Tang Clan, he was not worried that they might kill them out of greed for the treasures.

In the original history described in the second part of the novel, the ultimate victors of the Secret Cave Incident were the Emei and Qingcheng alliance.

The Qingcheng and Emei alliance used the wealth and power gained from the treasures to pressure the Sichuan Tang Clan.

‘In the process of resisting that pressure, the Tang Clan allied with shadowy forces.’

Preventing this was his goal, not directly interacting with the Tang Clan.

Therefore, he planned to clear out the Secret Cave in advance.

However, things were already deviating from Mu-jin’s plan.

Since the plan was off track, Mu-jin needed time to consider his next steps.

After contemplating while moving with the Tang Clan martial artists, he concluded.

‘Since it’s come to this, it’s better to move actively.’

Rather than just taking the treasures and leaving, he decided it would be better to use the Tang Clan to clean up Sichuan a bit.

And for this, he needed to confirm a few things.

“Tang So-mi.”

“Yes, please speak, Young Hero.”

She answered without showing that she had noticed Mu-jin’s identity.

“Do you remember the time when you obtained the Zhang Bodo from the Secret Cave?”

“It was around the early hours of the Rabbit (5-7 AM). I heard the news while resting at the villa in Gan-yang-hyeon.”

Mu-jin nodded slightly at her answer.

‘I knew it. They had a backup Zhang Bodo.’

Mu-jin’s group moved to raid the Taeeulmun around the early hours of the Tiger (3-5 AM).

Even considering the time spent fighting and cleaning up after finding the hidden Zhang Bodo, it was at most half an hour.

It meant the Zhang Bodo had started spreading in Gan-yang-hyeon half an hour after they left. Unless they had prepared in advance, it was an impossible speed.

“But why do you ask?”

Tang So-mi asked with curiosity, but instead of answering, Mu-jin added another question.

“I’ll explain later. Did you head straight there after obtaining the Zhang Bodo?”


“Was it for the treasure?”

“Honestly, it was to prevent Qingcheng or Emei from getting the treasure. I thought waiting for a letter to reach the main family in Chengdu would be too late, so I planned to go first and gather information.”

“Isn’t Qingcheng or Emei also based in Chengdu? Moreover, their sects are located in the mountains, so they should be slower than the Tang Clan?”

“They have affiliated clans and related people. I heard that Qingcheng and Emei’s affiliated clans’ disciples were seen moving urgently in Gan-yang-hyeon.”

“It’s early morning during the hours of the Rabbit. How did you get such information?”

Though Tang So-mi tilted her head at Mu-jin’s continuous questions, she soon pointed to the bodyguard standing next to her.

“In the morning, I noticed some chaos outside, so I went to check. The Taeeulmun mansion was on fire, and Zhang Bodo was scattered around.”

The taciturn bodyguard explained, and Mu-jin nodded.

“I see. Now that I think about it, we haven’t introduced ourselves properly. My name is Kang Hyuk.”

“I am Tang Hyeok-soo, responsible for Miss Tang So-mi’s security.”

While exchanging greetings with the bodyguard, Mu-jin had to manage his expression carefully.

‘I found him.’

The name he had seen in the novel had popped up.

* * *

Without any further obstacles, Mu-jin’s group and the Tang Clan martial artists reached Tangjata, the area where the Tang Clan resided.

The atmosphere there was rather grim, as if preparing for an imminent war.

“It’s Elder Tang Taeryeong!”

“Miss Tang So-mi has returned too!”

However, the villagers cheered loudly upon recognizing them.

It seemed the tension from the Secret Cave incident had affected the entire village.

Tang So-mi, Elder Tang Taeryeong, and the Tang Clan martial artists exchanged brief conversations with the villagers and received their warm hospitality as they headed to the main family of the Sichuan Tang Clan, a grand mansion.

Mu-jin’s group was treated with considerable hospitality, as they had saved Tang So-mi.

After soaking in warm water and enjoying a sumptuous meal (which, of course, included a variety of meat and fish dishes, but they were now used to it),

“Have you checked all the secret manuals?”

Mu-jin asked Mu-gyeong, who was reviewing the manuals they had looted from the Secret Cave.

“I’ve skimmed through them once. Some seem useful, and there are some peculiar ones.”

“Peculiar ones?”

“Yes. There were some martial arts that seemed to be stolen by the thieves from other sects, like ascending martial arts in fist and sword techniques, and some martial arts that seemed to be used by the thieves themselves.”

Mu-gyeong handed a few manuals forward as he spoke.

There were techniques like the Golden Locking Hand for theft and rope handling skills for securing treasures, but the martial arts that caught Mu-jin’s eye were different.

[Phantom Step], [Shadow Art]

Just from the names, Mu-jin had a feeling, but he asked to confirm.

“What were these two about?”

“Both are similar. Phantom Step allows you to move without a sound, as if you have no feet, and Shadow Art lets you blend into the darkness, erasing your presence.”

Mu-gyeong explained, and Mu-gung, who was listening, snorted.

“These martial arts don’t suit us.”

‘Us’ presumably referred to the Shaolin. Despite being a Buddhist sect, the Shaolin was known for its upright and honorable nature, fitting the term ‘righteous path.’


“Can you break down the essence of these two manuals into a book for me to read later?”

Mu-jin intended to learn both of these techniques.

Despite his experience in the special forces, where he was somewhat adept at hiding and stealth, it was only effective against unsuspecting or ordinary people.

Experts could enhance their senses with internal energy and even detect things that couldn’t be perceived by the five senses.

Therefore, learning these two techniques would allow him to use his special forces’ stealth skills even against experts.

‘It will be very useful later.’

Considering he had to deal with the shadowy forces scheming in the dark, these two techniques were the greatest harvest from the Secret Cave.

* * *

After that, Mu-jin’s group continued to rest at a mansion-like pavilion.

Mu-yul played in the yard with Ling-ling, Mu-gyeong read the manuals, and Cheongsu Dojang conversed with his sword.

Meanwhile, a visitor arrived at the pavilion. Or rather, the owner came.

A Tang Clan martial artist came to convey the family head’s message.

“Young Hero Kang. The family head wishes to speak with you.”


Mu-jin gladly accepted the invitation.

He needed to meet and talk with the Tang Clan’s family head anyway.

To deal with the matter related to the person he met earlier in the day, Tang Hyeok-soo.

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