Genshin Impact, Breezing Through Teyvat

Chapter 227

Chill with us!


After the Ferrylady ran off, Yomite and Ganyu started a short talk.

"No, I'm not Rex Lapis, but now that you've asked a question, let me ask one as well. What does 'Adeptus' mean...I keep hearing about it left and right from all directions but no one wants to talk about it...."

"That is..." Ganyu was lost for words, unsure of where to start explaining.

She was sure he wasn't from Liyue based on this fact alone.

"...Adepti are more or less a group of Gods and illuminated beasts that have been protecting Liyue from Monsters, Demons and Evil Gods ever since Liyue was established. They are beings with extreme longevity and powers unlike Visions, yet very similar in concept. Their leader is precisely, Lord Rex Lapis himself."

"Hmm...interesting." He hummed in thought for a moment. "So I assume you're a part of that group as well?"

Ganyu glanced back uncomfortably, and felt deeply embarrassed to answer, "O-Oh, I'm just a normal human..."

"Look, it's pretty obvious you're not, but I won't pry any further. Everyone has personal issues, I'm just a stranger after all."

He still carried that look of interest from before, but after seeing how conflicted Ganyu was in front of him, he realized he should just leave it alone.


Ganyu remained silent, likely contemplating her reply as well, hesitant to respond to his probing question.

But at last, "... I'm not pure blooded... I'm only a half Adeptus... It's nothing worth mentioning... I'm not a human, nor an Adeptus...just something unworthy in between..."

She answered vaguely, hoping the topic would end there.

After all, this didn't need to be told to anyone, it had its own purpose and she'd rather not add another unnecessary layer of shame on top of what was already weighing heavily on her shoulders.

There was silence between them once again, but this time, it wasn't tense.

After several seconds of simply listening to the soft sound of rushing water nearby, Yomite spoke up, breaking the quiet atmosphere.

"That's pretty cool, isn't it?"

He chuckled slightly at the odd expression on Ganyu's face.

"Huh...?" She looked puzzled, not sure she'd heard correctly.

"Your lineage! If you're half an Adeptus, aren't you basically a Demigoddess then? That's so cool!"

He sounded like a proud Chinese father bragging about his firstborn child who's been accepted into Harvard to the rest of his relatives.

Ganyu stared at him blankly for a few moments. When the gears began to turn, she quickly denied his words. "Ah, n-n-no!... I've never been called a Demigoddess before... I-I-I'm unworthy to be called that...I don't deserve it..."

Her voice shook slightly, though she tried her best to hide it.

"You don't deserve the title?" His voice softened a bit upon hearing her self depreciation though he remained persistent. "How come? You must be pretty powerful."

She shrugged quietly, looking down at her hands.

Ganyu was a hard worker, working as a secretary for the Liyue Qixing Branch for well over thousands of years, helping out where she could with the administrative side of things.

The blood of the qilin, an illuminated beast, flowed within her veins and she had perseverance unlike any other secretary when it came to work.

She firmly believed that all the work she did was in honor of her contract with Rex Lapis, seeking the well-being of all living things within Liyue.

Yet there were several issues bothering her mind on a daily basis, such as integrating into the human society properly, for example.

"Um... it's...not about strength... I'm in possession of some formidable abilities... however... it's more about the fact not social enough." She paused, feeling a twinge of shame.

"...When our workload is light, my coworkers sometimes organize social events, but...I don't share their interest in shopping or lively forms of entertainment... They're also rude and rather critical of my mindset, saying it's fundamentally different from how a normal human being acts...I'm unable to integrate into the human society, and I'm not a full blooded Adeptus so it seems like I'm missing something fundamental as well...I feel like I don't belong anywhere..."

Ganyu wasn't sure why she was telling all of this to a complete stranger, maybe she just wanted to vent about how she felt to someone who had no idea who she was, but she felt oddly satisfied doing so.

"...Do I really belong in the human world? Maybe I'm just like a Dendro Slime hiding in the earth, burying myself in numbers and reports in order to escape reality..."

It felt good to finally get these feelings off her chest.

Ganyu didn't have friends other than those colleagues at work she spoke of, and bothering the Adepti with her troubles seemed disrespectful from her point of view, as most of them regarded regular mortal problems as foolish.

Henceforth, this stranger she might never meet again after today seemed like a perfect way for her to vent.

(A Dendro slime...I see, my nemesis. It was a long time since I've killed one. I guess I can visit a forest nearby, make a campfire and burn one of them in it.)

Yomite smiled lightly to himself at her comparison with the evil creature, before coughing. "I don't think it should matter at all...Being human is a part of your identity and in your blood, and nobody can hold it against you for anything... Besides, even if they do judge you, you shouldn't have to listen to what random idiots have to say. Just ignore everyone."

"...Random idiots...that's a bit crude." Ganyu couldn't help but smile a little to herself as she repeated his words. "As an experienced secretary, I call people like that, 'inept at their conduct.'" She giggled softly under her breath.

He laughed along with her. "Sounds about right! Professionals have standards! Some professional secretary you are!"

"Ah, you flatter me!"

The two shared another laugh, both feeling much lighter than they had earlier.

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