Getting A System In A Modern World

Chapter 185: Dinner With Chloe (II), A Peculiar Atmosphere

Chloe found it hard to believe what she was seeing.

Wh did Silas become this handsome? How long had it be since she last saw him for him to change this much? And why was she feeling weird? Why was her heart beating so fast?

'Could it be?...' She thought of a possibility and quickly shook her head, dispelling the thoughts.

'No, there's possibly no way. Why would I feel this way towards him? It's not impossible. It's just that...' Chloe was confused.

She had never felt this way before. She understood what she felt and it made it ev more unsettling, but there was something about him now that made her heart race.

It was confusing that she was feeling this way towards Silas. There was nothing wrong with it, but this wasn't the right time to be feeling such emotions.

Chloe realized her thoughts were becoming ev more bizarre, and she quickly shook her head to dispel them.

'What am I thinking? Chloe, get a hold of yourself, girl.'

She forced a smile and looked at Silas, who was standing in front of her, now gazing at her with a strange expression.

"Chloe, are you feeling alright?" he asked, placing his hand on her forehead.

"Yes, I'm fine," Chloe said as she gtly removed his hand.

"Since you're here, we can go inside," she said, walking toward the restaurant's door.


Silas was surprised by Chloe's reaction. He wanted to ask more, but he could tell from her expression that she wasn't going to tell him anything if he did. So, he decided to keep quiet.

He hoped she was alright because he wanted to joy this dinner with her.

Smiling, he followed behind her toward the restaurant's door.

Silas watched as Chloe oped the door and walked inside, and he followed closely behind.

The two of them walked to an empty table and took their seats.

Silas noticed Chloe pick up the mu and start going through it. He also noticed that, from time to time, she stole stealthy glances at him. He smiled, picked up his own mu, and wt through it.

Less than a minute later, he was done and called the waitress to place his order.

After he placed his order, Chloe did the same, and the two of them waited for their meals to arrive.

"How long has it be since the last time I saw you? You've changed so much," Chloe said after a brief silce.

Silas smiled at her words. Of course, he had changed. It would be laughable if he hadn't, after everything he had be giv and everything he had expericed.

"Change is the one thing that's constant, Chloe."

"Sigh... You don't get it. I mean you *look* differt. No, you *feel* differt. It's like it's you, but it's not you at the same time."

Chloe felt that Silas was very differt from his former self. Apart from the massive changes in his appearance, he now exuded an air of authority.

Silas understood what Chloe was talking about. He knew that something had changed in him after his first evolution metamorphosis. He also knew exactly what that change was.

He attributed it to the vague memories and his newly perfect body.

'Now that I think about it, I still don't know what my stats represt,' Silas thought to himself.

He was curious, but now wasn't the time for that. He was here to have dinner with Chloe, and he planned to joy it.

"Chloe, a lot of things happed."

"You don't need to tell me. I can see it for myself. So, what have you be up to?"

"Me? Nothing much. Most of the time, if I'm not busy, I'm stuck in my room doing nothing."

Chloe looked at Silas with an expression that seemed to say, "You're lying, right?"

"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that you're always in your room?" Chloe asked in disbelief.

"Yeah, most of the time," Silas nodded.

Chloe shook her head wh she heard this.

"I can't imagine having all that money and staying in my room every day. Are you a hermit or what? I'm very sure you don't ev have a girlfrid." Chloe sighed and looked at Silas.

"Or do you?" she asked in anticipation, but sighed again wh she saw Silas shaking his head.

"Ogre, you really need to get a life. You can't just hole yourself up in your room every day. Go out there, touch some grass or something. Who knows? Maybe you'll actually get a girlfrid."

Silas could only smile at Chloe's words. He felt a brief, sharp, piercing pain wh he heard what she said, but he had no response.

Though he wasn't exactly in his room every day, there wasn't much of a differce. He was either stuck in the pthouse suite, busy with something in Vezuela, or just in his room.

Chloe felt she might have gone overboard with her words wh she saw Silas quietly looking at her.

"Hey, ogre, don't get hung up on what I said."

"Nah, it's fine," Silas said, shrugging his shoulders.

The two of them talked about other casual things as they waited for their food.

They didn't have to wait long, as the waitress soon arrived with their meals.

Once the food was served, the two of them began eating while continuing their conversation.

They talked about many things as they ate, and wh they were done, Chloe called the waitress to pay the bill.

After she finished paying, she looked at Silas, who was seated across from her. She noticed that it was already getting late and it was time to leave. Also, they have talked about everything they could possibly talk about.

"Well, it's be fun. Thank you for letting me treat you. I really joyed our time together."

"Thank you too for treating me."

The two of them stood up and left the restaurant.

Wh they stepped outside, they were greeted by the cool night breeze.

Silas stood behind Chloe, watching as her dress fluttered gtly in the wind.

She looked like a model posing for a photoshoot—absolutely perfect.

Chloe has a very beautiful look and a perfect figure, and what the dress did was to acctuate her beauty, and figure.

Silas has known Chloe since high school and she had always looked beautiful but tonight was differt.

Just as she said that he felt differt, tonight, she also felt differt.

"Hey, don't stand behind me and do weird things," Chloe smiled as she turned to look at Silas.

"I'm not doing anything weird, Chloe. I'm just admiring how beautiful you look from behind."


Chloe was momtarily speechless, slightly shocked by his words, but she quickly composed herself.

"You're admiring my beauty from behind? Am I not also beautiful from the front?" Chloe instantly regretted her words.

'What did I just say? Now he's going to get the wrong idea.'

Chloe saw Silas smile and walk a to stand in front of her.

He gtly brought his hand to her face and tucked her hair, which was being blown by the wind, behind her ear.

"You look beautiful from behind, but you look ev more stunning from the front."

Silas noticed the shift in the atmosphere betwe them, and he saw that Chloe noticed it too. He wanted to take the next step, but something inside him told him not to.

"You should probably get some rest. It's getting late."

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