God of Time System: Harem in the Zombie Apocalypse

Chapter 85 Casual Talk

[You have entered Floor 45!]

"[Au-" Erina was about to cast another spell, though I just turned at her as I spoke,"don't. While I don't need to conserve any energy, you do."

Hearing my words, she stopped casting her spell and just looked at me for a few moments. From her looks, it didn't seem like she liked standing at the side but fully understanding the situation, she nodded.

[Temporal Deceleration!]

[Temporal Deceleration (Copy)!]





Left and right, I start killing Zombies without much problem. While they were fast, compared to a C-Grade, they were pretty slow.

'Well… even if there was a normal C-Grade, it won't give me much problem, I guess,' I thought as I killed another Zombie.

The time taken to kill all the Zombies increased by quite a margin, as it took me about 40 to 50 seconds to kill all the Zombies. Still, it was fine since now I was getting 30 mins to kill the Zombies than the 10 minutes which I was getting in the beginning.


[Dungeon Points Received +42]

[Floor 45 Cleared!]

[Extra Time Left: 36040 seconds!]

[Extra time will be added to the next Floor!]

[Grade for Floor 45: SSS]

[All Floor clear rewards will be calculated in the end!]

"Well. That does it for another floor. Let's move to the next," I spoke as I waited for her to come close. She just kept looking at me before she asked,

"Ummmm… Can I ask you something?"

Observing her expression, I first tried to read what she wanted to say but then I just nodded,"sure. Go ahead."

She moved closer to me,"who are you? I mean, not in the sense of power and stuff, but more of a general sense, like where are you from and what is your purpose… if it isn't a secret, of course."

Hearing her question, I was a bit confused. Until before this, she didn't start any conversation unless she was shocked or something.

'Just what happened now?' I pondered a little before putting it at the back of my mind. It's not like it's much of a big secret, anyway.

"Well," I spoke as I moved towards the next Floor,

"My name is Michael Aroa, as you already know. Born in the Lira City of Meria Country, I was one of the normal kids… or not really…"

[You have entered Floor 46!]

"My mother is rich. Well, it's not like she had a rich background for she herself built a whole industrial empire by herself. She started from selling cupcakes, then changed over another thing, then another, bought a property, sold it, and then repeated the process until she ended up being one of the richest persons in the city… or perhaps this country now."

[Temporal Deceleration!]

[Temporal Deceleration (Copy)!]






[Floor 46th Cleared!]

"My father is more of a normal person or not really… I mean, he prefers to live as a normal person. He has good genes and is more of an athlete. I mean, he gets people asking him for the nationals and stuff all the time, but he rejects it for a normal quiet life and teaches the high school kids for fun.

He supported my mother from her lowest point to her highest. A loving father who cares for his children and family."

[You have entered Floor 47!]

"I have one younger brother. He got his physique from our father, and the tenacity from our mother. Strong and athletic, the kind of guy that everyone looks up to. Will always be there for you, help you out and stuff. He is that kind of guy."

[Temporal Deceleration!]

[Temporal Deceleration (Copy)!]






[Floor 47th Cleared!]

"As for me. I am just a normal kid that works hard to make up for anything that I don't have. I didn't have a good physical body, so I worked hard for it. It didn't get good enough like my brother or father, but still I reached somewhere.

My mother asked me to get good grades, so I did that too. I got the best grades out there, while I had time, I even focused on other subjects rather than just the assigned subjects… Oh! You probably won't understand it but let's just say that I studied things outside of my proficiency as well," I spoke as I proceeded to move to the next floor.

"What is it that you are… What was your path of proficiency?" she asked as she curiously looked at me and I smiled as I answered,

"The human body. I was fascinated by how the human body works, how it got to the point where it is. From a child… no… from a single cell, to develop into something so complex and alive… I was fascinated by it."

Talking about what I liked made me smile brightly and looking at me smile, she too smiled as she asked,"you really do love it. Don't you?"

And I nodded at her with an excited face before I moved into the next Floor,

"I sure do."

[You have entered Floor 48th!]

"In fact. I kind of overdo it when it comes to studying about the human body, you know? I try to find out the mysteries behind…" I started speaking and kind of forgot to stop. I did have a bad habit of speaking a lot when I got excited… though I didn't get any complaints from anyone to whom I spoke about it. In fact, they quietly let me finish it…

[Temporal Deceleration!]

[Temporal Deceleration (Copy)!]





[You have cleared Floor 48th!]

"Well… I guess I spoke too much about myself there… I hope you don't mind," I spoke as I scratched the back of my head hoping I hadn't bored her but looking at the smile on her face, it doesn't seem like she found it annoying.

I smiled as I continued,"Alissa kind of always asked me about it so I got the habit of talking a lot."

"What did you say?" Erina's expression changed as she gave me a deep look with a bit of threat in her eyes.

"Ummm… I got the habit of-"

"No. Not that… before that," she spoke as her intent gaze didn't leave mine. Her eyes kept gazing at mine and I spoke,"uh… Alissa?"

"Yeah… who is she?" she asked again and I kind of looked at her for a few moments before speaking,"she is my junior in my college. She was always there with me, asking for my help from time to time. Sweet girl."

Her eyes didn't leave mine as I tried looking around, avoiding her gaze.

'Wait! Why am I acting as if my wife has caught me cheating?'

"Is she your mate?" Erina asked as she observed me and I shook my head as I spoke,"no… we are just friends.." Once again I felt like I was hiding my mistress from my wife… What's with this scenario?!

Though she sighed as she looked at me before murmuring something, though I could not hear it, so I asked,"umm.. Did you say something?"

"No. Let's go, we still have more floors to clear, don't we?" she spoke as she ignored me before moving to the next Floor.

'Should I tell her about Caroline?' I thought as I followed her to the next Floor.

[You have entered Floor 49th]

[7th Boss Floor!]

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