Gospel of Blood

Chapter 218: You are under arrest!

Chapter 218: You are under arrest!

Count Yurst couldn't remember how many years it had been since he last visited Northport.

Fifty years? A hundred? Or even two hundred?

As a traditional bloodborne, Yurst rarely left his castle. The last time he had to move was after the defeat in the Lilac War, forcing him to retreat from the capital of Starfall, Beron, to the countryside.

Looking at the bustling, almost congested port in front of him, and the sprawling waterfront buildings, even though he was prepared, this Bloodborne Count couldn't help but marvel.

"They say Castell is the wealthiest territory in the North. Seeing it today, it truly lives up to its reputation!"

"No wonder the Elder Council is reluctant to give up Castell. Such a prosperous place is rare even in Starfall..."

Waging war requires substantial funds.

Although bloodbornes, with their long lifespans and hoarding lifestyle, usually never lack money, many of the Nez clan's assets were squandered in the Lilac War.

The Elder Council indeed had reasons not to abandon Castell. Over the years, just by infiltrating Castell's silver mines indirectly, the Nez clan had amassed considerable wealth and forged numerous enchanted equipment.

Count Yurst believed that if they could fully control Castell, the chances of reclaiming control over the Starfall Kingdom would significantly increase.

Thinking of this, Yurst felt a headache and nervousness.

An unknown God had appeared behind Castell, disrupting all of the Nez clan's plans and nearly erasing any possibility of controlling the North.

To be honest, as one of the leaders of the Returning Star Plan, he really didn't want to come to Northport at this critical juncture to face an unknown God.

But the bloodborne hierarchy is strict.

A higher rank means absolute power. As a subordinate to Duke Yorok, he had no choice but to face it head-on.

"My lord, we need to prepare to go ashore."

The captain's respectful voice brought Yurst out of his thoughts.

Unlike Count Yurst, the captain of this Carrack ship was not a Nez bloodborne but a retainer from their outer circle.

Yurst nodded, suppressing his unease, and said sternly.

"Prepare the landing boats."

The Carrack ship had a deep draft, and with Northport's busy, crowded port, it could only anchor in the bay. Those disembarking had to take small boats ashore.

Because of the presence of the Holy Court, the bloodbornes' identities couldn't be openly displayed. Officially, they were a noble merchant caravan from the Starfall Kingdom.

Count Yurst ordered his accompanying bloodbornes to display the merchant caravan's banner and rowed towards the dock.

The dock was even more bustling, filled with countless people, carts, merchant caravans, mercenaries, sailors... a constant throng.

Yurst's group didn't attract much attention.

After discreetly registering their identities at the dock's office, they were led directly to the Nez clan's underground base in Northport, a tavern on Seaside Street.

"My lord, welcome to Northport. It must have been a hard journey."

The tavern owner, having received the news in advance, greeted Count Yurst respectfully.

"Prepare three suitable carriages for us. We will visit Count Castell's estate tonight."

"Remember, the carriages should be dignified and solemn, but not too dreary. They should be low-key yet not overly simple."

Count Yurst casually commanded.

As a bloodborne, he always had high standards for travel conditions, and this visit to the lord of the North made him even more particular.

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"Understood, my lord. Please rest for a while. I will make the arrangements."

The tavern owner replied respectfully.

Noticing the owner's haggard appearance and the empty tavern, Count Yurst felt a pang of concern and frowned slightly.

"Is there no one else left at our clan's base?"

The tavern owner forced a bitter smile.

"My lord, since Countess Castell began investigating the bloodbornes in her territory, our people have either fled or been captured. Now, it's just me here."

Count Yurst was surprised.

"Castell's actions were that swift?"

The tavern owner sighed.

"Yes, Countess Castell's control over the territory is much stronger than we anticipated. Especially since... she seems to have special means to identify our people. Many of our members were captured by the city guards before they could escape."

Count Yurst paused.

He couldn't help but glance at the tavern owner again and suddenly asked.

"You mean to say that aside from this last base and you, all the other organizations the clan has secretly established in Northport over the years have been wiped out? Even those not involved in infiltrating Castell?"

"Yes, they've all been uprooted. Even the local nobles involved lost their titles and had their properties confiscated. Really, don't be fooled by Countess Castell's young age and gender; her methods are swift, accurate, and ruthless..."

The tavern owner lamented.

Count Yurst fell silent, his brow furrowing deeply.

Seeing the Count deep in thought, the tavern owner hesitated and asked.

"My lord, what's the matter?"

Count Yurst glanced at the tavern's entrance and suddenly said.

"I'm wondering... if Countess Castell really has special means to investigate your identities, why hasn't this place been targeted?"

Hearing this, the tavern owner was stunned.

The next second, with a loud crash, heavily armed city guards, led by an extraordinary knight, burst in, quickly surrounding and apprehending the Nez bloodbornes in the tavern.

"Don't move! We're the Northport Guard. Based on our investigation, we have reason to suspect you're involved with the Starfall bloodbornes. You're under arrest!"

Seeing the armored guards flood in, the tavern owner was panicked, while the Nez bloodbornes accompanying Count Yurst stood up, alert.

Only Yurst himself remained calm, seemingly expecting the Northport Guard's arrival.

He took a sip of the mead the tavern owner had served him and then looked at the surrounding guards, speaking calmly.

"I am Yurst, Yurst Nez."

"I am here on behalf of the Nez clan to speak with Countess Castell."

Hearing Count Yurst's words, the guards exchanged glances.

The leading knight snorted and said.

"Nez or not, I've never heard of you. You can't just meet the Countess whenever you want."

"Everyone, hands on your heads, squat down, and don't move!"

Yurst: ...?

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