Gospel of Blood

Chapter 220: Nez's Chips

Chapter 220: Nez's Chips

The underground base of the Nez clan in Northport was located in a tavern on the outskirts.

Count Yurst sat quietly at the bar, relaxed, sipping honey wine from Luna Island.

Beside him, other Nez bloodborne members from the Starfall Kingdom, who were also part of the delegation, stood armed and wary, watching the surrounding guards who had encircled them.

The tavern was in disarray, a chaotic area centered around the Nez delegation, indicating a recent fight, though no blood was visible.

Further away, heavily armed Castell guards, led by extraordinary knights, surrounded the tavern in multiple layers, even sealing off the entire street.

Inside and outside the tavern, the atmosphere was tense. All the guards gripped their weapons tightly, their gazes heavy and alert as they stared at the bloodbornes in the center.

"No need to be so tense. We come in peace and do not wish to conflict with Castell."

Yurst said as gently as he could, observing the mortal guards, who were more anxious than his own bloodborne.

He was genuinely trying to be as gentle as possible. Bloodbornes, including those from Nez, were inherently arrogant. Their disdain for mortals surpassed even that of elves. Sitting here calmly and talking with ordinary guards was almost miraculous for traditional bloodbornes.

However, no matter how gentle or friendly his attitude, as a representative of the Nez clan and a Bloodborne Count with considerable power, Yurst couldn't simply let mortals capture them. This was about the dignity and honor of the Nez clan.

This tense standoff arose from such circumstances.

Nonetheless, Yurst had been careful not to harm any Castell Guards attempting to capture them.

Only the tavern owner looked dejected at the wrecked state of his tavern, wondering how much it would cost to repair it.

But he quickly realized that whether the tavern would still be there or if he would even remain in the North after today was uncertain.

Thinking about repair costs now was meaningless.

The atmosphere in the tavern was oppressive and heavy. Except for the exceptionally strong Yurst, everyone else was quite nervous.

Especially as time passed and more Castell guards and extraordinary individuals were summoned, the Nez bloodborne members glanced more frequently at their count.

Eventually, when the city guards began bringing over the giant magic crystal cannons enchanted by Legendary mages from the coastal defense, even Yurst grew uneasy.

He set down his empty cup, his eye twitching as he glanced at the formidable weapons that had easily shredded the Starfall Kingdom's vanguard fleet during the Star-Moon War. Clearing his throat, he said a bit unnaturally.

"We come with no ill intentions, merely representing the Nez clan to speak with the Countess of Castell."

The Castell guards exchanged looks until finally, an extraordinary knight stepped forward cautiously and said.

"The captain has gone to report to the countess. Until we receive orders, do not move!"

Do not move?

If we keep waiting, will you bring all the magic crystal cannons in Northport?

Yurst cursed silently, feeling helpless.

Though he was a powerful count, and these heavy magic crystal cannons would find it difficult to kill him directly, it was different for the other bloodbornes.

Even for him, at such close range and with so many cannons, he would be injured if not killed.

This is absurd!

Are the humans of the Crescent Kingdom so hostile to bloodbornes?

It's all the fault of those madmen in the Blood Demon Cult!

Yurst cursed his fellow cultists internally, forgetting for a moment that Castell's hostility toward bloodbornes began with their own infiltration and the count's orders.

As Yurst contemplated whether to use a teleportation scroll to retreat, a series of urgent hoofbeats sounded outside the tavern.

Yurst looked out to see a dusty messenger dismount and rush towards the extraordinary knight commanding the Castell guards.

"Captain Chatham! Captain Chatham! Orders from the countess! Escort the Nez envoys to the count's estate!"

The messenger pulled out a parchment from his chest and handed it over.

The knight took the parchment, read the order with its distinctive signature, and nodded slightly.

"It is indeed the countess' command."

He then gestured for the soldiers to lower their weapons and bowed slightly to Yurst.

"Envoys from the Starfall Kingdom, the count will see you now."

He then signaled the soldiers to clear a path.

Yurst breathed a sigh of relief, putting away the teleportation scroll he had almost used.

He gave a signal to his fellow bloodbornes and then stood up, heading outside.

"Wait, though the countess will see you, only the leader may proceed."

Captain Chatham stopped the other vampires from following Yurst.

The bloodbornes glared at him, but after a moment's hesitation, Yurst said to them.

"Wait here. I'll go alone."

They needed the conversation, not Castell. Despite Castell's tough stance, they were the ones seeking something.

Escorted by soldiers, Count Yurst boarded a carriage bound for the count's estate.

The estate was also heavily guarded. As Yurst alighted, he saw armored knights even more elite than the city guards.

Amidst layers of security, he finally entered the Castell mansion.

The Castell family was indeed wealthy and prestigious.

Even Yurst, with his thousand-year-old picky taste, found the architecture and decor of the northern count's mansion to be understated, luxurious, and elegant.

The servants and male attendants in the mansion were well-trained and impeccably polite, comparable to his own blood servants.

Comparing this to his current rural castle, Yurst felt his temporary residence seemed quite shabby.

His old castle was splendid, but it had been confiscated by the Roman royal family after the defeat in the Lilac War.

Sighing inwardly, Yurst lamented the Nez clan's thousand-year heritage, largely squandered in that war.

If they couldn't regain their territory through the Returning Star Plan, endless hardships lay ahead.

Following the attendants and guards, Count Yurst arrived at the mansion's reception hall.

"Count Yurst, please wait here. The count will arrive shortly."

The attendant said respectfully.

Yurst nodded lightly and sat gracefully in the reception hall.

No sooner had he sat than a young, beautiful maid entered with a tray of wine, pouring him a glass of guest wine.

After pouring the wine, the maid didn't leave. Instead, she curiously observed him and couldn't help asking.

"Are you Count Yurst of the Nez clan?"


Count Yurst paused slightly as he picked up his wine glass.

He instinctively looked at the maid but quickly froze because he sensed a familiar aura from her.

It was the aura of a bloodborne!

She was... a bloodborne!

Moreover, she gave him a strong sense of affinity, indicating she was likely a pureblood, at least a fifth-generation, possibly even fourth-generation!

What's going on?

Wasn't Countess Castell purging the bloodbornes from her territory?

How could there be a bloodborne working openly as a maid in her estate?

"You know me? Which clan do you belong to? What's your name?"

Count Yurst asked calmly.

The young maid seemed excited and opened her mouth to say something, but a light cough came from the door.

"Ahem, Miss, the Countess will be here soon."


Count Yurst's heart stirred.

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He looked toward the door and saw that the speaker was a Castell guard.

However, when he sensed the guard's aura, he was stunned again.

It was because the other party was also a bloodborne!

Although not as pure as the maid, the guard was likely also a fifth-generation bloodborne!

What is this?

Are bloodbornes now freely working as servants in the Castell estate?

Wasn't the young Countess Castell supposed to despise bloodbornes because of her grandmother?

And... they seem to know me?

Count Yurst was deeply puzzled.

However, there was one thing he seemed to be certain of.

That was, the Countess of Castell might not be as hostile to bloodbornes as those lower-level bloodbornes had investigated.

This suddenly gave him a glimmer of hope. Could it be... that the Nez clan might actually be able to negotiate with the ruler of the Northlands?

"Agnes, what are you doing here?"

A clear, melodious female voice came from the doorway, immediately drawing Count Yurst's attention.

He looked over and saw a petite, beautiful noblewoman appearing at the door, accompanied by respectful maids and guards.

She was indeed a very beautiful young lady. Even with Count Yurst's two thousand years of experience, her appearance could be considered among the best he had seen, including those proud elves.

Her smooth blonde hair fell naturally, and her pure blue eyes were like exquisite gemstones. Her delicate features and fair skin were as if carved from jade.

Charlotte de Castell!

Count Yurst instantly realized her identity. Only the girl reputed to be the most beautiful in the Crescent Kingdom could have such looks.

However... she looked even younger than he imagined, more like a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl rather than a sixteen-year-old.

Seeing the girl at the door, the maid shrank back guiltily.

She hurriedly moved away from Count Yurst, stammering.

"Nothing... nothing... I was just curious..."

"Curious? Did you finish weeding the garden?"

The girl glanced at her with a faint smile.

The maid became even more nervous.

"Weeding! I'll get right to it! I'm very efficient!"

With that, she scurried out in a hurry.

Watching the bloodborne maid's disappearing figure, Count Yurst's heart stirred.

That bloodborne seemed to fear this young Countess?

No... that look wasn't just fear, it seemed to have a bit of something else.

To be precise, it looked more like reverence?

Count Yurst couldn't help but look at the girl.

The girl likely had something concealing her aura, he couldn't immediately sense her power.

However, from the initial investigation, the Countess of Castell should only be an extraordinary at the Starry Sky tier.

Count Yurst sized up the girl while she sized him up as well.

"Are you Count Yurst of the Nez clan?"

She asked softly.

Count Yurst withdrew his gaze and stood up to greet her.

"Indeed, I am Yurst Nez, representing the Nez clan."

The girl nodded.

"I am Charlotte de Castell."

Then, she instructed the maid and guard behind her.

"You all may leave."

The guards hesitated but respectfully saluted and left.

The girl gracefully entered the reception room and sat opposite Count Yurst.

Seeing her composed demeanor, Count Yurst was moved.

As a Bloodborne Count, most human nobles he encountered would instinctively fear him, not just due to his status but also because of the disparity in power.

However, this girl was so calm. Moreover, she dared to meet him alone, indicating she wasn't afraid of his strength.

Considering the experiences of Count Lachlan and Duke Yorok's attitude, he increasingly believed there must be experts protecting this young lord of Castell!

With this thought, Count Yurst became more cautious. He hadn't sensed any other auras, if there were indeed experts, their power must far surpass his!

Was it... the unknown divine agent?

Or perhaps, the unknown God THEMSELF?

Taking a deep breath, Count Yurst put away his increasingly outlandish thoughts. He took out a scroll from his robe, held it with both hands and placed it before Charlotte.

"Honorable Countess of Castell, I am here on behalf of the Nez clan to seek reconciliation with Castell."

Charlotte glanced at the scroll on the table but didn't open it immediately. Instead, she smiled and said.

"Reconciliation? Count Yurst, the Nez clan has severely damaged Castell's interests over the years. If you truly seek reconciliation, shouldn't you offer an explanation first?"

Count Yurst nodded slightly and said.

"You are right. However, we come with sincerity. This scroll contains records of all the Northern nobles who have cooperated with the Nez clan over the years. This... is one of our tokens of sincerity."

"I believe... with it, you will understand our genuine determination for reconciliation, as it means we will completely lose the trust of all Northern nobles."

"Moreover, we will offer some precious books and extraordinary knowledge as compensation to make up for the disadvantages caused to Castell over these years."

Hearing Count Yurst's words, Charlotte was somewhat surprised.

She thoughtfully glanced at him and suddenly laughed.

"Count Yurst, you came to the Northern Port not just for reconciliation, did you?"

Count Yurst nodded.

"Of course, besides reconciliation, I also represent the Nez clan in seeking cooperation."

"Cooperation? Are you trying to persuade me to support the Nez clan in reclaiming authority in the Starfall Kingdom in the future?"

Charlotte smiled faintly.

Count Yurst looked surprised, then nodded and sighed.

"Your intelligence is even faster than I imagined. Indeed, we wish to cooperate in this regard."

Charlotte shook her head.

"Sorry, I am not interested in getting involved in the power struggles of the Starfall Kingdom."

"Countess Castell, wouldn't you at least hear our terms first?"

Count Yurst said.

"Oh? Terms?"

Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

Count Yurst nodded and said meaningfully.

"Countess Castell..."

"I wonder if you are interested in acquiring a duke's title and a territory as wealthy as Castell?"

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