Great Tang Idyll

Book 2: Chapter 97

Book 2: Chapter 97

The old man really didn't expect that the Zhang and Wang's family did not occupy 6,000 mu of land, but only 4,000 mu. Before coming here, he had heard others say that a lot of people had their eyes on this place. Normally, he wouldn't come here himself. For the past few days, he hasn't been feeling well, so it was a perfect opportunity to come here for a look. He heard that the scenery here was not bad. There were still a lot of people working in the ministry, and the busiest time has passed.

"Old uncle, could it be that you're the new county magistrate? I advise you to take office as soon as possible. Don't try to find faults here. The manors here have been acting according to the rules of the court. Your county office has been repaired, especially the area where the county magistrate and his family lives. The best window paper was used, and even the tables and chairs are the newest type. Heated brick beds were added to the side rooms, and the firewood is already prepared for you."

The servant automatically assumed that the old man was the new county magistrate. The old man was just a little older, but he seemed good, so the servant kindly persuaded him, and at the same time the servant gave a nearby resident a meaningful look. The resident was clever, and he turned and left.

The old man found this interesting, so he agreed and asked, "What other arrangements were made?"

"Arrangements? No, there are no arrangements. This was done by the people. It is said that the new magistrate loves the people like his own son, so that's why they helped with setting things up." The servant didn't want to say too much.

"There are no fresh cucumbers? It would be nice to plant some cucumbers in the backyard." The old man said purposefully.

The subordinate hesitated for a moment, "This... My lord sees maintaining peacefulness in the world as his own responsibility. Perhaps an auspicious omen will appear."

"Then what should I do if I become a magistrate here?" The old man asked.

"Of course, it is to work on water conservancy, protect the people, pave official roads, promote agriculture, build schools, and broaden the collection of public opinion to be submitted to the Imperial Court. It is especially important to listen to what the people want. It is not easy to be a good official. It can be easy if you want it to be easy. For example, for money matters, you can think of ways."

The servant spoke smoothly, and he almost had a slip of tongue. He took a small step back.

The old man looked at the servant and nodded, "Who did you hear about this from?"

"Of course it''s my own thoughts. My lord, please take office promptly. Work hard and within two years, you will be able to accumulate enough political achievements to rise up. If you have any trouble, come find... find us commoners."

After the servant thought of the old man as the new county magistrate, he was a little excited, and his words were not as smooth as before.

Just when he didn't know what to do next, the resident who had just left ran over with Housekeeper Zhang. From the looks of it, they were coming over from the direction of Between The Water And Clouds. No wonder he came so fast.

"Housekeeper Zhang, you're here. Just now, this old uncle asked about the 6,000 mu of mountainous land." The servant finally breathed a sigh of relief.

While the residents of the Zhang and Wang families were leaving, Ge Ying'xi also gave the housekeeper a meaningful look. The housekeeper also gave orders to the Ge family's residents. The surrounding residents dispersed one after another. After the residents dispersed, another 20 or so people came. Those people also carried swords on their waists. Compared to the people around the old man, although they appeared a bit worse, they were higher in number. The old man was not only surrounded by guards.

Housekeeper Zhang glanced at the people next to the old man, and said to the old man, "Old Uncle, I wonder what are you here for? If it's for a chat, it would be better to go to Between The Water And Clouds."

"Yeah, let's go to the Between The Water And Clouds. Lead the way. Zhang Yong'cheng and Wang Qiao'er haven't arrived yet?" The old man changed the gentle manner he had when speaking with the Zhang family's servant earlier, and made a stern face as he indicated to Housekeeper Zhang to lead the way. He also asked about the Master and Madam of the Zhang family.

Housekeeper Zhang did not say anything and he led the way. After taking ten or so steps, he slowed down his pace, "Old Uncle, are you from the Capital? My master is studying at home, and my Madam is busy planning trivial matters."

"Studying? Humph! Does he think the imperial examination is that easy? Does he know the rules?" The old man asked disdainfully.

Housekeeper Zhang was not sullen, and still appeared peaceful. "There is no need to worry, Old Uncle. The Zhang Manor naturally has its own plans. Someone, come here. Head over to the Between The Water And Clouds first, and get them to serve our signature dishes."

The old man took a look at the sun; it was indeed getting late into the afternoon. He didn't decline, and continued to move forward and acted like he didn't hear the Housekeeper's words.

When the group of people came to the entrance of the Between The Water And Clouds and was about to enter, there was a slight sound of horseshoes clopping in the distance. The old man's guards reacted quickly and immediately became alert. After more than ten breaths, two houses and a person could be seen coming from that direction. From the looks of it, he was in a rush and was riding the horses alternatively.

As the distance drew closer, they could see that the incoming person was wearing tight-fitting clothes and the rope that tied his hair was long gone so his long hair was flying in the wind. He was holding a riding whip in his hand, whipping the horse nonstop.

When the person was near, he pulled the reins vigorously, and the horse he was riding stood up straight, neighing softly. The rider pressed the horse's head with his hand, then he spread out his leg and jumped directly off the standing horse's head.

When he landed, he staggered a bit. He took out a letter from his robe. He heaved his chest to control his breathing and shouted, "By the order of the Young Prince, I am here to deliver a letter for Young Master Zhang."

"Someone, come. Call the doctor. Prepare warm tea. Get the stretcher." As soon as Housekeeper Zhang heard what he said, he didn't dare to neglect the matter. He mentioned what the Young Master and Young Miss usually ordered. He went forward and helped support the incomer. He did not rush to take the letter.

The incomer was indeed exhausted. If he wasn't Li Xun's close guard, and was just an ordinary person, he would have died from exhaustion on the road. He left with three horses, and one of them fell over from exhaustion along the way. He breathed heavily and yelled out. His mouth tasted a bit salty, but he beared with and said, "Letter."

Housekeeper Zhang took the letter and said, "You have worked hard. Wait a bit. We have prepared warm water for you to bathe in. There is also warm tea."

Before entering the door, he turned his head slightly and said to Housekeeper Zhang, "He's just exhausted, he's alright."

"Okay, doctor, you have been troubled. Get someone to prepare white fungus and bird's nest soup. Let him eat it when he gets up." Housekeeper Zhang was now relieved. The Young Master and Young Miss valued this kind of messenger the most. How could he dare to neglect him?

All of this was seen by the old man and the people around him. He was surprised at the speed of Zhang manor's reaction, and even more surprised by the way the Housekeeper Zhang treated the person. If the Emperor felt unwell, he wouldn't be able to be treated by the imperial physician at this speed. A physician could be found at a restaurant? A messenger was allowed to eat white fungus and bird's nest soup? Was the Zhang family stupid?

Housekeeper Zhang glanced at the envelope, hesitated, and said to the old man, "Old Uncle, please come inside."

"Aren't you going to take a look at the letter first? A young master's letter? Then that young master should be Zhang Xiao'bao from your manor?" The old man was amazed by Housekeeper Zhang's calmness.

"There's no rush. The most important part for fast message delivery is to travel quickly. There's no need to look at the letter immediately." Housekeeper Zhang said lightly, and seemingly inadvertently handed the letter to a member of the Seedling Team who had just rushed over here.

The man stretched out his hand to receive the letter, and someone next to him lit an object in his arms with a fire ignitor. He only heard two consecutive "boom rumble" sounds, and a large flame appeared in the sky.

The old man glanced at it with suspicion, but he didn't say anything. He followed Housekeeper Zhang upstairs and entered a room on the second floor. The clopping sound of horseshoes was heard again. Looking down through the half-opened window, he saw a horse with its rider arrive at the bottom of the restaurant.

"The letter from the Young Master. Four-star express delivery to the Master and Madam." The people from the Seedling Team ran over and greeted the person. The horserider didn't dismount his horse. He handed the letter, shouted out, and then left.

The person directly pulled his horse and went back to the main courtyard of the Zhang manor.

The old man saw this and he smiled, "Not in a hurry? How fast is the four-star express? How fast is the fastest?"

"Five-stars." Housekeeper Zhang was a little embarrassed and said two words in a small voice.

The old man also breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and muttered to himself, but several people around heard him.

When the waiter brought up the dishes, Housekeeper Zhang didn't need the waiter to introduce the dishes. He introduced them to the old man himself. He saw and heard the old man's demeanor and words, and he felt that the old man wasn't planning to scheme against the Zhang family.

The old man did not continue to inquire about the Zhang family. He talked to the housekeeper about some of the building constructions here, so that he could express his own opinions. There wasn't a lot of food on the table, but he tasted a few bites of everything.

After eating the cold dishes, he only nodded, "It's alright, it's a bit worse than some major restaurants in the capital."

When eating hot dishes, he said with satisfaction, "I heard that you have a special seasoning here. There should be some in the dishes. Let me take a look at what other dishes you have here."

As soon as the old man finished speaking, the waiter brought a plate over. Once it was placed on the table, the old man finally changed his expression. Although the ingredients on the plate were commonly seen, during this season, these items could only be seen in southern areas. There were a few straight cucumbers with thorns and a flower on the tip, and two green round eggplants.

It didn't look like they were washed at all, and should have been recently picked and sent here.

"Where's the sauce?" The old man really likes these two ingredients, so even if the eggplant was raw, he was comfortable eating it.

"Old Uncle, you want sauce? The taste changes when sauce is used. Someone, come here. Bring three kinds of sauces." Housekeeper Zhang spoke as he demonstrated to the old man. He directly picked up a cucumber and rubbed off the thorns on it with his hands. He bit off a portion and chewed on it.

The old man understood this time. Indeed, being able to eat cucumbers in this season was not something that would make a person feel embarrassed. Others would only envy the eater when they see this. He picked up a cucumber, and was ready to eat it after he rubbed off the thorn. At this moment, the guard on the side came over and said,

"My lord, I would like to have a taste too. Seeing my lord and Housekeeper Zhang eat makes me crave for it."

"Hmm, take one for yourself then. You don't have to grab the one from my hand. Given the Zhang manor's capability, they wouldn't stoop that low and use such a dirty trick." The old man paused for a moment, and finally said with determination.

"My lord."

Crunch. "It's delicious. I'll come to eat this when it gets cold. By then, it will not be Between The Water and Clouds, but Between The Snow And Clouds. Does Housekeeper Zhang agree?"

The old man didn't let the guard stop him. He took a bite, smiled and said to Housekeeper Zhang.

However, Housekeeper Zhang shook his head and replied, "No matter when the Old Uncle comes, this place will always be the Between The Water And Clouds. Even if there is drought elsewhere, there will be no shortage of water here. The mountains are on the side while being in the center of the water. During the cold winter, people here will burn charcoal to melt the snow and ice."

"The same. Unless the person only eats vegetables. Our...our people heard others say that reputation is more important." The housekeeper almost uttered the three words our Young Master'.

At this moment, the waiter hurried in from outside with a scroll in his hand. Before the housekeeper asked, he said, "Housekeeper Zhang, these are verses written by our Master. Starting today, these verses will be put on display at Between The Water And Clouds, Little Luo'shui, every restaurant and the pavilions on the mountain.

Before I left, our Madam said to let Housekeeper Zhang contact the stores in the capital--- not our stores though. Even if we have to spend money, we still must get them to display our master's poems. Before the New Year, we need to find people in the capital to send greeting cards to. "

"I see. Hang them up. Old Uncle, is there anyone you know in the Capital? The Zhang and Wang manors will never mistreat you." Housekeeper Zhang understood once he heard his words. It seemed like his Young Master and Young Miss were going to make a move. Coincidentally, there was this old man here who seemed like a decent person. If he doesn't make use of the old man, then wouldn't he be giving away a table of food for nothing?

The old man never fully opened his eyes, but now he raised his upper eyelids to the highest point, and said in surprise, "So that's how it is. So Li Xun is also helping? If you have the ability, don't tell me. This has been arranged from the beginning of the drought and locust plague. Give me money and I will help you find someone who doesn't want to help but has no choice but tohelp."

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