Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 122: Duties Of An Agent II

Chapter 122: Duties Of An Agent II

Chapter 122: Duties Of An Agent II

With the username finally accepted, Jason continued with the registration procedure but was soon stuck at another point which was a profile picture.

Jason wasn’t the type of person who took pictures at every opportunity he got… in fact, he rarely ever took pictures at all so he didn’t have any pictures lying around that he could use as a profile photo.

He couldn’t just use any picture either as this was going to be his first profile picture so until he got verified by the app, he had to find a way to let the fans know that he was the one behind the account as the fact that many combinations of his name was already used let him know that there were probably many similar accounts to his.

He couldn’t allow people to not be sure that he was the one behind the account he was about to open otherwise there wouldn’t be a point in opening the account in the first place.

The only way to do that right now was by using a profile picture or posting pictures that no one but him could have access to.

‘Should I take a selfie? Or…’ Jason started wondering internally when he suddenly realized that he could have Adele take a picture of him.

“How good are you with cameras?” he asked Adele.

“I don’t know, I never learned it professionally, but at least I don’t look like a scarecrow in the pictures I take,” Adele responded in between bites of the Pasteis de Nata that she ordered.

“Hmmm… Fair enough,” Jason said after some thought.

If the pictures she took were too bad, then he’d either take a selfie or maybe look for a professional photographer to take one, he had that much time today.

“Don’t worry about it, any picture I take will come out good with that face of yours,” Adele stated in an utterly convinced tone.

“Yeah, right,” Jason muttered with a roll of his eyes and turned back to his Bacalhau a Brás, chewing silently while wondering why his agent decided to start saying nonsense.

They quickly finished up their food while Jason skipped the profile picture part of the registration and continued the registration.

He managed to finish opening an account on the three apps but all three of them didn’t have a profile picture.

After finishing their meals and paying the bill, they headed out of the restaurant, intending to take the picture before they parted ways, with Adele going to report her progress regarding signing Jason to her higher-ups at Gestifute and then dealing with matters regarding the contract, while Jason would be free to do whatever he wanted to do for the rest of the day.

As soon as they were outside the restaurant, Jason took out his phone, opened the camera app, and held it up, his other hand swinging around Adele’s shoulder,

“Smile,” he intoned and tapped the capture button four times within the next second.

Adele had somehow managed to get a smile on her face as Jason captured the moment, despite it being a hurried moment, but the moment Jason took the phone away, she asked with a bit of righteous fury,

“Hey, what was that?”

“My first post on social media. Be grateful you’re in it,” Jason smirked as he checked the pictures he had taken.

They weren’t half-bad and luckily, his phone’s camera was sharp enough to capture the moment perfectly, yet despite the picture having an amateur feel to it, it looked quite nice.

All in all, it wasn’t a bad picture for him to upload as his first post on social media, but before he did that, he needed a profile picture first and this didn’t qualify as one…

I mean… it did, but putting a picture of him and Adele as his profile picture would definitely lead to many misunderstandings.

Misunderstandings that the media would never let go of.

Who knew what those bastards would cook up?

No matter how much he tried to explain matters at that moment, no one would listen because there would be too many stories and rumors at that point.

The most annoying part about doing it though would be Sofia’s reaction to it and he wasn’t exactly keen on finding out.

Quarrels could be very exhausting, both physically and mentally, thus Jason would try to avoid it as it could affect his performance in training and on the pitch.

Jason didn’t want that happening so why would he provoke a sleeping bear despite knowing the risks that doing so held?

Hence, he needed another picture that he could use as his profile picture instead of this one.

One could argue that he was still going to post the picture anyway so why didn’t he just use this one, but Jason would beg to differ.

A profile picture and a post were in no way the same thing… he wouldn’t say more than that.

‘If you don’t gerrit, then forgerrabourrit.’

“Make sure the picture is at least this good, otherwise I might find myself already regretting hiring you,” Jason said in a joking tone as he gave his phone to Adele.

“In that case, I’ll have to send my appreciation to your face for helping me keep my job,” Adele heaved a fake sigh of relief.

“My face? Whatever do you mean by that?” Jason asked confused.

“With a face like yours, it is scientifically impossible to have a bad picture,” Adele stated.

“Are you supposed to be drunk midday?” Jason questioned with a roll of his eyes.

“What are you talking about?” Adele asked confused by Jason’s question that was questioning her statement.

“Girl, I know I’m hot, but it is ‘scientifically impossible’ to be that hot,” Jason replied while laughing, not believing the words that were coming out of her mouth.

“My thoughts exactly… at least, until I saw your face,” Adele replied immediately.

“Miss Joyce, your job as my agent is to help me deal with contractual matters, not to make me blush,” Jason intoned, his ears feeling hot from embarrassment.

“No, part of my job is to tell you the truth, and that is exactly what I’m doing,” Adele fired back, seemingly not intending to give up until he admitted that she was right.

“Girl, just shut up and take the damn picture,” Jason pushed her away with a smile at the corner of his lips.

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