Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 144: Chronicles of Lockdown I

Chapter 144: Chronicles of Lockdown I

Chapter 144: Chronicles of Lockdown I

**10th March 2020**

The previous two days had been filled with training for Jason as was his usual schedule and he had not had time for much else.

Despite Adele already getting back to him that she had found a real estate agent who had helped him select a few houses, Jason had been too busy with his training to go and check out any of the houses.

Three days ago, his desire to move out of the apartment he shared with Mylo had been reinvigorated due to Mylo’s mischievous action of recording him unaware and posting it on Instagram.

Of course, Jason had given him a piece of his mind, but that hadn’t stopped Jason from going on with searching for a new place to set his bed, yet his schedule had made him unable to follow up with this, and today his plans had been dealt a blow.

The Portuguese Football Federation had suspended all football activities indefinitely for the time being due to Covid-19.

Major offices and businesses also closed down reducing activities in the Portuguese hemisphere by almost 40 percent.

Since Jason was expecting it, this didn’t shake him much and he simply continued with his life, not paying attention to much else as he already knew that this period would pass and all he had to do was make sure he did not pass away along with the period.

**13th March 2020**

Almost all the major football leagues around the world had been suspended indefinitely at this point and even the UEFA Champions League and Europa League had also been suspended.

Almost all other sports events all over the world had been suspended as well, all this were the after-effects of the COVID-19 virus breaking out.

It did not only affect professional sports competitions, but also literally every other part of the world, and the world was slowly moving towards total lockdown to curb the outbreak of the virus.

Of course, despite this, Jason still made his way to the CTFD Portogaia every day to train despite all competitions being suspended.

For him, it was a matter of discipline, he wouldn’t stop doing what he loved and was paid to do just because an opportunity to lay back and rest had appeared.

He simply regarded the COVID-19 lockdown period as an extended training period.

**16th March 2020**

Orders for a total lockdown of the Portuguese hemisphere were finally given on this day and the Portuguese citizens quickly complied, reducing human activity by about 80 percent in the country.

For Jason, this meant he could no longer go to the club’s training complex to train and instead had to make use of the equipment in the house to train.

It was quite cramped and annoying, but Jason soon got used to it and focused on his training.

A few days earlier, the real estate agent that Jason had hired via Adele had been able to help him select a house that fulfilled his specifications and Jason had even taken a bit of time out of his schedule to check the house and he was quite satisfied with it, but then a problem had arose.

Due to the effects of the Coronavirus, despite the whole city not having entered a state of full lockdown, they were already behaving like it and a number of businesses were already closing their gates to customers and the moving company happened to be part of the companies that had closed.

Thus Jason was in a situation where he had gotten a house and could pay the bills, but could not move houses.

It was annoying, but Jason had to live with it… of course, that was after trying like five different moving companies and getting the same reply from all of them.

The companies could not send their employees to places that might be unsafe since no one could ever really tell where they could contract the virus.

Luckily he had been originally not so intent on moving and had been prepared to stay in the apartment during the lockdown period so there wasn’t too much of a problem.

**24th March 2020**

It had been a week since the lockdown began and many people were finally accepting the fact that the virus would not be sorted out as quickly as they imagined.

The capabilities of humanity were always exaggerated in movies, but in reality, things weren’t as simple as a barely two-hour movie.

In a movie, a zombie virus that could literally threaten humanity could have a cure created in as little as two days in the movie but in about 30 minutes to those watching the movie.

In reality however, the coronavirus which didn’t even have as high of a mortality rate as malaria was having a lot of difficulty being curbed.

The inconsistency of the government towards the pressing issues was also a cause of concern to all the citizens aged 25 and above.

As for those aged 24 and below who were still living under their parents’ roof, this was the time for them to discover all forms of entertainment.

Some began watching anime, some watched countless movies and series, some played games… multi-player games especially, some spent all day on social media, and very few like Jason focused on work.

Most of Jason’s day was filled with training with all sorts of equipment to develop his muscles further as due to the lack of space, that was the only type of training he could do.

The rest of his day was spent playing games, watching movies, listening to music, reading, and chatting with Sofia either on call or by social media.

Mylo had also joined Jason in training and made use of some of Jason’s training equipment which Jason wasn’t using at that moment and he also spent the rest of his day playing games, watching movies, chatting up girls on social media, and watching blood stirring videos of girls moving their backside in different motions.

He had also started streaming and usually streamed various parts of his day, thus he was almost always moving around the apartment with a camera which was a bit annoying to Jason as he didn’t want to be caught on video unexpectedly again, not to mention that this would be worse as it was live.

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