Greatest Of All Legends

Chapter 277: The Blue Side of Manchester I

Chapter 277: The Blue Side of Manchester I

Chapter 277: The Blue Side of Manchester I

**Wednesday, 21st October 2020**

*8:03 am*

The Porto players had begun arriving at the CTFD Portogaia as early as 7:00 am because they were supposed to leave for England that morning by 9 am, thus they had arrived early and started packing their luggage into the bus and getting on the bus.

Jason had arrived a bit late which wasn’t like him but since he had been training till late the day before, he had not rushed himself that morning as he didn’t want to exhaust himself any further.

He wasn’t feeling too tired, but he didn’t want to stress himself in any way that morning and had woken up just before 7 and leisurely cleaned up before strolling out of his house, grabbing his previously packed luggage, and getting into his car.

Despite all this, he still managed to get to the training center before 8 am.

With his earpods in his ear, he hummed as he climbed the stairs leading up to the bus,

“Yeah, I’m in this bit*h with the terror, got a handful of stacks, better grab an umbrella,”

“I make it rain, I make it rain,”

“I’m in this bit*h with the terror, got a handful of stacks, better grab an umbrella, I make it rain,”

“I make it rain on them h*es, I make it rain,” Jason sang while bobbing his head as he looked around for an open seat and found one beside Fabio Viera who was calling him over.

Dapping Fabio before he took his seat, Jason sat down and took out his earpods from his ear, briefly pausing his music and asked Fabio,

“Where’s Coach?”

“He stepped out to get something, but he said we’ll be leaving in about ten minutes. If you came any later, you might have missed the bus and the match,” Fabio responded to Jason.

“Why are you just coming though?” He asked, knowing that Jason was normally not punctual because he usually arrived ahead of the appointed time.

“Nothing really, I just wanted to sleep in for a bit,” Jason replied half-mindedly.

“… Alone, or something you were doing last night had you weak in the knees?” Mylo who was seated behind them suddenly chimed in.

“Fu*k off man, not everyone is like you,” Jason shot back in an annoyed tone as he immediately understood what Mylo was getting at.

“Hey, I was alone last night,” Mylo protested immediately as he felt his honor being poked at.

“And how many times this year is that?” Jason asked him, turning to look back at him.

“… Not including the lockdown period…” Jason added as he remembered the lockdown period when they were stuck in their homes.

“Hmm, that’s 1, 2, 3…” Mylo immediately began counting with the aid of his fingers.

“I think it’s like my seventh time this year,” Mylo finally answered back with a grin.

“Exactly,” Jason scoffed as Mylo had just proved his point, but the others who were listening to the conversation couldn’t believe their ears.

“Wait, what!?” Fabio Viera exclaimed incredulously.

“Bruh, what the fu*k?” Otavio couldn’t believe his ears either.

“Chill guys, seven is a lot, I know, I’m literally a virgin at this point,” Mylo cut in, speaking tearfully.

“You say what?” Zaidu Sanusi exclaimed laughingly in a thick Nigerian Accent.

“Do you like, have a girlfriend… Or like two?” Fabio Viera asked curiously.

“I wondered the same thing at first when I first started living with him, but after seeing ten different girls in seven days, I stopped wondering,” Jason answered the question before Mylo could open his mouth.

“Cheiiii! Ten girls in seven days! How!?” Zaidu Sanusi asked in shock, his Nigerian accent making his reaction more comical than it actually was and a few other guys were already laughing hard.

“This guy is a menace to society,” Jason said as he picked up his earpods again.

“The real question is where does he even find many girls?” Fabio Viera immediately asked the most important question.

“I don’t even know bruh, but I started being thankful that my sister is in heaven instead of being on the same planet with this guy,” Jason answered with a little laugh, but he actually meant his words as there was no way he would have wanted a female family member of his to be anywhere around someone like Mylo.

“Hey!!!” Mylo finally couldn’t take it anymore and shouted

“I got respect for you bro, but no, I wouldn’t trust you with anything that has a hole,” Jason shot back in response to Mylo’s aggravated shout.

“Hey!!!” Mylo shouted aggravatedly again as he could hear his reputation being tattered.

“I’m with Jason on this, stay away from my sisters should you ever have the luck to even meet them,” Otavio immediately began taking steps to protect his family.

“Heyyyy!!!” Mylo shouted incredulously and was about to defend himself when Sergio Conceicao got on the bus, putting an end to the conversation.

“I’m guessing everyone’s here,” The Porto head manager spoke as his eyes quickly swept across his players, and not noticing any face missing from the ones he had selected, he immediately gave orders for the driver to begin moving as he also took his seat.

The bus quickly began moving through the streets of Porto and soon reached the airport.

Without much of a hassle, they headed onto the team’s private jet.

The necessary checks had already been done before the players arrived and it wasn’t long before they were in the air.

The plane was in the air for about two and a half hours before the passengers noticed the plane beginning to descend, letting them know that they had arrived in Manchester.

The plane touched down at the Manchester Airport (MAN) and the players swiftly deboarded as they had to quickly head to their accommodations for a short rest before they began their final preparations for the game.

After finishing the check-ins, the Porto players got on a bus that had been loaded with all their luggage and the bus headed out.

On the bus that drove towards the Dakota Manchester hotel where the team had made a reservation, Moussa Marega pulled out a Bluetooth speaker.

“If we’re in the UK then we gotta have some UK music, innit?” He said, his voice taking on an overly exaggerated British accent.

“Both hands on the back when I tap it, grab it, and slap it, Becky a savage,”

“Let me show you a magic trick, you can have this dick after that man vanish,” the speaker blasted out the remix track of the Drill track; Keisha & Becky by Tion Wayne, Russ Millions, Aitch, Swarmz, Sav’o, and JAY1.

The music enthusiasts who knew the song rapped along as much as they could, while the others just ignored Marega’s antics.

The bus carrying the players soon arrived at the Dakota Manchester hotel at almost 1 pm and the players got off and moved into the hotel and checked in, receiving keys to their rooms.

Before heading to their rooms, the players first had lunch at the restaurant in the hotel before heading to their rooms to rest till 4 pm.

Jason headed to his room as well and as soon as he got into the room, he set an alarm for 3:30 pm before jumping onto the comfy bed and immediately falling asleep.



Jason’s phone rang loudly and immediately put an end to a slumber he was enjoying, but duty called and he didn’t dare to snooze the alarm.

He immediately got up and headed to the bathroom to wash his face.

Washing his face with the refreshingly cool water, the remnants of sleep that remained in his eyes quickly disappeared and Jason glanced at himself in the mirror.

His gleaming blue eyes stared back at him, but there was nothing to see apart from a face he saw in the mirror every day.

Soon a slight smile appeared on his mostly impassive face as he once again remembered that he was about to be part of a Champions League game for the first time in his two lives.

‘Who would have thought?’ Jason wondered to himself, unable to wipe the smile on his face away.

Looking back at his previous life when he had thought his dreams were over, he would never have believed that he could take part in a Champions League game as anything more than a spectator because anything above that was not open to him.

He couldn’t even be a pundit or a commentator in a Champions League game in his previous life.

He simply didn’t have the qualifications for that…

But now, everything has changed.

He was about to head to a Champions League game as a player and even though he wasn’t sure if he would play or not as the manager hadn’t announced the starting line-up, Jason knew that even being on the bench was something he could never hope to achieve in his past life.

That being said, Jason wasn’t about to settle for just being on the bench and he hoped that the manager would give him a chance on the pitch, even if it wasn’t a starting position.

With these thoughts in mind, Jason began dressing up in a black suit.

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