Harem Developing Villain

Chapter 163: Palace Mistress Jiu Lan Awakens

Wang Li watched her leave, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. By now, his internal injuries and muscles had healed to the point where he could move around without any pain. He knew it would be too shocking and suspicious for the disciples and elders of the Jade Lotus Palace if all his surface injuries suddenly disappeared, so he left those for now.

Glancing outside the tent, he noted that it was still evening. The camp was quiet, with no one likely to come to the tent at this hour. Taking advantage of the solitude, Wang Li stood up and made his way to the infirmary bed where Palace Mistress Jiu Lan lay unconscious.

As he approached her bed, Wang Li took a moment to truly appreciate her beauty. Palace Mistress Jiu Lan was a vision of mature elegance and power. Her long, dark hair spread out like a silken curtain, framing her delicate, serene face. Even in her unconscious state, her features were striking – high cheekbones, a graceful nose, and full lips that hinted at both strength and vulnerability.

Wang Li's gaze traveled from her face to her body, taking in the sight of her voluptuous curves. Her robes, though modest, could not conceal the mature allure of her figure. Her ample bosom rose and fell with each breath, the gentle rhythm mesmerized him. Her waist, slender and elegant, tapered down to wide hips that spoke of a natural, commanding presence.

For a moment, Wang Li simply stood there, entranced by her beauty. He had always known Palace Mistress Jiu Lan was attractive, but seeing her up close, he realized just how breathtaking she truly was. The sight of her, combined with the knowledge of her formidable power, stirred a deep desire within him.

As he stood by her bedside, his mind began to race with thoughts of the opportunities that lay ahead. He could sense the potent Yin energy radiating from her, a treasure trove of power waiting to be tapped. But he knew he had to be careful.

Despite his desires, he needed to approach this situation with the utmost caution and respect. After all, Palace Mistress Jiu Lan was not only a powerful cultivator but also a revered leader of the Jade Lotus Palace.

With a deep breath, Wang Li reached out and gently brushed a strand of hair from her face. "Palace Mistress Jiu Lan," he murmured softly, his voice barely a whisper. "You are truly a sight to behold."

With a touch as gentle as a butterfly's landing, Wang Li placed his palm on Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's forehead. His eyes, closed in concentration, emanated a faint golden light. The flow of Yang energy began, not to heal her directly, but to subtly influence her internal pathways.

He weaved it through her meridians, subtly nourishing and strengthening her spiritual roots, the very foundation of her cultivation.

This was a calculated risk. The Yang energy, while providing a temporary boost to her cultivation base, also served as a hidden safeguard for him. Should Palace Mistress Jiu Lan awaken with hostile intentions, he could activate this Yang energy, temporarily severing the connection between her mind and her dantian, essentially rendering her powerless.

It wouldn't be a permanent solution, but it would buy him precious time to escape.

The process was delicate and time-consuming. Hours melted away, the infirmary tent cloaked in an eerie silence as dawn began to paint the horizon with streaks of orange and pink. Exhausted but satisfied, Wang Li retracted his hand and settled back into his own infirmary bed, sleep claiming him almost instantly.

Morning arrived, painting the horizon with streaks of orange and pink. Palace Mistress Jiu Lan stirred, consciousness slowly creeping back into her mind. As she opened her eyes, a wave of surprise washed over her. The searing pain, the aftermath of the Jade Lotus Blossoming technique, was absent. Gone were the crippling internal injuries, replaced by a newfound sense of vitality.

But the most startling discovery was the state of her Spiritual Roots. They felt invigorated, pulsating with an intensity she had never experienced before. They hummed with newfound power, as if they had undergone a sudden growth spurt. It baffled her.

The ancient texts of the Jade Lotus Palace held no mention of such a phenomenon. In fact, the consequences of using the Blossoming technique were well documented – an agonizing period of healing, followed by a permanent weakening of the cultivator's core. Yet, here she was, revitalized and seemingly stronger than before.

A shiver of excitement ran down her spine. It meant she could lead her sect with renewed vigor, her cultivation progressing at an accelerated pace. This was a mystery she would have to unravel later, but for now, she reveled in the unexpected boon.

She sat up, taking in her surroundings. The familiar setting of the infirmary tent confirmed they had won the battle. Relief washed over her, but it was quickly replaced by a jolt of surprise. Her gaze fell on the figure sprawled across from her – Wang Li.

"Wang Li?!" she exclaimed, a mix of disbelief and annoyance in her voice. How dare he be here, in the infirmary of the Jade Lotus Palace, a sect that strictly forbade men? Had he snuck in? The audacity!

But then, she noticed his injuries, clearly visible on his exposed arms and legs. Perhaps, she mused, the disciples had brought him here to tend to his wounds. He did, after all, fight alongside them against the combined forces. A sliver of grudging respect bloomed within her.

A strange compulsion drew Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's gaze towards Wang Li. Even in the dim light filtering through the tent, she found herself drawn to the sharp angles of his jawline and the way his golden hair, almost unearthly in its shade, fanned out against the pillow. He looked…peaceful, almost innocent in sleep.

"Such a handsome face wasted on such a depraved man," she muttered under her breath, a flicker of annoyance warring with a begrudging admiration.

Her prized disciple, Liu Xue, was hopelessly smitten with this man along with another Core Disciple of the Jade Lotus Palace sect, Xia Qingwu, who had already married Wang Li.

Jiu Lan couldn't entirely blame them. After all, the man possessed an undeniable magnetism. But his womanizing ways and insatiable hunger for beauty disgusted her. Yet, a flicker of something else sparked within her – a strange curiosity. How could one man be so adept at manipulating women?

The question of what to do with him swirled in her mind. Should she banish him, upholding the sanctity of her all-female sect?

As she weighed her options, the tent flap rustled open, revealing a flustered Liu Xue. The young woman's eyes widened in surprise at the sight of her master awake, and she sank into a deep kowtow.

"Master!" she exclaimed. "You're awake!"

A fond smile softened Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's features. "Indeed, Xue'er. It seems the Jade Lotus Blossoming technique wasn't as devastating as predicted."

Reaching out, she beckoned her disciple closer. "Was it you who persuaded the elders to allow this… Wang Li… to be treated here?"

Liu Xue felt a bead of sweat roll down her temple. The weight of her earlier promise, the one about cutting all ties with Wang Li, hung heavy in the air.

"Master," she stammered, her voice betraying a hint of fear, "I… I simply saw the contribution he made. The formations, the surprise attack against the Iron Hammer Sect, and finally, defeating that Ye Fan – a bane to all righteous sects.

Not to mention…" she hesitated, her voice dropping to a whisper, "he somehow healed your internal injuries sustained from the Jade Lotus Blossoming technique before… before losing consciousness."

Palace Mistress Jiu Lan's eyes narrowed. Healed her? But how? No elixir, no herb concoction, not even the most revered healer within their sect could accomplish such a feat in a single night.

Liu Xue, sensing her master's disbelief, pressed on. "He used some sort of mysterious technique, Master. Despite his own wounds, he prioritized you. If we cast him out after such a selfless act, it would reflect poorly on the Jade Lotus Palace."

The revelation struck Palace Mistress Jiu Lan like a bolt of lightning. The sudden recovery, the inexplicable surge in the power of her Spiritual Roots – it all made sense. Wang Li was the key.

Intrigued, she stared at his sleeping form. Curiosity gnawed at her. How did this technique work? Could it be of benefit to the sect? Her thirst for knowledge, a hallmark of any powerful cultivator, battled with the lingering resentment she harbored towards him.

Finally, she spoke, her voice laced with an unexpected hint of…approval. "Liu Xue," she said, "you did well in bringing him here. Make sure he recovers comfortably for the next few days."

Liu Xue's jaw dropped. "Master? Does this… does this mean…"

"It means he'll remain our guest," Palace Mistress Jiu Lan interrupted with a sly smile. "However," she continued, her voice turning steely, "there's a condition attached if you wish to continue your…adulterous relationship."

Liu Xue's cheeks flushed crimson. "Adulterous?" she stammered.

"Don't play coy, child," Palace Mistress Jiu Lan chuckled. "Uncover the secret of this healing technique and present it to me. If you succeed, I won't stand in the way of your little affair."

Liu Xue swallowed hard. This was unexpected. Her master, the embodiment of discipline and righteousness, was bargaining over a forbidden romance. Yet, the thought of being reunited with Wang Li outweighed any doubts.

"I… I understand, Master," she mumbled, nodding vigorously. "I'll find out about the technique. You'll have it."

Relief washed over her. Her relationship with Wang Li could continue, albeit with the burden of espionage. But at least it wouldn't be a forbidden love anymore.

"Good," Palace Mistress Jiu Lan said, a ghost of a smile playing on her lips. "Now, go and tend to your… guest. And remember, Liu Xue, this information is of the utmost importance. Don't disappoint me."

Liu Xue bowed deeply, her heart pounding with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. This turn of events was bizarre, but it opened a door she hadn't dared to imagine.

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