Harem Reborn

Chapter 137: Evolution Paradise

Chapter 137: Evolution Paradise

"So that's how it is then?"

"Yeah, you smell normal, but you might need a bath. I have no urges to do something I might regret with you. Plus, the steak knives for arms is a bit of a turnoff. No, you and I will settle our differences here over my stuff you stole and the job you cost me, then we can go back to being civil. Fate is gone unless you're still willing to carry his grudge?"

"I don't care about him, and I never did, he offered me a spot in an easy game, and all I had to do was fuck you for a bit and then fuck you over. It was nothing against you; It's hard in here for girls."

"Well, with your disposition and the way you are still talking to me is making it a little hard to believe you didn't enjoy doing it?"

"Which part?"


"Well, you were a stud, and I liked it when you filled me up..."

Oh, no! Shit, I didn't need more weapons right now, goddammit! The smell and her words were making my heart beat fast. Damn, it's like im losing control of my body!

"Dave...Oh...mmm, is that you? That smell..."

Great, and now I was stinking of the ultra pheromones too. Well, there were two ways this could play out, and the first, my body was trying to force me to do. I kept a firm grip on the shaft of my spear as my body pulled me closer.

"Mmmm looks like I'm going to get wha..." Cindy's words caught in her throat, and she looked down at the spear tip that was sticking out of her chest.

"Looks can be deceiving."

The control my body had over me let go as Cindy slid lifelessly off my spear and hit the ground. I turned and doubled over to empty my stomach quickly, and stood back up, wiping my mouth. I wouldn't do that again, nothing glorious about killing a woman and especially not like that.

I was starting to like this game mode less and less. It turned us into animals in an arena forced to fight and have sex just for others' fun that supposedly couldn't see it. This game mode might be better if there was free will, but there wasn't; men and women were being forced...Simon had better think of something soon.

Standing around doing nothing helped no one, though, so I turned and ran for the water. As I ran, I saw Cindy finally disappear, and I almost stop to wait for it, but I knew it would get to me, so I splashed into the water. Once to my hip, I dove in and noticed the lower part of my HUD flash red when my eyes opened under the water, so I opened it and the evolution selection.

Evolution Choice:

{Diffusion}{Gill}{Respiratory Tree}

What? I think jellyfish use Diffusion, but I didn't want to look like a transparent ghost. Then there was Gill, boring. This Respiratory Tree, though, that sounded interesting. I would probably regret it, but what the hell, let's roll the dice.

{Respiratory Tree}

Oh? What the hell is going on in my ass? A new message popped out, and I groaned.

//NEW SKILL UNLOCKED: [Respiratory Tree]: Gain the ability to breathe like a Sea Cucumber by sucking air into your anus. The Respiratory Tree inside then extracts the oxygen, and then you expel carbon dioxide

Shut the front door! I wasn't really sure how to feel about this...evolution, but in wound need, some short or anyone traveling behind me would be left extremely scarred. I shuddered the first time my asshole sucked in air, but it was pretty easy after I expelled all the air out of my lungs. I finally got to look around, and I wasn't really impressed.

There wasn't even seaweed or little fish; it was all just sand and more water. I started to swim forward for about twenty meters, and then I noticed about ten meters up I notice a drop-off. After the short swim to the edge, I peered over the edge and smiled; this was much better.

Below me was filled with life, fish of all colors, and anemone attached to the walls. I let my body fall over the edge and into the swimming fish that swam around me and bushed my body. I let myself fall into the depth, and I even noticed a Sea Cucumber as I sank down, making me chuckle internally.

I turned around and looked down below me, and it was still dark as I fell; I wasn't really sure what to expect when I got down there. I drifted for what seemed like an eternity, fish had deserted me by this time, and the wall was almost entirely bare of life. Slowly, I started to make out a glowing light coming from the deep; finally, I was starting to get worried I was going in the wrong direction. 

The light started to become more distinct, and I was able to make out moving shapes. It looks like two...things was fighting already, and I could see another coming in from behind. Now, What to do?

I spun around and looked to see if there were anyone else around me. That's when I saw what was going on shit. Well, this was going to be something that would sell tickets, but I wasn't sure how keen I was to join this. 

Around me, between forty to fifty crazy looking monsters and humanoid swam got the point. So, King of the hill? Does that mean that it's over after this? 

I had no time to think more as a skill was auto-activated, alerting me to oncoming danger.

[Hunter Sense]

I turn just in time to see a shark man with fur swim at me with snapping crab claws! Woah, buddy, go easy on the seafood! I pulled my feet back and activated a skill.

[Donkey Punch Kick]

My feet uncoils like compressed spring and smashed the sharkmans face into his head, leaving a bloody mess in the water. The body disappeared from the instant K.O, and the soul flew to me, lighting up the bottom of my screen. Nevermind sitting back and watching; this was going to be evolution paradise.

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