Harem Reborn

Chapter 139: Worth Less Then You

Chapter 139: Worth Less Then You

[Charged Fire Arm Sprint] 

I wasn't sure what this would do precisely, but I had a rough idea when I felt the shot of adrenaline hit me like a kick in the ass. I started to sprint at a breakneck speed that only my dialed up Frogfish brian allowed me to prevent me from tripping on my own feet. I did a lap and then another before the three had time to turn, and then I backed off to watch my handy work.

Red coral grew where I had run, and the fine hairs started to grow. The three had turned now, but it was too late, Tigerman kick the first Sharkman into the coral from behind, and he became caught in the coral. The thing let out a screaming roar if that's what it could be called, as the coral hairs caused the skin to raise up. 

Abruptly the transparent hairs went black and stabbed into Sharkman, and he stopped moving, and the hairs drained of color, letting go of the boy. The other had turned to watch, and even the cat had frozen; unfortunately, Sharkman two and Ottoman had ignored the growing hair that now surrounded them. The hair didn't even try to grab them, instead of turning black and stabbing into them as the last two tried to fight them off.

Within seconds they fell lifelessly to the ground, and it only took moments longer for the coral to shrivel up and crumble away. I walked forward slowly; eyes lock with the Tigerman; something was off about him, but not in a bad way. I couldn't explain the feeling other than some sort of kinship to him for some unknown reason.

"So Mr. Cat, what's the plan here? We going to fight or... Play cards? I don't have any pockets, so you're going to have to pony up on the cards. Maybe ask the lovely lady down there if she has any and if she would like to join?"

"I have no idea what to call you, but you're different."

"You're not just saying that because I look like the north end of a male hippo going south, right?"

"A sense of humor that isn't gear towards some kind of combat advantage? Who are you, boy?"

Woah, hold on, Tiger! When I was a kid, I came in like twelve or so lifetimes ago, but don't talk to me like I'm worth less than you. My name is Dave, and I came in here thinking this would be the best time of my life, but no, guess what I've done for the last twelve lifetimes?"

"Dave? Like Hare..."

"Don't, I expect more out of you, even though I have only met you. I may get to have fun with my girls, but I have spent everyone one of my lifetimes, except for one rescuing women that now I find out are lined up to be chucked into my game to be rescued and elevated to godship."

"You didn't know? What Genre did you pick when you came into the game?"

"There is that word again, Genre. A spiteful god cheating wiped me to beat me down and locked me in a hell world with no memory of the game or any of my previous lives. Only recently have I really been getting them and my old personality back. As far as I know, Simon never offered me a choice when I came in, and I know I have never heard of a genre, but I feel like I should remember it from my life before the game."

"Simon was the one that did your orientation, not Mr. Keys?"



"Dangerous water."

The Tigerman paused, deep in thought, so I looked around, hoping he would understand what I meant. If Simon wasn't in charge of orientation, then why did he do mine? My eyes fell on the clear shield bubble, and the girl was now at the transparent wall, staring at me with a puzzled look. 

I didn't want a mirror right now, and the fact that she could stand the sight of this mismatched body. Finally, the Tigerman spoke up, drawing my gaze back to him from the fish girl. 

"I'm Greg."

"Where are you!"

"What? Wait, you mean in The Watch?"

"Yup, now! Don't fuck around, then I kicking you out."

"Wait; what? Why? I'm on an asteroid, watching the Unlife."

"Not anymore. Get to Xeno and get ahold of Dresnal, an Oceana when you get there, so I know you have arrived. You either beat me there or meet me there, understand?"

"Yes, but why are you acting like..."

[Stone Jet Venom Sting]: 2/3 

I didn't let him finish speaking; man, am I really the only person that understands what the fuck is going on? This mess was starting to get stressful, and now I had to be an asshole and order Greg around, or all our talk might be picked up and linked back to Simon and then me. Boom, then this shit is all over, sitting on ice until I get dumped as useless data. 

I signed and watched the still stand; hmmm? Was she the one that had put it up? Well, if I had a spare minute, let's pop the sheet open and try the button again, but I noticed a neat handly feature at the top of mating skills. I toggled a minimize arrow, and my screen became manageable again; I opened the blinking option and burst with light.

[{Unified Evolution Activated}]

Oh man, I didn't even have to look this time; I could feel that my body was more or less humanoid again. The light stopped, and I marveled at my new sleek and toned body. I could feel a tail and my favorite underwater breathing apparatus clenching, my body black and dark blue with white hands.

I put my hands to my head, and my face felt normal, but now I had a pair of horns eight centimeters long coming from my forehead. I also now had long blueish black hair that I pushed out of my face, but that's when I smelt it. I turned to see the naked Fishwoman walking to me, no longer in her bubble. 

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