Harem Reborn

Chapter 160: Wrai-Spire

Chapter 160: Wrai-Spire

//Reducing size and deploying re-entry rockets and shielding, I will also tell the crew that you are going to speak to the Queen on your own -Alta.

Gee, thanks, Alta, I thought as I watched the message disappear from my HUD. I was now staring down at pure blue everywhere I looked. I guess getting this over and down with the Wraith queen will be one more thorn out of my side, but if I seduce the Queen, won't that make her a Harem Member?

//Yes, before, you would not have that option, but The Harem System is linked with Reborn. It has access to all the females on the waiting list, so now you can pull them at random from the list and add them to your harem -Tequila.

The water was coming fast now, so I pulled out my normal naginata and cut down into the water, just before impact, allowing me to sink into the water. If I hadn't done that, I would have known for a brief moment what it was like to have my head and asshole fused together; no thanks. Hitting unbroken water at high speeds was like hitting the pavement, be nothing left but a grease spot at the speed I hit it.

/Okay then, Alta, set a course for where ever I am going and give me an ETA

//ETA is three hours and twenty-five minutes, without delays -Alta.

Ha, sneaky bastard slid that last part of the message in there; well, delays were a part of my daily bread. Okay, Mom, so if I have access to more members now, what will I do? Have fifteen to twenty girls with me at some points? You have to see where I'm coming from, right?

//Hehe, yes Dave, I do. The Harem System also allows me to make all the members of your current team into goddesses, and then you can choose from the list for each world you enter. This will be very important when facing the founders; you will have to set up teams fast on each world and then keep in contact with them so you can support them. If we aren't fast enough, they will try to escape, but in the new system that you haven't unlocked, there will be a way to set up a communications device for you to talk on, but that also blocks the founders from contacting each other -Tequila.

Oh, well, that changes things. So now I can let them all relax? Great! That will be really good, but it will be hard to pick certain girls, but maybe with The Harem System, they will get better at certain things, and it will be easier to pick people for specific tasks. This was good though, now I could start saving women faster, but I would need a lot of HMP to get everyone to levels that I could leave them alone in a game. 

It wasn't that I was just scared that they might die or get hurt; Most of the girls went through traumatic experiences, and I didn't want any of them to relive something like that. I would hunt the ones like Kyrin to the ends of each world to prevent it. That's what I fucking needed, Asshole Sense; I would max that baby out!


Diamond, turn the damn flashing red lights off in my helmet! Ugh, maybe Alex might have been better to have; he was more calculating in my favor, where Alta was a helicopter parent. I could count fourteen Wraiths approaching, and when they got close, I sighed to myself. Man, they were worse, like a blue hammerhead shark with a mouth that stretched across their faces. They had mostly humanoid bodies, but I found it comical as I was surrounded.

Each drew out guns that look like water pistols, but the funny part was that each one held four guns, hahaha, one in each hand. God, you had to be here, and I tried to get myself under control as I had three of the four water guns shoved in my face in an awkward way that left his...small parts exposed...hehe, sure is cold.


My ridiculous laughter was projected into the water in a way that made it perfectly clear to understand. At a moment like this, it would have been nice for a little voice masking from the water, but that ship had sailed, and now there were lots of water guns pointed at me. Oh jeez, now they all held all four, and their peckers were hanging below, flapping in the water.

As they all yelled at me, the only thought that I was having was how a fish didn't come and nibble on them, hehe.

"Okay, I see we got off on the wrong foot, but if you keep waving those in my face, I will be carrying to all back in a bloody bag. All jokes aside, I am here to see your Queen, so put your fancy sword away. Let's go, or I will leave you behind."

"Who do you think"

"Please, no questions, I'm not here to talk to you. I think Fiori knows I am coming so she won't be impressed if I'm late. Honestly, I have a map; I don't need an escort."

I wanted to be rid of tiny pecker and his cohort of over-sized belly buttons, but they all put their weapons on their back and, with some reluctance, led me deeper into the ocean. Diamond adjusted my view so I could see into the dark water without problem, but there wasn't much to see except for more black water. At this depth, it didn't look like much grew or swan here.

Suddenly, I was able to make out a group of tower-like structures ahead, and some purple lights were coming from them. Wrai-Spire, or that's what the map registered it as, looked like a bunch of those tall ant hills in Africa. Part of me wondered if they were formed naturally or if they had some way to create it.

Well, time to go make some sexy time with the Queen of the fishies! 

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