Harem Reborn

Chapter 181: Tormenter

Chapter 181: Tormenter

I fell to the bed and Grace rolled into my arm, her large breast slapping onto my chest. She was giving me a dreamy expression that made me pull her into a deep kiss. Luckily, I wasn't that bright sometimes, but I could multitask with the best of them. As we kissed, my eyes were closed and I mentally loaded the points into Graces Avatar and on the third point, there was a brief flash.

"What were the selections that just popped up andI feel strong now"

I explained the Harem System to her and the stat boost I had chosen, but I told her I couldn't go into detail about the infliction choice. She wasn't surprised by the system and laughed when I told her what the mission I had just was.

"I would say you did better than eighty-three, but I'm more than willing to try again! I can't say that I am disappointed to be here with you. I was playing that game for a long time, as you can see, and now I have a chance to be free. I knew there was something special about you when I first laid eyes on you. Now, after watching you grow to a man so fast before my eyes, being able to do this was"

"I agree, but the game is about to load back in so get ready, you will be a small octopus...I think, but with your boost, you will get stronger faster. Compliments of the Harem System, hehe!"

"Octopus? What kind of game is"

But, she was already gone and I was in blackness as the game reloaded back up. Now, what to do? I had Grace to take care of until she was a high enough rank, but in my current form, I would be able to easily collect prey and hold it for Grace to defeat. Maybe I should just mate and get out of this game, after being in my old body, and spanking Grace over my knee, a new game was looking pretty good right about now.

'You can only mate once every thirty-six hours.'-Tequila.

Frig, damn MainFrame has really thought of it all, well, thanks Mom for that enlightening info. I could feel myself sink back into that awkward seal squid octopus form and I groaned inwardly. Back into the jelly less SciFi jellyfish, hooray for me. Part of me wanted to kill everything in sight so I could gain a new rank and evolution, but the sound of Grace's sweet voice in my head brought me back to this reality.

'Dave, please tell me you are that ugly thing directly over top of me?' -Grace.

Ouch, the truth hurts worse than a lie!

'Yeah, that's my ugliness, I'll lower myself down and you crawl up my tentacles and hide up here. I'll go and collect things for you to defeat and hold then, so you can kill them and get the experience.'

'Wow, the roles are reversed now. You are being the mother to me and protecting me, just like I was for you.' -Grace.

'Don't talk like that! Now you have me thinking I just played through some stepmom fantasy!'

'We can do that next time if you want.' -Grace.

'...I won't say no or yes to that, okay! Let's get focused! Git up here and we are gonna find you some prey!'

'I'll remember that for next time!' -Grace.

As Grace awkwardly climbed my I had visions of the scene that just played out in the bedroom, but with different words. I had to give my head a shake to prevent my brain from turning to mush, and turned back to reality, AGAIN! 

I looked around and spotted a group of different fish and crustaceans, and started to make my way over to them. It took me no time at all to get a massive amount of things for Grace to sucker punch, and in less than a minute, I see a small flash come from my mass of tentacles.


'Dave' -Grace.


Grace wiggled out of my tentacles and she was no longer just an octopus. Instead, now she was a redfish with octopus arms all around her body. They formed a dress-like look and I would have said Grace looked cute if a fish could be said to be cute.

'Dave! I look like a freak of na' -Grace.

Grace's thought trailed off as she looked up at me. Yup, when you think you have problems, feast your eyes on this ugly mug, not even a room full of mothers could love. After some more inward sighing and mental groaning, I told her to get back in and back to work. She still needed one more rank to catch up with me. I don't know what that would do, but I would at least have a little bit of peace of mind.

It didn't take long and another flash of light burst from my tentacles and I felt a larger form push out of my writhe of tentacles. Grace was now...humanoid...ish, but she actually looked like a person somewhat. She had a ridged back and tail for legs, if I had to guess I would say seahorse, but she didn't have much in the way of a chest, her body was mostly shapeless. The thing that drew my attention was the cute childlike face that stared at me with a screwed up expression.


'Sorry, my eyes are better and you look worse Honey. I think we should work on getting you an evolution.' -Grace.

I was about to reply when a message popped up, and I noticed that Grace had stopped moving so I could assume she had received the same message.


Collect 20 Dollars


I looked at Grace and noticed that the evolution had left the octopus arms as a short skirt but nothing that could be useful. Well, it was good to see that Dan the game designer had put a lot of work into the women's evolution, I guess I was just his favorite joke. I could see a faint glowing green line that looked like a string that headed off in the distance.

'So, twenty dollars? I hope you have changed, because I don't carry change on me while...whatever the hell this is.' -Grace.

'I don't think that's what it means, but that would be nice just to pull out some cash from the pockets we don't have. No, I think it is talking about Sand Dollars, so where we are going must be the location of them, but I want you to hide in me for now.'

'Ick! Do I have to, Daddy?' -Grace.

'Dammit, woman! Don't you start that shit, be a good little sea-monkey, and get inside my hanging entrails!'

'You're not helping, my little boy!' -Grace. 

'To think you are a full-grown woman inside that child's body, but all I see is a child tormenting me!'

'Maybe later you can use a tentacle to give you naughty ste' -Grace.

I muffled Grace by grabbing her and pulling her into my mass of tentacles. After some struggling, she finally calmed down so I let her poke her head out. Grace made a gasping expression as she poked her head out. I just rolled my eyes.

'I could hardly breathe in there, what were you trying to do? Drown me?' -Grace.

That made my body make a barking noise as I couldn't hold in my laughter at the comment.

'You have gills, you are breathing the air from the water!'

'...This does seem to be the case, but still, it's nasty in there! Don't make me stick my face in there again or I'll never be able to eat seafood again!' -Grace.

Part of me wanted to paddle Grace's ass till it was red, but the other part told me that only one of us would be having any real fun there. *Inward sigh* Okay, time to follow the green glowy line thing. I started off in the direction it led, and Grace started to ask me about what had been going on and how the girls were.

'Lavender, as you know her, but Serina to me is doing good and all the other girls are too. They are all waiting for you in the Hall of Gods, but you will more than likely see Iona in this game.'

'Oh?! That's a bit exciting...do you have to mate alone? Can you do a...let's say, three-way mating?' -Grace.

Who was this woman? My heart was pounding like a little schoolboy that had just seen his first nipple slip. She was not asking what I think...this is way too wild, but now that I think about our sexual encounter and then Iona and Miss Grace...oh god, I needed to stop thinking of her like that! This woman was going to turn my brain to mush, Mom, is this even possible?

'Yes, both of you now have mating skills, so you can both mate with the same partner at the same time' -Tequila.

'Are you serious? And who is that?' -Grace.

'Wait, you can hear Mom?'

'Ooo, you do have a step mommy fetish don't you Dave! I can hear the woman and don't worry Dave, I have more than enough kinks to be more than willing to play into your's!' -Grace.

'Alright, enough with the jokes! You are taking this too far and I won't bring you along if you keep acting like this.'

'Fine, big man, put your foot down. I'm done, for now.' -Grace.

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