Harem Reborn

Chapter 194: Hammer Sandwich

Chapter 194: Hammer Sandwich

*Bang, Bang!*


Each basic two-shot kill was worth one twenty, ten for each shot, then one-hundred for the kill. That was a basic, but an effective system and I had already picked up twenty more bullets, I just had to touch them and the ammunition was added to my inventory. Loading was a weird experience all on its own.

Since I had spent the four bullets as we ran away I slowed a little bit and my body started to move on its own. I lifted the gun and moved my hand to a button on the side, near the clip, and then pushed it, dropping the clip. Then I reached into a pocket that I was sure was empty, and pulled out a clip and loaded it, then I pulled back on a lever. 

Wow, thank god for the auto mechanics of this game! I would be so lost, and I only had to slow down a bit while doing it. We were running down a road with smashed up buildings, but they all had solid walls with no windows or doors.

Aquina fired off six more shots as we rounded a corner, killing two of the five skeletons. I slowed down and lined up my shot, but took the extra blink to aim at the head. I squeezed off the shot and the skeleton exploded, so I dropped my gun down and aimed to make the same shot. Another shot took the skeleton down and then three more came from Aquina, taking the last one down.


Woah, That was crazy, Two-ten for each headshot was great, but it was too early to celebrate, more were coming. We ran forward and we both picked up an ammo box, there was also a small bandage that Aquina took. I assumed she would know how to use it, I was just the shooty person.

"When do these things stop? Or how do we get to the next round?"

There were about eight skeletons following us now and there were more coming from cracks. Yes, I shit you not, like puddles of grease they were pouring out and then becoming skeletons. The biggest problem was that the system wouldn't let me shoot one-handed, or over my shoulder; I had to backpedal and that slowed me down more than reloading, which I had just finished doing.

There is a machine, we just have to keep killing things, watch for things that are out of place in a post-apocalyptic world, and shoot them. They will be triggers for the item, and part drops. We need three parts for the first machine, but I don't know what the rest will be."

I turned and fired shots into the group and took down one, but then I had to turn back and run slowly as I reloaded. We were coming up to a fountain area and the horde was growing behind us, but I noticed an intact flat-screen TV sitting on one of the benches circling the fountain. I gave it no thought and fired at the TV, causing it to burst into a rainbow of particles.

[Hammer Sandwich Gearbox] Acquired!


"What's a hammer sandwich?"

"How am I supposed to know?" Aquina yelled at me as we ran around the fountain.

"Well I got the first piece, but we need to deal with some of these...friends."

Then I turned and took careful aim and popped two heads, but the skeletons had gained on me. Aquina shot the first one that tried to grab me, but there was another that was close enough to grab me. I felt the sting, but pulled away and got a lead on the group, catching back up to Aquina.

"We have to keep moving, try to go for two body shots with your aim assist, and keep moving! Turn, shoot, turn back and run for a bit, then turn back and shoot. We have to keep ahead of them, if you watch, they will follow us around the fountain and grow. This is okay for now, so practice, but we have to leave to find the next part soon before more skeletons start spawning in."

I nodded to her as we ran and turned, fired two shots, and turned to reload. I got three more clips off before we broke away from the fountain circle with our horde that was at about seventeen now. Ahead was more smashed buildings, but there was a skywalk up ahead, with something bright on it. 

"Up top, Babe!"

I pointed at the rainbow unicorn stuffy sitting in a broken part of the glass, and Aquina fired off around. The shot hit the stuffy in a shower of rainbow sparks and I got another message. It didn't seem to matter who hit the items, we all got it anyways, which was good. I didn't want to have to point out every second item in the spirit of sharing, so this made life easier.

[Hammer Sandwich Power Converter] Acquired!

I fired two shots ahead and Aquina fired six, taking out the three skeletons that had just formed from their pools of white and black muck. We were coming up to an intersection, but the way ahead was blocked...and so was the way to the right. Left it is, like fricken herded cattle, I turned back and fired off another two shots, taking down another one. 


[Hammer Sandwich Power Cord] Acquired!

I turned back around to reload just in time to see the rainbow sparks puff out from the garbage can that was kicked over up ahead of us. Suddenly, a red digital outline of a vending machine was ahead and off to the right. The Image was like an overlay that let me constantly track the location of it, which was cool and not that distracting, surprisingly.

The group was at over twenty now, maybe a lot more, I have shot down four more and I was just reloading as we turned the corner, but I noticed a pizza on the ground up ahead. I hesitated for a second, It had been so long since I had eaten pizza, but I popped a cap in that Zaa ass and got a message.

[Sack Full of Sacks of Potatoes Bombs]

I activated the Item and I got a burlap sack with a sting tying it closed at the top. There was also a sizzling fuze sticking out of the top, so I turned and threw it back into the mass of skeletons. The sac sailed through the air and landed in front of the skeletons and they all stopped at the bag, and we stopped to watch. 

I shit you not, for the second time today, my mind was blown. The bag erupted in a shower of little plushy ragga muffins wearing burlap sacs. Wait a minute, those dolls...they suspiciously like...but my thought was cut off by the mind rattling explosions that went off.

The skeletons had begun to pick up the dolls and play with them, that was until they exploded. The monsters were vaporized in the symphony of destruction that played in front of us. I had to take a step back to brace myself from the shockwave that rippled back to hit us, all potato jokes aside, those skeletons got mashed.


Woot! I'm rich! I think so, but my joy was rudely interrupted by an unliving scream. I turned with Aquina and looked at the three and a half meter tall zombie standing in front of us that looked like it could use a bite to eat. Both of us raised our weapons and started to fire at the creature, but the thing soaked up the damage.

I went one way and kept its attention, while Aquina kept attacking from behind. The thing was tough, but it was slow and stupid. So it was easy for me to keep it distracted, making me faint at it whenever it would try to turn its attention away from me. I almost got grabbed once, but just barely got away because of Aquina's shooting to distract it, and after three more clips, the rotting carcass went down. 


"Yeah! The first round is over once we complete the snack machine. Good job on distracting that thing, but I really thought that monster was going to get you before I could reload!" Aquina said while shaking her head and walking over to me.

I took her in my arms, pulling Aquina into a deep kiss while giving her bottom a good squeeze before letting her go. She had a smile as we separated, and I really wished this was the mating sequence! Wish in one hand, shit in the other, and see which one gets fuller faster. That was an old saying my dad used to tell me when I used to wish my problems would go away, but he was right, wishing would get me nothing.

"Let's go see the snack machine and get us some Hammer Sandwich, no, I don't like that. Let's never say that again, or even tell anyone that I just said that, okay?"

Aquina laughed and dragged me over to the glowing red machine that had the picture of a hammer between two slices of bread. Cute, well, at least it was on theme with the...whatever this was. I learned to touch the machine, but then stopped at the sound of a familiar voice. 

"Dave! It's been so long!" Came a buzzing robotic voice from behind the vending machine. 

I turned around to find the lovable Flying TV Tenten!

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