Harem Reborn

Chapter 228: Bloodthirsty

Chapter 228: Bloodthirsty

After knocking the pillar over, the pit we were in filled with water, and Carly and I floated to the top. Sandra and Latisha were shaking their heads at me, but I just smiled. I only had this Dragon Claw now, so I had to use it to the best of its potential, but TDM wasn't that thrilled about being used as a battering ram. 

He would get over it, we were now stuck together and there wasn't anything that either of us could do to change it. I didn't think that would stop someone like The Destroyer of Men from trying to resist more thought. Who made a weapon with a monster inside of it, I mean in principle the idea sounded pretty cool, but when you were the damn thing, it was a whole different story.

After floating to the other side, we all got out and started to walk to the exit, which should have been our ticket out of here, but it was to another big cave like the one with the statues. The only difference was the dragons littering the place. 

They were not big, but there were at least twenty of them, making it I've to one odds in the dragon's favor, but that's when TDM started to growl. I started to feel the creeping pain of the scales appearing started, but stopped when I felt the surge of power. It was stronger than before, more outrage poured from TDM.

'Kill these wretched beasts so I may feed on their essence! None can remain, I am the only one!' -TDM.

'Yes, old man. That was my plan, to begin with, no point in rubbing it in my face.'

The dragons rushed us but were torn down by a hail of bullets before I even got a chant to kill one.

'HWHAT! What is the meaning of this!' -TDM.

I turned and looked back at the girls, who all had their weapons out, absorbing the essence. They all looked happy, so I was happy, TDM was still pissed, but we were done. The monster could rage inside of me all it wanted, this was another tiring day.

It was almost over, and now we just had to get through the door up ahead and find whoever was waiting. I let the girls check the door, but there weren't any traps and it wasn't locked, but no freezing time happened. That feature must have only been part of the first half.

"I really hope this is the last room, I am ready for another bath and some other stuff!" 

The girls all rolled their eyes at me, but that made me smile even harder. Then I opened the door and everything went to hell. My arm grew a pair of legs, with a dragon's head attached to them.

"Dave!" The girls all cried together as I was pulled into the room alone, with the door closing behind me. 

I tried to dig my heels in but faltered when I saw what was inside the room with me and nearly tripped and fell.  There was a giant fucking dragon in the room and we were running straight at it. Both of us were bathed in fire, but TDM shields me from the flames, while he took no damage. I almost thought we were going to be okay, but then we were full-body bitch slapped into the far wall.

TDM took most of the damage, but that didn't mean that I didn't get hurt. The dragon was turning on me and about to blast me with fire again, but I was already being dragged along and towards the dragon. I stopped charging up its fire to make a swing at use, but I used my strength that was charged to just barely clear the arm.

That was when TDM made my arm turn into a huge dragon's head, and bit the arms as we flew over. The clamp stopped my motion and I swung in a pendulum into the ground, but TDM let go in time for me to right myself. The massive green dragon with a golden mane screamed out in defiance, but somehow, TDM returned the called even louder.

The whole exchange was giving me a headache, but I didn't have time to complain as I was ripped forward again. I was going to have a serious talk with this idiot after we were done here. The dragon tried the same move again, but with its other arms, and TDM caught it in his mouth, biting the handoff.

Nothing but a rough bloodless stump was leftover and the dragon was trying to pull back, but this only made TDM more bloodthirsty. We dashed, well I dragged towards the retreating dragon that was trying to make a last breath attack, but it was too late. We dash up and the two-legged dragon head launches up to tear into the dragon's neck, with my dragging behind, flailing in the wind.

The massive and impressive dragon exploded into a shower of dark particles. TDM changed to wings and we floated down. The black spots started to spin into a cyclone that sucked into my hand, the pain was bearable this time.

Suddenly, I could feel pain sprout from my right arm, and another Identical gauntlet appeared.

'NO! I have now been working with you! You should not get control like this! Look what I did for us!' -TDM.

It was true, I couldn't feel him like I could before, it was more like he was a part of me now, rather than a larger shadow covering me. Well, looks like I won't be needing that talk after all. Serves him right, I bet the girls were worried sick about me!

I turned back to see the girls casually walking into the room, and none of them looked concerned.

"You guys weren't worried about me?"

"No, not with that psycho strapped to your wrist, hehe," Carly laughed, coming over and giving me a kiss, but then looking down at my other new gauntlet. "What do you do now? Are they both going to sprout legs and run in opposite directions now?"

"Don't give him any ideas!" 

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