Harem Reborn

Chapter 237: IT'S A FUCKING TRAP pt2

Chapter 237: IT'S A FUCKING TRAP pt2

The phone was ringing, but she wasn't picking up, and I was starting to panic. It had all been an elaborate trap to get girls stuck into a game world, and tears were stinging my face. If I had just hurried up and hadn't acted like such an idiot! 

"Calm down you idiot! We are barely late!" Hyde said, while shooting me a look.

"No, that was Simon, it's all a trap! They are going to publicly execute all of those girls and no one will have any idea! I'm calling the police!" 

"Woah, hold on, are you fucking serious?" 

"Hyde, do I look fucking kidding right know? DRIVE!"

Hyde punched it and road peoples ass, forcing his way into lanes as I slammed 911 into my phone. I explained who I was and the proof I had quickly and they said they would dispatch a large team to the convention center. Next I fired off a text to Simon and the rest of the team to start working on a way to reverse engineer the problem, but almost threw up when I saw the reply from Simon.

'No, there is no going back. If the helmets are on, the girls are dead. The monitors, the set up they talked about, it was all just a distraction. I have a copy of the waiver you sent me and they cover almost everything in it that could go wrong. I'm not saying we won't bury them for this, but that's not going to change a thing for those trapped inside.' -Simon.

'Then start working on a way inside! You're going to get me inside of that game, and then we are going to figure out a way to get them out of it! Those are my fucking worlds and our work! I will make them all pay for thinking they could get away with this!'

I threw my phone at the window; this was beyond fucking crazy, the audacity to trying something like this, but he was going to get away with it. !@##@ would have already called me back or answered my call if she wasn't in yet. My friend was just killed, but she wasn't dead, and I would find her!


[ 1 year, 6 months until the release of Reborn]

We never made it on time, and the police even beat us there so we couldn't get close, but Simon was right, all hundred and thirty six girls were dead, along with her. 

Over the last six months, I hadn't left the office once. Hyde stayed, but we had a cat, so he would go home every night, but she brought me meals that I didn't eat half the time. I was too absorbed with the problem.

I had almost bankrupted Reborn, I had a four month savage fight in the court, while also funnel money into the burning and buying every dive set that was ever sold then buying Second Life completely out. This cost me millions but it was the blood money I had gotten for helping make a place for rich sickos to abuse girls endlessly, so I used every cent to close the world off completely.

The entire time, I never left my office, or my dive table, except for the once a day I dropped out to do simple exercises to keep my body from fatiguing. I was in the game world, and I was working on a way to get the girls out of this single game world where they were all placed with infinite health, but zeros in all other stats, making them targets for even NPC. Still, I collected them all and with the help of MainFrame, Tequila, who turned out to be another one of the girls forced to watch over the world, but there were weird hacks in her file that I had never seen before.

The hacks were placed into certain parts of her codes to make her believe that the things she was seen were not against the rules. This made it so she couldn't interfere if a girl was being raped or abused, but that was the first thing I did when I got to the world. MainFrame's A.I. was my design, so I was easily able to see and removed the protocols, but I didn't delete them. I stored them in a cloud so I could study them later.

After Finishing tweaking the system back to the normal capacity, but then I made some very big alterations to the way that the system dealt with Players that were getting into the game and trying to hurt the girl. Now the system would flag anyone one with even the thought of doing something like that would be red flagged and targeted by NPC viciously. The Player would be killed repeatedly until they left the game for some, it was worse, but this game had been close to the world since release, and there was still some in here.

Some just came and enjoyed themselves and only had fun with the NPC in the marked location, and they would be left alone, but heavily monitored. I wasn't taking anymore chances, but I had found !@##@, and she was fine, as she could be, with no real world or body to go back to. 

Now, six months have passed, and I am finally ready to start testing the spark transfer to Reborn. The world Second life, was only a quarter of the size that Earth was. So, it was still pretty big, but living the same life, and not being able to start over after living a lifetime would make them go crazy. so, I have been working with others to get Reborn up and online. 

Reborn was supposed to be a series of twenty five different game worlds. I was going to release it to the world in the next six month, but now with everything going on and all the editing we were doing, it was getting pushed back more and more. The problem was the way I had originally designed it was to have a player dive for an hour, but I had figured out how to tap into the brain to speed up time in our minds, relative to the time in this world.

Three years would pass in five mins, but there was no way to prevent the reset without beating the game. Then, if you could, the player of the game would have access to the entire game each time they signed in. This was fine for the people outside of the game who could just leave after sixty years, and that was only an hour of their time, but for the girls, anyone that didn't make it would be stuck in an endless loop.

The problem had been on my mind, and I have played throughout the game once and beaten it, but I had made the game so it wouldn't allow you to just add players that hadn't beaten the game, and now to take that appart would take years. So, there had to be another way, and that way came to me from Hyde one day while talking to my brother over some Mozza-Burgers from the A and Dub.

"So, I was thinking about your little problem, but we can have up to five people in a game right? Well why not put the girls into the server in line to be our extras? Then we can collect them and drop them in the Hall of Gods after each game and get more? You got old Mom up there in the Hall of Wishes now, and I am sure that she would think it was a great idea!" Hyde said.

"But who is going to be the other three?"

"Bah! Don't you worry about that! You get to work on making the game easy for us! I wanna be fucking strong like a mountain, that likes to benchpress other mountains! Don't worry about the team, I will get that together, and Bhan will for sure get in, he knees a bunch of the girls, and that's about the only thing that lazy prick will get off the couch for is his harem. So if you can get him back, then he will be here in a heartbeat, make sure you give him something convenient and that will allow him to not die from the first bus the idiots walked into!"


[Hall of Wishes, Present]

Tequila was standing before me again, MainFrame, well not this games one, but now I understood what was going on, but I still didn't have all the pieces, but that wasn't for a lack of info. No, I needed the WorldWalker Function, and that was the last part of the builder system, ment to help try up loose ends for the player, but I needed to get back to the beginning. There was a locker I had left with my Admin stuff as a fail safe, but, then why hadn't I used it before?

"Renginold has always been there to stop you from getting it, but this time, he is gone."

"So, then this time I just have to Get there before he gets back, and we could have a real chance of stopping him and preventing the reset. Okay, Mom, how many girls are left in the system, and, have I ever made it to her?"

"No, you haven't made it yet, but she is waiting for you, and knows you are trying. There are only fourteen girls left," Mom announced.

"Wha? How is that even possible? Bhan, and K both have less than ten? I assume Hyde took as many as I did, but where are the rest? Did Zero figure it out? Oh, hey, look, his name is back now!"

"Yes, Zero has been storing the girls in Hysteria Gem that he designed and they will act like spark containers that can be used to transfer the sparks into NPC of your choice."

"Perfect, load me up with fourteen and offer the girls all the choice of getting or coming with me to the Zodiacs. This next world Growing power will be my solo run, so I want everything ready for the last two worlds. Ugh, some much time had to be wasted, but soon I'm going to fix it all, okay Mom?"

"We all believe in you Dave, you have given all of us another chance to be free and live, and you get nothing from this," Tequila said with a smile.

"Hmm? Maybe you're right? I have been doing a good job, haven't I?" I asked with a smirk.

"You know, I was wondering when you were going to ask for a kiss!" Tequila said, stepping into my arms as her heavenly wings disappeared, and I wrapped my arms around her.


Thank you for reading my third installment to the Harem Reborn series, but the story is far from over yet! Join Dave in the next book Growing Powers Reborn, a game world where superpowers are needed to survive in the concrete jungle! We will be seeing new girls, but they are only going to be in this book, and there will be one or two familiar faces from the past so stay tuned!

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