Harry Potter: The Arcane Thief (Litrpg)

Chapter 56: Hogwarts vs Mahoutokoro

Chapter 56: Hogwarts vs Mahoutokoro

"No. You can't just do or say whatever you like, Luna. You can't say things that people can't understand or find wierd. You should try to be normal, to blend in." Explained Daphne, her expression already a bit troubled and tired.

Luna slightly tilted her head in confusion, "But, why would I need to do that? I like to do things that I like."

Daphne shook her head, "But then you wouldn't be able to make friends," she stated, a bit exasperated. How long had this been going on?

Luna smiled. "But don't I already have friends?"

"You do?"

Luna gave her a puzzled look, "Aren't you my friend?"

"I—" looking into the pure eyes of the girl, Daphne couldn't bear to deny it. "I meant in House Slytherin," she clarified.

"But I have Axel there."

"No you don't!" Daphne snapped.

"? I... I don't?"

'Damn it!' thought Daphne. The words had left her mouth before she could stop herself but she regretted it when she saw the innocent girl looking at her cluelessly.

Daphne got up. "Alright, we'll talk later," saying so, she left before the girl could make her more frustrated.

Daphne sighed. What the hell was she thinking, promising Axel that she'll help this girl make a lot of friends with so much confidence?


Oh right. She wasn't thinking at all. At least not anything remotely rational. Daphne sighed again. What was wrong with her these days?!

Every time when it comes to Axel, she finds herself acting like an idiot and taking impulsive actions. Her thoughts aren't rational and she finds it difficult to look him in the eyes. And then there's the damn heartbeat. It increases to such levels that it makes her fear he'll hear it.

'Is it really what I think it is?' She thought helplessly. It's not like she's dense or ignorant. She knows what the most likely reason for this is. And it's not a surprise really. Axel was her Achilles heel. The moment she got curious, it was already game over for her. But…

But, it's quite an unfortunate thing to happen to her.

Just being friends with that guy was as difficult as taming a unicorn. She can't fathom how she can reach past that stage.

'It's impossible…' she thought. Not with him pushing away everyone when they try to get close.

Nope, she'd rather stay in denial and hope this was just one of those things in life that you want, but can never achieve. Like being reborn, or traveling to a different world. It'll most likely pass over, right? Or maybe not?


As the days passed, Hogwarts was abuzz with activity. Since it's going to be having guests, preparations had to be made.

The House elves worked overtime to clean up the castle while students were educated about the basics of the Japanese culture, and a portal was being set up near the Quidditch pitch, at the usual Portkey Location.

With all the preparations being taken care of, there were only a few matters which needed to be settled before Hogwarts would be prepared to host the newcomers.

The day before the arrival of the guests, before dinner, Dumbledore stood at the podium in the Great Hall, with all the students gathered.

"I hope everyone is here as I have a few announcements to make," said Dumbledore, gathering everyone's attention.

"As everyone is aware, tomorrow is the day when the delegation from Mahoutokoro will be arriving, and our preparations are almost complete. In regards to this event, there are a few issues which I'm going to address now. First is, the language barrier." he said, and the students got curious. No one here knows Japanese and neither would most of them know English. How would they communicate?

Dumbledore smiled, "This is also one of the main reasons why cooperations like this were not usually supported. How would we communicate? With English being the universal language, many people throughout the world are able to speak it, but many non-natives still don't know the language. Would the teachers who are coming be able to teach you properly in a non-native language? Would the students who are coming to learn from our teachers be able to understand? How are the students between the two schools supposed to communicate? These are the common questions that have frequently arisen."

Many students only realized this issue now while some had already thought about it. Some already knew the solution while some were clueless. As Dumbledore paused, a mild discussion started between the students.

Dumbledore smiled reassuringly as he spread his hands.

"But now, I am delighted to assure you that, with the development of magical technology, it is no longer an issue." He made a go-on gesture and the prefects of each house began distributing something to every student in their respective houses.

Being the closest to the corner, Axel was among the first ones to get it. Axel looked at the pendant-like object in his hand with curiosity but he could already hear the students.

"The Translation Amulet? nice!"

"Oh, so that is the translation Amulet? It's my first time seeing one in person."

"How would you have seen it before? You've most likely never travelled out of Britain, why would you even need it?

"So, it's like this..."

Smiling, Dumbledore continued, "Yes, for those who do not know, these are the translation Amulets that would help you understand any Japanese you hear. Quite an ingenious little invention, especially since it can be mass produced without much difficulty. Ever since their invention, they've become quite popular in the ICW and other international meetings."

The students all stared at their Amulets excitedly. Meanwhile, when Martina looked at hers, she could already tell how it was made.

"Elder Futhark runes to make the information storage and Celtic ones to make converter and an 'Understading'. This is alright, but the runes are machine inscribed, so won't work for as long, and material is not good, temporary unbreakable charm, can only convert Japanese to English... a cheap knockoff of the one I designed," she murmured, already analyzing everything. Legally speaking, she could sue this company since she owned the patent, but they, the Valentino's were already drowning in money and there was nothing groundbreaking in this invention so she decided to just let it rest and focus on what Dumbledore was saying instead.

"Students are requested to keep their Amulets secure. In case of it being damaged or lost, getting a replacement will be difficult and the one who damages them will have to pay for compensation," said Dumbledore seriously.

"Moving on, in Quidditch, aside from the usual matches, there will be one more match that will be played: Hogwarts V/s Mahoutokoro."




This made everyone excited. Instead of competing between Houses, they'd be competing with a different school. This time, they can indisputably support one team!

Dumbledore smiled at the students' enthusiasm, "So the main question that arises is, how will the members be chosen?" The old man raised a valid question. Who would be the members?

"Every player would demand a spot in that team, and there are differing opinions on who is better suited to be on the team. And then, when the members of different houses form a team, would they be able to play in Harmony? In lieu of such conflicts, we have opted to choose a simple solution: the house team that wins the Interhouse Championship, will get the opportunity to represent Hogwarts in the upcoming match between the schools. May the best team win," said Dumbledore, subtly glancing towards the Gryffindor table at the end of his sentence with slight amusement.


There was a loud cheer as three of the four houses cheered, hoping they might be able to win and represent Hogwarts while the Slytherins didn't look so happy.

Hearing all the noise, Martina just shook her head. She could already tell that the main aim of Dumbledore was to have Gryffindor, or rather Rose Potter win this thing. With the Slytherin team in shambles and the other Houses inferior to the Gryffindor's current team, Gryffindor will most likely win this thing. With this he has atleast made sure that none of the players from the Slytherin team can enter.

When the noise subsided, Dumbledore continued,

"Now, the next issue that needs to be addressed. Since the exchange program is such an unprecedented and important event, the security needs to be bolstered. Hence, Aurors would be stationed here at Hogwarts starting from tomorrow to keep an eye on things and make sure nothing untoward happens and causes an international issue. Students are requested to follow their security measures and lessen their burdens. That will be all. Now, you can start filling up your bellies. I shan't keep you any longer," said Dumbledore with a smile as he left the podium.

With Dumbledore's announcements, everyone was now excited. Some were discussing about Quidditch, comparing the different house teams and how they could win, while some were playing with their newly obtained Amulets. Axel on the other hand, was just minding his own business, eating his boiled and tasteless food.


But suddenly, Axel felt goosebumps all over for some reason.

Patricia looked at Axel with a half crazed/half desperate look. With the stakes risen so high, Axel was the only chance that the Slytherin team had of making it to the finals. She had to recruit him, no matter what.

12 Grimmauld Place.

The two Black sisters were in the kitchen, doing what they do best. Andromeda was cooking while Bellatrix was eating.

Bellatrix sighed, "It's been crazy busy. Truly."

Andromeda smiled, "I can imagine. But it's going to be quite beneficial for Britain."

Bellatrix shook her head, "That's not why I'm doing this." Sure it was good for Britain, but that wasn't her main goal.

Andromeda furrowed her eyebrows. "Then why? Bella, tell me already."

Bellatrix just shook her head. "I have to increase our power and influence quickly. Ninjas are good hit wizards, but they don't accept requests from just anyone. With this, we'll be able to hire them with much more ease."

Andromeda stopped in action as she realized something. "You… you actually found some clues, didn't you?"

Bellatrix nodded seriously, "It's tricky, but yes. Basically, our suspicions were correct. The organization is indeed from 'that' place."


The most powerful and mysterious magical country. A country that's always been closed off to the outsiders. It neither interferes with the outside world, nor does it let the outside world interfere with it.

Andromeda sighed regretfully, "No wonder."

It all makes sense now. No wonder they couldn't find it for all this while. Turns out, they were hiding in that country! It also explains why they couldn't find anything about Axel's parents' past. Axel... was an Atlantian.

But, that's not what's important right now. Andromeda's looked at Bellatrix seriously.

"Bella, if this is indeed the case, then it is going to be much more difficult than a simple revenge. The organization is dangerous. You can't take any rash actions,"

Bellatrix took a sip of her wine, "I know."


At this moment, the door was flung open, as if someone had kicked it and the two alarmed women heard a familiar voice, "I'm back, bitches!"

"..." X2

Bellatrix and Andromeda remained motionless as the intruder made their way into the kitchen.

"Blimey! I've always wanted to do that," said Nymphadora Tonks as she grinned at the two women.

"Nymphadora?" Andromeda whispered in a daze.

Andromeda was still surprised while Bellatrix was exasperated at the dramatic entry.

"Did you catch the Black madness while you were away, Nymphadora?" Asked Bellatrix, not the least bit surprised by her arrival. She just wanted to give her sister a surprise.

Nymphadora's grin turned into a pout, "Black madness? That's rich coming from you, Aunty Bella. And when will you stop calling me by that name?" she said even as she made her way to her mother who had already abandoned the cooking to hug her daughter.

"How come you're back?" Asked Andromeda, hugging Nymphadora tightly. Her daughter has been on Auror Training for more than one and a half years. It lasts for around three years and the trainees aren't allowed to leave before that. Calls are allowed, but it's been a long time since the mother and daughter saw each other in person.

"It's all thanks to Aunty Bellatrix. Since Hogwarts needs a lot of security and manpower right now, they've also decided to discharge some trainees to let them get some experience. It's part of the training."

While hugging Nymphadora, Andromeda looked gratefully at her sister. Bellatrix just shrugged. "Don't look at me like that. There was just a shortage in manpower."

"Aww, Aunty Bella is such a big softy," said Nymphadora as she dragged Bellatrix into the hug as well, turning into a three way hug.

After the three women had hugged her enough, Bellatrix coughed, "Listen up now. There's a personal mission I'm giving you."


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