Heavenly Harem Sect

Chapter 31 31

"So...that's all about it and your father will respect your decision" Viston has explained everything that she needs to know and from here on, she will decide for herself whether she wants to take this opportunity.

"Forgive your father...but this is the only path that I can offer you..." He felt apologetic and guilty about her daughter, but Megan didn't think that way.

"Father, don't say that, please. Even though I'm already like this, I felt blessed to have a father like you and a mom who left us early on"

She grasped her father's hand with familial love and respect for him. Hearing her words, Viston witnessed the overlapping of his wife's face with hers and couldn't help but be emotional.

"Daughter!?" However, he was soon stunned to see Megan struggling to stand up as she tried walking toward Daniel.

"Father don't! This is my decision" She said with courage and bravery in her voice which made Viston stop and let her be.

Though it hurts him, he realizes what her actions signify.

It is a moment that symbolizes the earnestness and sincerity of her decision.

'Martia would have been proud of you...' He recalled his wife's name.

On the other hand, Daniel wasn't an emotionless person. He would kill someone who might insult his loved ones.

He would gladly graze the world to ashes if either one of them was slightly hurt by a single hair strand.

His love for them would be as huge as the universe and he wouldn't mind plucking the stars for them.

He is just a simple person who loves his harem no matter how different they are.

And at this moment, his respect for Megan burst.

'What a courageous woman...' He smiled heartwarmingly.

After she got to a certain distance, she stood up miraculously while trying to balance herself with all willpower that she has.

"D-Do you promise to love and care for me even though you will have more than one woman?" She questioned with a trembling voice and shivering body.

"I will offer my life as how you offer your life to mine" Daniel simply replied and watching how her body is desperately trying to remain still, he had already loved her.

"D-Do you promise to carry the weight of our name and bring us to a height that we have never reached before?" She asked.

"I promise to give you everything I have, a power that will change your life and glory your family can be proud to have" He replied.

"Then I, Megan Jazz will devote myself to you as your wife and your disciple" She kneeled with her head on the ground to show her loyalty towards her...husband.

However, she was lifted by Daniel's hands and Megan never thought that a man's smile could capture her heart.

"Then I, Daniel Marz will devote myself to my wife and disciple and I will make sure to make her happy like how her parents did"

Without caring whether her father was there or whether Fresia was watching, he sealed the promise with a kiss.

"!?" Megan was surprised but she never rejected it, and honestly, she liked it. His strong arms held her and his aura made her feel safe, she felt like he wasn't like any of those unorthodox sects that had similar goals.

"Sigh, it seems like my daughter has grown. Have I truly grown old?" Viston chuckled and he wasn't offended by the scene in front of him, and he liked how daring his son-in-law is.

'Yey! The master has given me a new sister. Perhaps with this, I have a friend to gossip with!' Fresia wasn't hurt nor was she jealous.

She loved him and she does, but she realizes the difference between them will need more than 1 woman to handle him.

'After all, my master is strong and he has the right to have a harem' She thought.

It might not be an unwelcome culture in Daniel's previous life, but in this world, it was the norm...only if you have the strength to do so.

"With this...you're now my wife and disciple...though we need a huge ceremony for it" He separated his lips from hers and discovered that her eyes were hazy with love in them.

"Such a cutie" He teased her, and Megan's cheeks reddened due to how embarrassed she was.

"Bully..." She whispered shyly where no one could hear her, but of course, Daniel heard but he chose to ignore it since the system's message began popping up.

'Wait a minute...this is a little bit different?'

[: Congratulations on accepting Megan Jazz as your 4th Disciple. You have received 1 card of each Physique(???), Bloodline(???), Spiritual Roots(???), Cultivation Method(???), Cultivation Manual, 1 Disciple Robe, and 1 Disciple Identity :]

[: Congratulations on completing a secret mission, Marrying your first Wife, and you have unlocked a Secret Function that aids the position inside the Sect :]

[: Harem Position Support :]

- A function that serves to distinguish the positions that your disciples and wives have that will benefit their cultivation. This function is only meant for your harem -

- Please register 4 of the available names for the Harem Position -

- The lowest rank Harem Position Support will provide 1% of your total stats amount which won't be reduced and could share one of your abilities only -

- Wife(100% and 10 skills)

- Engaged (70%, and 9 skills)

- Lovers (50% and 8 skills)

- Devotees (30% and 7 skills)

- Euphoric (20% and 6 skills)

- Bonding(10% and 5 skills)

- Attachment(5% and 4 skills)

- Affectionate(3% and 3 skills)

- Attraction (2% and 2 skills)

- Interest(1% and 1 skill)

(Available Names for positions: Cecilia, Elizabeth Tristan, Fresia Romenia, and Megan Jazz)

'Secret Mission? Oh, I did have that in the mission function. But still, isn't this awesome? 1% might sound a little bit, but depending on the cultivation realms, it will be a huge advantage to those who have yet to begin'

'Then wouldn't this mean, I have to get stronger?'

Daniel felt that the urge to get stronger is as important as conquering more women. But now that he has hit the highest cultivation realm it has to offer in the mortal world, he could only rely on the power to get more abilities.

Moreover, 1% might sound less but according to Daniel's cultivation realm, 1% is roughly equivalent to Half-Immortal 4th Stage.

If the number, 1, represents the base prowess when he's at the 1st Stage of Half-Immortal, then imagine how each stage would multiply that number, and eventually, at the 10th Stage, his base form would multiply by 2,000 times.

So if we divide by 100% accordingly, that would be a 20-power base, and therefore, it's equivalent at the 4th or 5th stage.

'I now have 4 in my harem, and with the Dao of Harem, my stats would have been multiplied by 4. Wait...I got a question system. Does the support include the enhancement as well or does it only use the original amount?'

[: The Harem Position Support Function will only boost the Harem's stat by the host's original amount :]

'I see, then, for now, leave it as it is. I never thought about it, but the sect has yet to have decrees or any rules regarding the sect nor is there any hierarchy for disciples'

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