Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 1314

Episode 1314. Destiny could not be defied, so

Elio told the others the story he had with Hecaron.

Even when people heard that the temple of Ushas Undra was being built somewhere in the Abyss, they reacted with dismay.

In fact, considering the rumors about Ushas Undra—especially related to the Abyss—that spread throughout Tombstone and Exodus, it was not surprising.

Elio said to Fabian.

“The demons are building a temple for Ushas Undra. Isn’t it strange?”

Ushas Undra is a fairly famous god in this world.

It would be worth seeing if the world knew that the demons were building such a god’s temple.

“Not really. It is more surprising that ‘Asmodians lived in the Abyss’.”

“You can live. I also live in Tamion.”

“The record of the demons moving to Tameion is recorded in ancient history. However, demons live in the Abyss far below the ground. Isn’t this a place where migration is impossible?”

“It doesn’t.”

“Until now, I learned that Tameion is the world of demons… but now I don’t know what it is. Compared to that, it is nothing for demons to build a temple for Ushas Undra.”

Then Baron Howard Solon intervened.

“I also get dizzy because it is so different from what I learned at the academy. Now I don’t know a thing about the Abyss.”

It’s not something I don’t understand, so Elio shook his head.

Hagiya compared to what he had experienced in unexplored regions, ‘the demons building the temple of Ushas Undra’ was nothing.

Kum, who had been walking silently in the lead, stopped.

After talking with Fabian, Elio hurriedly approached the giant.

“Kum. what’s the matter?”

“Satyrs are passing ahead.”


“As a lower-class demon, the upper body is human and the lower body resembles a goat.”

“A low-level demon? You are a middle-ranking Demon, higher than them, so why are you hiding?”

“There are a lot of numbers, but most of all, Hecaron-nim told me not to cause trouble.”

“Even satyrs can’t handle it if there are too many of them?”

“Satyros are servants of the god Antar. Regardless of whether they are large or small, if you fight them, you will incur the wrath of the god Antar.”

Especially now that the warchief who serves the god Antar had told him not to quarrel with the demons, he had to avoid the satyr unconditionally.

As Koom flinched, Elio jumped up the tree.


Demons who seemed to be a mixture of people and goats were moving in the distance.

The number is about three hundred.

Elio, who landed next to Koom again, asked.

“Do satyrs always come together in groups like that?”

“Not like that. Unless they are mobilized for war, they do not go together.”

“War? Do demons fight each other?”

“Puhh. do you fight? Fighting is the second most common thing after eating, sleeping, and fighting. The status of demons is not given for free.”

“You mean the satyrs are going to fight?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Because they are small enough to wage war?”

“I’m saying this because most of the satyrs aren’t armed.”


Elio didn’t say anything more because the number of satyrs was higher than he thought.

The three hundred or so satyrs moved leisurely as if they were not busy.

Because of the large number of heads, there was no sense of tension or fear.

Because of that, Elio and the others had to stay put for a while.

Elio, who was standing side by side with Koom, suddenly asked.

“Hey Kum! How long will it take to get to Centius Basin?”

“three days.”

“Doesn’t that look like the Karnak Mountains?”

“The Kentius Basin is at the beginning of the Ralfahad Mountains.”

“How big are the Karnak Mountains and the Ralfahad Mountains in the Abyss?”

“what are you talking about?”

Elio said, making a circle with both fingertips touching.

“So, if Abyss is roughly this size, how big are the Karnak Mountains and Ralfahad Mountains?”

“I do not know.”

“You don’t know?”

“I have never been far from the Karnak Mountains. That’s why I don’t know how wide the Abyss is.”

“I heard demons fight often?”

“The Karnak Mountains are on the outskirts, so other demons are less interested.”


Elio licked his lips with regret.

‘How wide is the Karnak Mountains outside the Abyss?’

Even the frontier area and the unexplored area that I saw with my own eyes were the size of one kingdom.

But I was amazed that it was only on the outskirts.

It was only after the satyrs were completely out of sight that Qum took a step back.

Elio, who had been walking with Koom for a while, tilted his head.

“Hey Kum. Somehow it looks like we’re following the satyrs? no?”


“Couldn’t the satyrs go to the Centius Basin too?”

The fact that he wasn’t armed made him feel cheap.

Just in time, Kom seemed to have had a similar thought, and his expression hardened slightly.

The warchief gave a trustworthy request, ‘Don’t let humans and demons meet’, but it’s like this from the start.

After Qum fell silent, Elio spoke again.

“Aren’t satyrs also mobilized to build the temple? How do you feel? what do you think about it?”

“There is still a long way to go. It may have been going in the same direction as the satyrs for a while.”

“is it?”

Elio didn’t object.

As he said, it is because the directions can overlap if they are three days or far apart.

That night.

After dinner, Elio and the others gathered and sat in front of the Fire Stone fire as usual.

Elio informed the party that lower demons called satyrs were moving in front of them.

When he finished speaking, Crea nodded and said.

“Ah, so you kept going and stopping. I heard that the horn of a satyr is a treasure for alchemists.”

Elio’s eyes twinkled at her thoughtless words.

“The horn is a treasure?”

“Yes, that’s why mercenaries used to search ancient ruins in search of satyr horns.”

“Are there horns in ancient ruins?”

“It must have been used as an ingredient for alchemy in ancient times, so I’m looking for it just in case.”

“So, did you find any mercenaries?”

“There were only rumors. That’s how things are with treasures.”

“It’ll be worth watching if it’s known that satyrs live in the outback.”

“Satyros are a demon, and their fighting power is weak, so they will be noisy for a while.”

Fabian, who was listening, said a word.

“Then they will come to the Karnak Mountains and run away until their tails fall out.”

Howard and Crea nodded in agreement.

To meet the Satyr, you must pass through the Karnak Mountains, where Astaroid and Gigantas are located. It would not be an exaggeration to say that no human could do that.

Either way, Elio showed interest in the satyr’s horn.

“Which sells better, the horn of a satyr or an artifact from the sorcery era?”

“The horn of a satyr.”

“That’s right, it’s a relic from the age of sorcery.”

“It is the horn of a satyr.”

The opinions of the three were slightly divided.

Crea and Howard replied that Fabian, the horn of a satyr, is a relic from the age of magic.

“What are you talking about? Artifacts from the Dark Ages sell better. Do you say that when you see an iron golem?”

Fabian looked at Howard and Crea with puzzled eyes.

Then Howard calmly opened his mouth.

“older brother. In terms of price, it’s a steel golem, but trade with it is limited, right? On the other hand, if it’s a satyr horn, they’ll say they’ll buy it from the Mage Tower.”

“My brother Howard is right. Not only the magic tower, but also the mercenary group will go out to buy it? Until now, only the mercenaries dealt with satyr horns, so only they know the exact market price. It’s a perfect situation to step in to mediate. There are many people who want to buy Satyr’s horns. However, no matter how expensive the steel golem is, personal transactions are blocked.”

“If it is not possible to trade between individuals, you can sell it to the kingdom or empire.”

Fabian stood by his point unbending.

However, Crea was not an easy woman either.

“Brother. Wouldn’t it be a kingdom mine or a mercenary mine? Steel golems excavated by individuals are only parts. The ‘Satyr’s Horn’ will be more expensive than the ‘Steel Golem Parts’.”

As the conversation progressed in depth, Fabian couldn’t be more stubborn.

As she said, an individual cannot excavate a complete steel golem.

If it was the steel golem parts and satyr horns, the satyr horns would definitely be more expensive.

Fabian’s eyes, looking around with a puzzled look, stopped at Elio.

“Then why are you asking that all of a sudden? You’re not trying to pluck horns from satyrs, are you? don’t do that Then it gets really messy.”

The Abyss is a wide yet narrow place.

If the demons rise up because of that, there could be casualties among the party.

He didn’t want to risk his life for money – no matter how expensive a satyr’s horn was.

“why? Are you scared?”

When Elio asked back playfully, Fabian spoke seriously.

“Don’t even joke about it. I want to leave the Abyss intact.”

“Do not misunderstand. I am not interested in satyr horns either.”

“Then why do you say that?”



Just then, a strong wind blew from the top of the mountain.

The trees in the forest, swept by the wind, swayed to and fro.

“Look at the tree. I want to stay still, but when the wind comes and shakes it, it shakes.”

“But Lord Lagoa is not a tree. Aren’t you the kind of person who can do even that wish?”

“I am a human too. How can I do my own thing? can not.”

“You can.”

“I’m grateful that they look up to me, but I can’t do anything I can’t do.”

“You’re saying that satyrs are winds, aren’t they?”


“If the wind shakes Lord Lagoa… it will surely break it.”

“You are the one who gives back what I received.”

“Then I’ll just pick up the horns and put them in.”

Fabian replied with a face of desperation when he couldn’t communicate.

“older brother.”


Howard and Crea, who had been listening to their conversation, called Fabian.

I thought he would tell me to be patient, but I was surprised that he would pick up the horns and store them.

Fabian cried out at Howard and Crea.

“why! You said you would give back what you received. Then, only the lost horns are left!”

Howard said cautiously.

“You still have to tell me to be patient. I’m going to pick up the horns there.”

“I brought up the horn story for no reason. sorry. It’s all because of me.”

Crea shook her head.

Only then did Fabian speak as if making excuses.

“Sir Lagoa sometimes makes things go astray. So I just set the tone. Would I have said that to pick up real horns? In Abyss teeming with demons? Yes? Lord Lagoa?”

Embarrassed, Fabian urgently drew Count Helio Lagoa.

However, Elio did not live up to Fabian’s expectations.

“I cannot go against Fabian’s fate. When the wind shakes me, we will be rich.”

“Oh please. Because they really listen. Most of them don’t go through their heads and just say random things, don’t they?”

“Hey hey. What are you talking about? Talking without going through your head? Even if it seems like a dog barking, every sound has a meaning. If you make me a person who is less than a dog, will my intuition be fulfilled?”

Fabian let out a long sigh as he felt his chest constrict.

“It’s all my fault. I’m the one to kill.”

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