Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 1348

Episode 1348. I said an eye for an eye, a tooth for

a tooth. Eastern Pheromuros.


It was a little after 1:00 PM that Fabian, who left Krasion, arrived at the chalet (southern cabin) where he was staying with Count Elio Lagoa.

He opened the chalet door and poked his head inside.

“Are you there?”

Then a woman’s voice came from behind.

“Who… Oh my God, is this Fabian-sama?”

Fabian turned around with a puzzled face and nodded to Mr. Heidi, the chalet manager.

“Yes I am. Where has Lord Lagoa gone?”

“He went out this morning saying he had a place to go. He said he’d come back in the evening… but it seems the roads diverged.”

“is it so? Then wait inside. Didn’t anything special happen while I was gone?”

“Aside from the fact that the number of street vendors in the village has increased a little…”

“Street vendors?”

“That’s why…”

Heidi was about to elaborate.

A platoon of imperial troops quickly ran in front of the chalet and formed formation.

Seeing the Imperial Army, Mr. Heidi sneaked back the way she came and disappeared.

A knight approached Fabian, who was standing in the dark.

“I am Baron Raccoon Bohr, the platoon commander of the 1st Platoon of the Scorpion Company of the 36th Division. I’m carrying out the orders of the Expeditionary Force’s Chief of Staff to arrest you for ‘conspiracy with the enemy’. I would appreciate it if you would respond obediently without resisting.”

“You colluded with the enemy? I?”


“There seems to be a misunderstanding… It’s true that I came from Krasion… but I’m not on the side of either the Empire or the Southern Kingdom. As a knight of the Northern Kingdom, I have the right to freely come and go between the Empire and the Southern Kingdom.”

“Go to the headquarters to defend yourself. I just came here to take you as a platoon leader.”

“Again, I am a Knight of the North, and for the sake of either the Empire or the Southern Kingdom…”


At the command of Baron Raccoon Bohr, the imperial troops rushed to Fabian.

Fabian reflexively reached for the longsword, but couldn’t bring it out.

With ninety swordsmen and ten gunmen, it was hard to resist.

The two Imperials held Fabian’s arms firmly on the left and right.

Baron Raccoon Bohr said as he passed Fabian.

“Good idea. It depends on the will of the great nobles, so be patient. Since the crime has not yet been confirmed, serve him respectfully.”

At those words, the imperial army’s hand, which was clamping Fabian’s arm, slightly lost its strength.


Northern Feromuros.

steel legion.

A man appeared in front of the Iron Legion in the late afternoon.

Although he has a childish face, he is actually Elio who is a little past his youth.

“It is quiet.”

Last time, the imperial army came and went without a break, but now I didn’t see a single ant cub.

Seeing that the entrance is blocked by a sharpened log end, it seems that no one knows why.

“You want to hide behind the Iron Legion? If that’s the case, you shouldn’t have touched me.”

It is natural to risk one’s own life when trying to kill others.

Elio took an amulet out of his pocket and threw it into the air.

He is trying to use the magic of dark clouds.

The amulet that flew through the air was engulfed in flames and soon turned to ashes and scattered.

Soon after, the sky, which had only been clear, began to show anomalies.

Mumble mumble.

Dark clouds gathered over the Iron Legion, and darkness fell in an instant.

Elio didn’t move even though he couldn’t see an inch in front of him.

Considering the ability of the musketeers to predict their heterogeneity during battle, it was because Heukun Chailo was not enough.

In order to kill only Marquis Theo Stauran and get out, I had to move as stealthily as possible.

He murmured a void magic incantation.

“Emptiness is invisible because it has no form. The sky and the earth are one color, so you cannot see them. Be executed as quickly as the law [急急如律令 娑婆詞].”

The moment the spell ended, his body slowly disappeared.

Iron Legion Command Operations Room.

Suddenly dark clouds rolled in, and the staff were at a loss for what to do.

It was the first time that all of the staff had experienced such an unusual weather, so they couldn’t find a way to deal with it and were on their feet.

In the pitch-black darkness, Marquis Theo Stauran, the commander of the corps, shouted.

“Chief of Staff! Has anything like this ever happened in the South?”

“I do not know. But I heard that sudden dark clouds are common.”

“This isn’t like a dark cloud! I can’t even see where the chief of staff is!”

When one of the aides turned on a lamp, I could barely see a human face.

However, there was only one lamp, so the surroundings were still dark.

In response, the staff urged the escort knights nearby to find something to reveal.

Half of the escort knights guarding the HQ’s operation room escaped.

Still, there were no staff members who were anxious.

It was because the musketeers brought from the 34th and 35th reserve divisions were guarding the headquarters operation room.

Musketeers became more trustworthy than knights, but people didn’t explicitly say that.

This is because Excitium has not yet been widely distributed to general troops.

Musketeers aren’t the only ones with a developed sixth sense.

One of the escort knights who was guarding the front of the headquarters operation room tilted his head.


Then the knight standing next to him asked in a tense tone.


“Don’t you think someone is coming?”

“What do you see?”

“No… that’s what it feels like.”

“Well, I…”

muttered Frank, and tried to pull out his longsword in a chilly feeling.

Then something pressed against his shoulder and neck.

In an instant, Frank’s body stiffened like a piece of wood.

Before long, Elio, who hid himself, quickly passed between the stone escort knights.

The door to the headquarters operation room opened and closed alone.

At that moment, the magic guns of the musketeers inside the headquarters operation room spewed fire.

Pupper puffer puff—!

Six red beams of light stretched toward the doorway.

Surprised staff members pulled out their long swords and gathered around the corps commander.

Elio opened his stomach and threw the coin he was holding.

Shh shhh!

The six musketeers who had been hit in the forehead by a one-cooper coin collapsed helplessly.

Soon after, Elio appeared like a ghost on the other side of the doorway.

Belatedly, the lamp in the center of the table flickered several times as if it were about to go out.

The shadows of the corps commander and staff trembled precariously.

Elio spoke nonchalantly to Marquis Theo Stauron, who was standing behind his staff.

“Are you going to take them all?”

The staff waited for the corps commander’s reply without breathing.

“Kill me and you will become an enemy of the Empire.”

The staff sighed lightly at the answer that was far from expected.

“What is so great about the Empire? If you lose the war anyway, you’ll be torn to pieces like the southern kingdoms. At that time, the princes would rather reach out to me for help?”


Marquis Theo Stauran didn’t say anything at Helio Lagoa’s refutation.

As he said, if the principalities became independent, they would survive.

The Marquis Stauran, who was gnashing his teeth, shouted.

“because! Why the hell can’t you eat me! Was it not enough to kill my son! What the hell did I do wrong!”

“You tried to cover up your child’s heinous crime as if it were no big deal. Did you forget that you treated the people of the Southern Kingdom as dogs and pigs?”

“I didn’t treat them like dogs or pigs, I just said that the statuses of citizens of the Empire and residents of the Kingdom are different! Just like the difference between nobles and commoners! The values of Empire citizens and Kingdom residents are different! That’s the imperial law, so how can I say I’m wrong!”

“Yah! Look at how well you say you’re a nobleman. Yes, legal rights will be a little different. But you spoke of the deaths of the innocent inhabitants of the kingdom as a matter of course. It’s like the dog pig died. None of this would have happened if you had acknowledged and accepted your son’s war crimes.”

Then Marquis Theo Stauron immediately changed his attitude.

“Is that what you want? Admit it! My son, Baron Hank Stauron, commander of the Scorpion Company, slaughtered innocent southerners and plundered their property. The Scorpion Company incident log will also describe it as such! Are you done now?”

Marquis Theo Stauran gave up the honor of his deceased son in order to survive.

The name of the Marquis of Stauran would fall on the ground, but that was better than death.

‘I just need to cover the disgrace of the Marquis of Stauron by making a contribution in this war.’

In order to protect the honor of the Marquis of Stauran, he had to survive.

However, at the words of Helio Lagoa, Marquis Theo Stauran shuddered.

“I’m glad you admitted your guilt, even if it’s late. But it is not a sin to the point of death.”

“What mortal sin have I committed?”

“You tried to kill me. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth is the law of heaven.”

“Who said that… Huh!”

Marquis Theo Stauron, who was talking, hurriedly turned his upper body when a coin flew like a beam of light.

At the same time, the sword of Viscount Kurt Wartner, the chief of staff, cut through the coin.


Elio tossed coins in succession.

Shh shhh!

The chief of staff and staff reflexively knocked out coins.

In the meantime, Elio took out the ‘Void Sword’ from Mahadam.

Subsequently, Elio’s aura filled the command room.

The staff members shuddered at the pressure so strong that they couldn’t even breathe.

To them, who were sword experts, the grand master’s energy was like a disaster.

Now that all the musketeers had fallen, no one could stand up to Elio.

Swordmaster, Marquis Theo Stauron, saw an opportunity behind his staff.

‘It only takes one gap.’

Meanwhile, Elio waved his sword lightly to avoid meaningless killing.

The staff members lay down like blades of grass that had met a storm in the storm that arose from the tip of the sword.

As the front became clear in an instant, Marquis Theo Stauran gritted his teeth.

Unfortunately, the opportunity did not arise.

That’s why you can’t throw the fallen staff.

Sensing his end, he screamed in a fit of rage.

“You accuse me of treating people like pigs and dogs with power! Don’t you know that you too are treating other people like pigs and dogs with your power!”

“I said an eye for an eye.”

Along with the horse, Elio bolted forward like a thunderbolt.

Then Marquis Theo Stauran and Elio’s sword collided in the air.

visor! visor! visor-!

Sparks flew whenever the two swords met.

As Elio entered into a fight with Marquis Theo Stauron, the fallen staff rose one by one.

After quickly exchanging glances, the staff rushed at Elio Lagoa.

Elio took a step back and swung his sword.


In the blink of an eye, the staff’s swords were smashed.

The bodies of the staff members flew backwards like fallen leaves from the ensuing sleep.

Udangtang! thump-!

The center table overturned, shattering the lamp that fell to the floor.


The flames spread quickly due to the lamp oil.

Belatedly, the staff tried to put out the fire, but the flames were seldom caught.

Meanwhile, the fight between Elio and Marquis Theo Stauran was also reaching its climax.


With a heavy metal sound, Marquis Theo Stauran’s longsword was cut.

Elio’s sword, which stretched out with that momentum, grazed Marquis Theo Stauran’s neck.

A bloody line appeared to form on Marquis Theo Stauran’s neck, and soon blood gushed out.

When Marquis Theo Stauron, the commander of the corps, died, the staff hurriedly left the command room.

The dark clouds covering the steel corps disappeared without a trace, but the headquarters operation room was filled with acrid smoke, making it impossible to see.

Elio, who was looking down at the dead Marquis Theo Stauran with a confused face, immediately kicked off the floor and flew straight up.

Quad Deuk-!

After breaking through the headquarters building and rising into the sky, Elio flew eastward.

A hole in the roof of the building blew the flames out and soon engulfed the entire wooden headquarters of the Iron Legion.

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