Heavenly Inquisition Sword

Chapter 1370

Episode 1370. It happened because of your lack of faith


A light flashed around Elio’s neck with a sharp burst.

At the same time, Elio’s upper body slipped backwards.

A self-defense technique was activated, but he was surprised by an unexpected blow and widened the distance.

In an instant, both Elio and Metatron’s eyes widened.

If Elio was surprised by the paladin’s movement beyond time and space, Metatron was shocked that his sword could not pierce Count Lagoa’s skin.

After a moment of hesitation, Metatron drove his opponent faster.

His movements were like seeing a ghost.

Each time the viewer blinked, the location changed.

Flash! Flash! Flash-!

But Elio never fell for the same trick twice.

He thought that Metatron used Blink freely like any other wizard.

In fact, he controlled time with the ‘Blessing of Concentration’, but he did not know that.

He only thinks so because he uses a heterogeneous position similar to Blink.

Blink and Hehyeonghwanwi cannot be caught up with human five senses.

As a countermeasure, Elio radiated aura like a spider’s web.

Because that way, you can feel any movement.

If the battlefield were empty, it would have been a bit tricky, but in that regard, Metatron was caught off guard.

Metatron did not dare to leave the square due to his experience so far.

Results soon became apparent.

When Metatron struck like a thunderbolt, Elio took a step back and spilled his sword.



Anyone who didn’t know it would have thought that Metatron was pushing his opponent.

Metatron’s attack and Elio’s evasion continued smoothly like a sword.

Only then did the onlookers murmur.

Each of Metatron’s attacks is a lethal blow with all its might.

Is it possible to avoid it for so long?

Metatron, who had been pushing him, also stepped back, perhaps feeling a strange feeling.

Elio said while stroking the nape of the neck that allowed the first blow.

“It’s okay to be proud that the tip of the knife touches my body. I don’t know how long it has been since I’ve had such a thrilling experience.”

“Don’t be bluffing!”

Metatron let out a roar of shame, then raised his longsword high.

“Dia Puno (Demon Punishment)!”

At the paladin’s cry, hundreds of bolts of lightning struck Elio’s head.


At that moment, Elio raised the ‘Void Sword’ above his head as if to block it.

Unbelievably, the ‘Void Sword’ absorbed hundreds of lightning bolts.

no it looked like that

White lightning wrapped around the ‘Void Sword’ and spun around.


As Elio swung down the ‘Void Sword’ vertically, lightning followed the sword’s lead to the ground.

It was like seeing a whip of lightning.

A whip of lightning struck Metatron.


Metatron’s body caught fire, and finally smoke rose.

Metatron, who returned his attack, let out a growl.

“This cannot be! Mana Phrass! Why do you put me through such an ordeal! great! Mana Phras’s power! He will destroy the wicked and heretics!”

Suddenly, Metatron charged towards Count Elio Lagoa.

His longsword, held high above his head, shone brighter than ever.


Time seemed to stop, but Metatron’s shining sword stabbed Elio in the chest.

At that moment, Elio swung the ‘sword of emptiness’ with the trick of late Balzein.


With the sound of cracking ice, Metatron’s shining sword was cut off.

Seeing that, Metatron said with a ghost-like face, ‘Ahh!’ let out a roar

It is a look of complete loss of reason.

Elio didn’t hesitate and took Metatron’s blood with a blood attack.

Metatron’s body, stiff as a stone statue, slowly fell backwards.

“Do you think even a paladin can go crazy [走fire入魔 Juhwabima]?”

Then Fabian came over and spoke as if explaining.

“It’s not crazy, it’s berserk.”

“Frenzy? Isn’t that something that can only be seen from monsters and monsters?”

“Sometimes mentally challenged knights go berserk. Even a paladin can go berserk… I can’t believe it when I see it with my own eyes.”

The paladins came belatedly.

Among them, the chief paladin, Eleret, said as if making excuses.

“There is nothing wrong with Metatron’s mind. He did it because he was surprised to see Count Lagoa attacking him with the ‘punishment’.”


Not understanding what Elio was saying, he tilted his head.

Then Eleret continued to explain.

“The thunderbolts from Metatron are called ‘scourges’. So far, no one has been unharmed after being hit by that lightning… When Count Lagoa attacked himself with it… He must have thought that he had been abandoned by God for a moment. He is naturally as strong as he is with many doubts…”

“Really? Contrary to appearances, you are a weak person. It looks like a mountain road, but my heart is reeding.”

Count Elio Lagoa called the great paladin Metatron a reed, but the paladins did not dare to refute it.

Eleret, who was hesitant, opened her mouth cautiously.

“In fact, ‘Demonic Punishment’ is an inherent blessing given to Metatron by Mana Phthras. When you received it, you hit Metatron like a whip… so you’re bound to be shocked. But with that, we have come to believe that Count Lagoa is an apostle of Shastra Parakti. It is a miracle that can never be performed unless you are an apostle of Lord Shastra Parakti.”

The relationship between Mana Phthras and Shastra Parakti is strong, so they seem to be driving it that way.

Elio just nodded and didn’t say anything more that would cause misunderstanding.

If you weren’t going to kill the Paladins, you had to cover it at this point.

“Um… can I take Metatron with me now?”


Elio nodded happily.

He had no intention of fighting the Church now that he was working for Manaphthras.

As the paladins carried Metatron on their shoulders, Elio subtly freed the blood flow – which he had blocked earlier with an attack blow.

As soon as the Paladins left, the spectators gathered in the plaza quickly dispersed.

On the way back to the inn, Fabian asked.

“How did you do it?”


“Didn’t you collect the thunderbolts called ‘God Punishment’ into your sword and return them? It seems that this shocked Metatron to the point of going berserk.”

“I thought it would work, so I tried it, but it worked?”

“Ay, where is that? Please, at least slightly reveal the secret to me.”

“Really. When I see paladins, I see more friendliness than hostility. I think it’s because I’m fulfilling Lord Mana Phras’s request.”


Fabian glanced at Elio with bewildered eyes.

I know what you’re talking about, but I couldn’t quite understand it.

“Isn’t that possible by feeling closeness? Moreover, mana is the relationship between aura and water and fire.”

“In the world of Fabian, what you see is not everything. you’ll find out someday What you think you can become is what others see as impossible, but it becomes possible.”

At Count Lagoa’s words, Fabian nodded.

Count Lagoa is a person who doesn’t know lies, so it’s a bit absurd, but he decided to believe it.


Islands Buk-gu Daeshinjeon.

penance room.

Metatron went in front of Almatio and knelt down on one knee and bowed his head.

Even though he is a strong man comparable to a grand master, his position in the church is a priest below the priest.

It was only natural for him to lower his stance in front of his superior, Almatio.

“I heard that it failed in front of all the witnesses.”

“I’m sorry. My abilities were not up to him.”

“Because of you, His Holiness the High Priest’s concern has deepened.”

“…now what should I do?”

“A paladin’s ability comes from the depth of his faith. It is not that your ability fell short of him, it is because of your lack of faith.”


Despair was young in Metatron’s eyes.

The paladin’s lack of faith was an existential problem before disgrace.

He sighed and asked suddenly.

“The grace received from God did not work for Count Lagoa. What is this?”

“Due to your lack of faith, the grace of God has been dishonored. Isn’t it the law of nature that if something is not kept, it is taken away?”

“Grace is given by God to punish the wicked and heresy, but can an unbeliever take it away?”

“That was the only vessel of your faith. Because you were flawed, I knew this would happen at any time.”

Metatron bowed his head at his master’s cold evaluation.

Priest Almatio, who was watching Metatron, said in a calm tone.

“Nurture your faith through endless repentance. That is the beginning and end of a paladin. And forget about Count Lagoa for the time being. We are inquiring into the Shastra Parakti Church whether he is an apostle.”

Metatron then raised his head.

“He called himself an unbeliever. How can an unbeliever become an apostle?”

An apostle is an agent of God and transcends the status system of the church.

Metatron found it difficult to accept that an unbeliever was an apostle.

Living in prayer and repentance, he himself is nothing more than a paladin, but is an unbeliever an apostle?

That was impossible.

“I don’t know the inside story of the Shastra Parakti Church. His Holiness the High Priest said he would find out for himself. It must have been a decision made for political reasons, at least.”

“Isn’t that an act of contempt for God?”

“How can you criticize your fellow cleric when you are also a paladin? All actions of priests are according to divine providence. It is not for you, a mere paladin, to judge.”

Metatron’s head was dizzy at the word ‘God’s providence’.

Just before, he said in a reproachful tone that it was a ‘political decision’, so I don’t know what the teacher really meant.

“Count Lagoa said that the god Ushas Undra had defected. Was there a revelation from Lord Manaphthras about it?”

“Tsk tsk! You say that Count Lagoa is an unbeliever, but why are you being swayed by his gossip? So don’t let unbelievers take away your favor.”

Metatron shrugged at his teacher’s sharp point.

I was envious of the absolute faith of Almatio Priest, the true teacher and father of faith.

‘ha! If I had the same faith as the priest… I could have punished the unbeliever.’

Metatron couldn’t understand why the gods only gave grace and didn’t increase their faith.

After leaving the temple and returning to the abode of the slums, Metatron locked himself in an alcove and did not go out.

slam! slam! slam-!

The sound of whipping echoed incessantly through the shabby shack.

Blood flowed from the torn backing and pooled under the floorboards.

His back was tattered, but Metatron’s whipping continued.

The teacher’s words, ‘I knew this would happen anytime because you were flawed’ hurt more than the torn back from being whipped.

When I stopped whipping to think about something else for a moment, a dazzling light of dawn burst out of my body as if it were about to explode, and my torn skin healed in an instant.

Now it has reached the point where it can heal itself without being conscious of it.

It can be said to be the height of divine power, but Metatron’s mood did not improve at all.

Count Lagoa’s words flashed through his mind as he wrapped his whip again.

―I hear you believe in and serve Lord Mana Phras? Then Manaptras-sama would have taught me. Why don’t you know that important thing?


Because of his lack of faith, he could not communicate with God.

Count Helio Lagoa is famous for not telling lies.

Is this disciple himself a disciple of Shastra Parakti?

An apostle is an agent of God.

The words that come out of his mouth are the words of God.

Just as a drowning person grabs a straw, he wanted to ask Count Lagoa.

How can I get out of this despair?

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