Heavenly Opposers

Chapter  223  Chapter 222-Am I Strong In Your Eyes Now?

 Chapter  223  Chapter 222-Am I Strong In Your Eyes Now?

"Don't worry, Xuanyin, everything will be clear in the future."

Azrail is sure that his words are making Adria feel more and more of what Azrail really is. After all, unlike Valencia, Adria can see into the subtle setting of fate around, and he is more than sure that she is disgusted by this, the subtle arrangement of playing around with fates as if they are toys to be messed around with. Though that's what Azrail is doing.

The actions Azrail takes are fully confusing, but to someone like Adria, it would look like the movements of someone who can gaze into the future. None of the people truly who care for him are idiots, and neither are they some trophies that would just stand behind some glass wall and watch as things happen.

No, all of them are headstrong and believe in achieving their own things. Women with their own aspirations and goals, and they are intelligent too. Trying to play them for idiots would only come to mess with him and would be bad for the future. Thus, a subtle line has to be drawn; there are secrets in all relationships, plus there still lay two ticking bombs that Azrail still has to deal with.

Xuanyin: "..."

"Yes, yes, I won't hide everything from you, and I will tell you everything when you are powerful."

Azrail replied to Xuanyin, who just pouted, silently and unseen.

"Guess you have achieved what you set out to do?"

Valencia asked with a low tone to which Azrail looked towards the sky for a moment, a slow smile starting to cover his face as he spoke.

"A bit, you could say..."

Azrail actually wants to take and control the mind of the Emperor, having that guy as his puppet would be very useful. But in the end, Azrail would have to have the Emperor die. After all, there is Yunbai still rearing for revenge, sharpening his mind and killing intent for the day he will be able to plunge his weapon through the throat of Liang.

'Plus his mind isn't easy to break through.'

The power of mental cultivation is extremely a sharp edge. Azrail needs to use that power in tandem with control. If not, his own personality and mind might get twisted from it, and he might even end up losing his own self. Those problems will all go away as he gets stronger, but at this current level, it's better to take things slow. After all, even with everything he swallowed up, Azrail himself needs to test and understand this path by himself on his own level.

Thus, the group quickly brought themselves back to the majestic hall, their entrance once again catching the eye of all. Though the first thing that Azrail gazed into when he entered was a man, one he remembered very well, the 30-year-old-looking man. And if Azrail's memories serve, the man is the current patriarch of the Min family and the grandfather of the woman who married his father. Nôv(el)B\\jnn

A tense atmosphere flooded the place once Azrail with his group walked in, the eyes focused on the man facing the Emperor.

'Guess someone took some action.'

Azrail mused as he calmly kept walking forward to his mother, who kept gazing at the man facing the Emperor with a smile gracing her lips. Thus Azrail spoke, reaching the two women of Yun and Raena, now having no one surrounding them.

"What happened?"

To his words, surprisingly Raena replied.

"A clown show."

Hearing this with the same smile gracing Yun's face appeared on Azrail's as he spoke.

"What issue is he making up?"

"The guy jumped in and suddenly started to speak in a raised tone about how you should display at least a bit of your powers for the world to see now."

Yun spoke, her tone though low, rumbled with a sense of power. Azrail mused at this, his eyes gazing at the man facing Liang, as Liang spoke.

"How about this, we will leave that to young Lord Azrail himself."

The words brought the focus of the room to Azrail, who smirked. He already knew where this little skit was moving towards, the man in front of him being at the level one of the Heaven Core realm, a powerhouse walking within this lower heaven, a pride of the Empire, a pillar of power to show the world and the reason that Min family still stays strong.

"Sure, why not."

Azrail spoke, and the moment he did, the shadow of the old patriarch betrayed him. It wiggled faster than anyone could react, twirling with power. And before anyone could even blink, the sounds of tearing spread around.


The sounds of wear and tear resounded out, and in front of the stunned eyes of everyone in the room, the very man, the very pillar lay, completely askew. Several spikes of shadow broke out from the man's shadow, all too sharp and powerful for him to react as they went forth and fully tore through the guy's limbs and body.

His limbs askew from the attack all twirled and broken together by the shadow, acting both target and intangible at the same time. The shadow didn't stop with just that; it went forth to fully wrap around the insides of the man, spewing holes in his body, and destroying several of his insides. This, at the level of someone in the Heaven Core Realm, is dangerous but not enough to take his life.


The man, even with his powerful pain tolerance, cried out from the shadows wiggling around outside and inside him. Causing him so much pain that even little tears started to rain down from his cheeks. And it's with that scream that the world started to move for the people around, their faces turning pale from the sheer fact of seeing a powerhouse now being a porcupine, being held helplessly by his own shadows.

Several of the powerful ones turned to look at their own shadows, suddenly the trust in their own life being theirs flowing helplessly out of their hands. A dark cold chill now filled this merry place that was, and this small move broke through the thin layer of democracy that was forming around them, the little kid they were trying to use could take their lives and their thoughts.

That thought is more chilling to these people who live like kings in this frog's well.

All the malleable movements and actions from Azrail painted a calm picture but this small action of his shows that he doesn't need anyone of them; it's them that need to clutch to Azrail's thighs as strongly as they can. Because for someone like Azrail, this would just be the beginning, and above that, they weren't all idiots not to see at the very rare element of shadows popping up.

An element rare among the rare now being effortlessly wielded by Azrail. Heck, none of them might not know anyone who wields the element of shadow!


A 20-year-old looking man screamed as he ran up to the shadow twisting up and holding the other man, and to this Azrail didn't do anything much as he let the shadow be, leaving the patriarch of the Min family to helplessly fall to the ground, his body leaking with pain.

"With respect to the Emperor, I haven't done any permanent damage, but it would take some months for the Min family Patriarch to regain his full strength."

Azrail spoke in a calm tone, as the young-looking man fed a pill to the patriarch, no doubt the boy being the patriarch's father. And with a single action from Azrail, the entirety of the people here wouldn't dare be too friendly to the Min family as a whole in the future.

"I thank young Lord Azrail for that."

Liang replied with a light smile while he seemed to be biting his lips. Azrail could see the same fear in the man's eyes as the rest, all of them being quite jumpy in their seats. Even the hidden experts protecting the Imperial family are feeling like a guillotine is on their necks, the atmosphere of the ball now being fully ruined. Even the Emperor not raising up the balls to say anything bad to Azrail, not when they can't even get the full picture of how deep Azrail's power lay.

And it's within this blooming atmosphere Yun took the lead and spoke.

"Looks like the mood of the ball is ruined, hence we will take our leave. In regards to the auction, the information will all be passed in from the future, and we appreciate any calls for meetings done priorly."

Saying so, Yun looked at Liang, who even with his thick face had to force a smile to his face as he spoke.

"I see, then you may leave."

While Liang felt like he was giving permission, it felt more like he was groveling to give the permission.

"Thank you."

Thus, with that, Yun, Azrail, Valencia, Raena, and Xuanyin set out of the room, already having placed a big announcement to the world.

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