He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 117: Alcohol Is Dangerous!

Chapter 117: Alcohol Is Dangerous!

The distance between their lips was only a thin paper away, however, before making a scene that he would perhaps forget in the morning, Wang Li Lei's body had reached the limit and fell down with tightly closed eyelids, fluttering his long eyelashes fans as he did so. 

This time Wang Li Lei was completely out and leaned his whole head down to her lower face. 

Xiao Yun's hand opened wide, carefully moved his head, and tapped her heart before giving a few mouthfuls of exhaling.

'That was dangerous! My heart nearly leaped out of my mouth!!'

When the Demon Lord was drunk, he has three stages in his drinking habit. First, he would become a jealous person. Second, he will become very clingy. And the third, he became very assertive and seductive!

What a very rare and astonishing drinking habit!


Xiao Yun placed him carefully to the bed, walk away and took a blanket to cover him before staggering back to the neighborhood couch.

Covering her face, Xiao Yun could only laugh wryly to herself. Whatever happened just now was a journey to different worlds, although her heart was about to burst, she will never complain!

She had gotten her fill of different types of Wang Li Lei!

But ... Xiao Yun would now place alcohol in a red line.


Alcohol is dangerous!


Xiao Yun after discussing with Jang Hyun her plan to take Wang Li Lei back to his house first, exited the resting room that was guarded heavily with Wang Li Lei's bodyguards and went to her family to take her excuse.

Ascending to the stairs, she met her First uncle's family, third uncle's family, her parents, and her grandmother. 

Yu Que Yin the gentle youth spotted Xiao Yun and waved his hand. As he heard he had heard from his parents that the beautiful lady was Xiao Yun, he called her with a younger brother-like tone. "Yun Jie-Jie!"

Hearing the word 'Yun Jie-Jie' Xiao Yun was once again reminded of what she called herself when Wang Li Lei was on his second stage of drunk habit and needed a glass of water for her parched throat. Pulling her smile with its hardest, she answered Yu Que Yin lightly.

Xiao Yun took a graceful approach and spoke. "First uncle and aunt, third uncle and aunt, father mother, and grandmother. I will have to excuse myself first. "

Her first uncle's second daughter, Yu Shin Yang had also heard that the girl in front of her was none other than her younger cousin that she had always envy at became glad that she finally found a path to taunt Xiao Yun for her unbecoming attitude of taking the first leave before the party had even ended. 

Yu Shin Yang smirked. "Leaving before the party ends? Xiao Yun, I thought you have grown more mature ... But it seems that it was only your looks."

Yu Bei Dan nudged his shameful younger sister and reprimand her with a harsh deep cough.

Yu Shin Yang pulled a muscle on top of her lips cynically and rolled her eyes away ignoring her brother's hint. 

Xiao Yun would not play to her tune and instead took a counter-attack. Putting on a very apologetic and guilty face mixed with the haste of worries and a gentle tone she spoke. "Elder cousin Shin, how are you? It has been so long since we last meet. I'm very sorry to take the leave first, especially to Que Yin. But, Li Lei felt a bit unwell I'm very worried about his condition at the moment, so I couldn't possibly leave him alone at home. "

Not only did Xiao Yun took her time first to greet her unrespectful and shameless older cousin, but she also explained the reason very thoroughly while minding her manner toward the elders. 

Of course, everyone quickly nodded in understanding and hurried her. 

Her mother worriedly covered the side of her cheek with her palm and asked. "What happened to Xiao- Lei? Is he very sick now?"

Yu Chang Xing also nodded in a hurry. "Where is he now? Do you need any help?"

Xiao Yun shook her head softly. "No, he's now feeling a bit better, I told him to rest more."

Yu Xin Li quickly agreed to her granddaughter. "Alright! Alright! Go now, your fiancee is feeling unwell, what could we do now? Just go and take care of him well."

Xiao Yun pulled the corner of her lips softly. "Thank you very much, grandmother." She turned her face toward her third uncle, aunt, and Yu Que Yin and added. "I'm very sorry that I couldn't participate until the party end, but I wish you a happy birthday and all luck at your age. "

Yu Xia Shi and the upright Yu Bai Xing waved their hand. "It's alright, Yun- er, Yin- Yin is already happy that you come and the party would end only after another one hour. You don't need to worry and take good care."

Yu Qin Yin nodded to his mother's words.

Xiao Yun took her things left in the resting room and brought back Wang Li Lei to the car with the help of Jang Hyun.

Before Xiao Yun left the mansion, her mother went up to her and beckoned her for a whisper. Seeing this, Xiao Yun lowered her head to her mother. 

"It's already late, you don't need to go back home, you could just sleep there." Yu Yang Lu said.

Xiao Yun, "B- but ... Tomorrow I have scho-"

Yu Yang Lu waved her hand and gave a smirk. "Don't worry! Don't worry! Now go and enjoy your time!" 

Xiao Yun scratched her head and walked outside the car with an awkward look. 

Yu Shin Ying was still surprised by Xiao Yun's mature answer as she replied to her sour words, and felt ashamed. 

Yu Xi Lin noticed her elder granddaughter's expression and reprimand her wisely. "Shin Yang, you are the eldest daughter here. Don't be too rash and you have to know when silence is the best. Yun-er answered you wisely just now, you should follow her example and become more mature to fit your age."

Yu Shin Ying looked downcast and sullen. Not only did her grandmother scolded her, but her attitude was also compared to Xiao Yun who was younger than her.

Yu Chen Wang, her mother was also chided by Yu Yang Lu and couldn't help her daughter knowing that they would only be scolded by Yu Xin Li even harsher if they did so. 

Meanwhile, Xiao Yun who arrived at the car took a seat beside Wang Li Lei who was sleeping peacefully after being carried by her and Jang Hyun to the car and slept on her laps. 

There was a time when Wang Li Lei would furrow his brows sharply and Xiao Yun would gently caress his hair to comfort him or took delicate attention so Wang Lli Lei wouldn't feel sore. 

Jang Hyun who witness everything silently gulped down the deja vu that he felt when Wang Li Lei was taking care of Xiao Yun when she fainted at the cafe. 

'I hope everything will always go well for the master and the young lady...' He hoped in his heart silently. 

As soon as they arrived at his Wang Li Lei's room and placed him there, Jang Hyun excused himself and left Xiao Yun alone. Thinking that it would rather be rude for him to stay there like a sore third wheel. 

Xiao Yun placed her hand on Wang Li Lei's forehead and prepared a drink for him when he woke up later and took a look at the simple room that was adorned with only basic necessity furniture.

Unlike what people would imagine Wang Li Lei's room would be decorated heavily with vases, flowers, paintings that worths billions of dollars, his rooms only have a desk, chair, bed, and a separate room for clothes. 

The room that Wang Li Lei prepared for Xiao Yun was a room that had luxurious furniture and decoration, a room where people could immediately understand how rich the owner is. But his room was utterly different. Although it didn't necessarily mean that his furniture was cheap but rather eye-rolling, there would only some people who could understand its price.

As she gazed at the desk where Wang Li Lei mostly spent his time at, her eyes spotted a few picture frames with her pictures. 

The picture frames had no speck of dust, very clean that it could even sparkle without any light reflecting it. The pictures started with her childhood picture and lined next to his computer according to the newest, her high school picture. 

Her round black eyes curved gently from the warmness and affection that Wang Li Lei always held for her. Her love for him every time she saw a new side of Wang Li Lei grew wider, that it could overpower a wide sea. 

Although Xiao Yun couldn't understand how expensive the frame of her pictures was, knowing Wang Li Lei's personality, it must have been something very expensive and didn't dare to touch it carelessly; afraid that it would fall and break. 

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