He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 148: A Small Comeback

Chapter 148: A Small Comeback

"Have you finally gone insane?" His words slipped out of his lips. 

"Insane? " Xiao Yun took a bite from her chopstick. "What are you saying?" 

"It's Monday, how come you are so excited? Wouldn't usually you look like this?" Yu Xing Fu lifted his chin toward his drowsy father.

"Well, I have been waiting for today for a long time." Xiao Yun finished her entire bowl of soup and commented on its deliciousness to her housekeeper.

"But isn't your school trip tomorrow?" Yu Xing Fu slanted his head. 

"Yes, tomorrow is my school trip, but what I'm waiting today isn't the school trip." Xiao Yun stood up and clear her palate with a mouthful of water. "I will be going first, bye mom, dad, and Ge- Ge!" 

Yu Yang Lu waved her hand at her daughter and turned back to the dining table to see her son making strange faces. "What happened to you?" 

Yu Xing Fu heard his mother's voice and shook his head. "Nothing..."

Yu Chang Xing rebuked his words and laid his bewilderment bare. "That child once again confessed by someone in his work. It seems that the girl this time is very persistent and he is having trouble in dealing with her. "

"Confessed again? Who is it this time?" Yu Yang Lu cupped her chin and heard his son muttering a name. 

"Han Mi Er..." 

"Han Mi Er? " Yu Yang Lu repeated and turned her questioning face her husband. "Do you know who the girl is?" 

"Han Mi Er, the second cousin of Han Xi Guang from the Han International Group. She said that she fell in love with him at first sight in front of the whole company." Yu Chang Xi thoroughly explained. 

Yu Yang Lu replied with a long oh and lift her brow to ask again. "How come you know a lot about this?" 

Usually, Yu Chang  Xing would only shrug his shoulder with an 'I also don't know' expression. It was rather rare for him to know the gossips very comprehensively. 

Yu Chang Xing brought down the glass and grinned. "She confessed to him when we are about to enter the lift. She even explained how she fell for him. Since then, she had been coming to ask him out on a date."

"Oh my!" Yu Yang Lu giggled happily in the excitement of hearing the romantic story from her son. "What a very passionate girl!"

"I agree." Yu Chang Xing placed his chopstick to the side with a wide ear-to-ear smile. "He's handsome, so it's not such a rare thing for him to be confessed, but it's rare to see someone this passionate. She is really a good fit for him." 

"Why don't you go with her on a date?" Yu Yang Lu continued. "You could just ask her out and get to know her better, don't you think? How does she look? " 

Yu Xing Fu rubbed his temple and looked up to see his parents smiling without restrain. "Well, she is a very kind girl and pretty. She is also very go-" he realized that he had been talking too much about his own affair while his parents wagging their tails to hear more from him and sighed to end his breakfast. 

"Anyway, I'll be going to work first." Yu Xing Fu walked away to his car in a hurry, leaving his parents in dissatisfaction for not being able to hear more of his story. 

Before the sun fully stayed on its peak to kindle with the living things on earth, Xiao Yun entered her class. Her steps languidly walk over to her table to see her desk being oddly cleaner than usual. Deep in her heart, a smirk rippled through. She had been waiting for a comeback for the bullies and finally, the day came. 

Xue Xiu Yong stole some not so subtly glances at her in worries before looking down at his phone on his left hand once again. After the day when he agreed to stop being around her for the time being, the school's gossips' chat forum had been making another racket. 

The bully who he thought would be laying low in order not to catch any attention had sent a threatening message to anyone who helped Xiao Yun under an anonymous ID. It was a great headache for him to stop his furious fingers to type some sense to the bully under his real ID. 

He drew out a heavy sigh. Just by thinking about the possibility of Xiao Yun or anyone getting hurt because of him was enough to stop his mind from working any longer. He had also made his mother worried for the last two days because of his stress sighs.  He was akin to a pregnant woman with a large bump on her stomach and could only sigh every time he moved. His father, in particular, called him sigh making robot due to his over sighing. 

Nie An who arrived late today pulled her seat and saw another threatening paper on her desk. Rolling her eyes in disgust, her hand was quick to ruffle the paper and threw it over the trash bin. This, of course, didn't pass Xiao Yun's and Xue Xiu Yong's eyes. 

Xue Xiu Yong wanted to raise his voice but stopped as he understood him getting close to any of them would only bring more harm. He gripped down to his fist, clicking his tongue at his own weakness for not being able to protect who everyone beside him. 

'How pathetic.' He murmured to himself. 


Xiao Yun flinched from her chair to hear a loud grunt and bam from the person beside her. When she glanced over her shoulder, Xue Xiu Yong had screamed loudly to vent his anger in a bright morning while hitting his own head to the desk. Other than her, the classmates and Nie An looked at him in surprise. 

"Have you finally lost it?" Xiao Yun spoke in a hushed tone without looking at him. 

"I have." Xiao Yun saw him standing as he responded to leave the class. Slamming the sliding door of the classroom, the other classmates looked at each other with a questioning look. 

Nie An couldn't care less about the threatening letter and walked toward Xiao Yun to give a morning greetings. 

"Good morning. It seem that the homeroom teacher would be a bit late today." Nie An pulled the chair across her and leaned her head on her arms. 

"Good morning too. The teacher would be late today? How do you know that?" 

"When I passed the gate Mrs. Du told me." Nie An passed a small cracker in a heart shape to Xiao Yun which she took with a thank. 

"Oh." Xiao Yun hummed her answer and made small circle bites on the end of the cracker. "Nie An, the paper before. What was written in it?" 

"Eh?" Nie An shifted her eyes to her fidgeting fingers. 

"It's from them, aren't they?" Xiao Yun asked again with a softer hand and placed her palm over Nie An's palm. "You don't have to keep it to yourself. "

"But, I don't want to go away from you." Nie An replied. She knew that Xiao Yun would tell her to distance herself from her in order not to make her involved with the problem any further. It was exactly because she feared that Xiao Yun would take everything to herself and didn't want to see her alone. 

"What?" Xiao Yun lifted her brow. "When did I tell you to leave? I wouldn't do that."

"Really?" Nie An's eyes creased into a smile to see Xiao Yun nodding. "Of course."

As they were talking, Xue Xiu Yong had come back to the classroom and walked over his desk to leave a heavy graduation book with a loud thud to Xiao Yun's desk. The two girls looked at the book in surprise and heard him whispering. "I think it's maybe either those two."

Opening the graduation book, she saw a picture of two girls and names labeled in a red mark which was obviously Xue Xiu Yong's unruly handwriting. Glancing at the name, Xiao Yun slanted her head to read it aloud. "Mi Jian and In Na?"

Nie An shifted her chin forward and read saw the picture of a short brown haired girl and a long black-haired girl. The heading of the picture was the middle school graduation picture from the same school as them. 

But what piqued Xiao Yun's interest was the other picture on the edge of the page, a long black haired girl's and particularly her name. It was the familiar face and name. Ji Gu Na, the same girl in one of the three bullies who bullied her in the past under Qu Mei Xing's provocations. 

"This one. Was she also in your class?"  Xue Xiu Yong looked at the picture Xiao Yun's pointed and replied. "That's my class's individual graduation photograph. All of them were in my class."

Xiao Yun replied with an amused hum. At the same time, Xiao Yun closed the graduation album, the homeroom teacher entered the class and great everyone before calling the name on the attendance book to begin the first period. 

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