He's My Fiancée ! : I Went Back To The Past and You !

Chapter 166: Hiding In The Wardrobe

Chapter 166: Hiding In The Wardrobe

"I-" Xiao Yun felt his hand wiping off something under her eyes and realized that she was crying. She swatted his hand softly, rubbing to her eyes to erase all the tears on her face in a hurry. "Why am I crying?" 

Wang Li Lei saw her putting up a smile and the girl murmuring, "I'm sorry." 

He can't understand why she was crying and thought that perhaps he had frightened her from the taunting question that he gave. He brought her face forward and buried her on top of his chest to protect her. He can't understand why she was apologizing, but her words were deeper than a normal apology for crying. 

"I told you don't apologize, didn't I? Don't cry, I'm not angry anymore." 

His comforting and mild voice instead only made her tear unstoppable. "I still have something I haven't told you yet-" she sobbed letting the sorrows on her heart out from her heart. 

"Take your time, I will be here to hear you." Wang Li Lei spoke. The dark premonition that he had been feeling for a few days before crawled again to his heart from her words. 

"But it could hurt you," she said her voice muffled by his clothes. 

'Hurt me?' Wang Li Lei put his attention on her words. He shook his head, lifting her chin and wiped her trace to kiss her lips. "I have you by my side, we can face it together. No matter how painful the future is, no matter what we face don't be afraid. I will stay by your side forever." 

Xiao Yun drizzling tears turned warm from his words, she nuzzled to the hand that stopped on her cheeks and nod her head slowly. Why couldn't she understand it faster? Perhaps by knowing the future, it could be her poison, but it could also be her cure. 

The past was hurtful for him and for her but she has to move on from it. 

Xiao Yun bit the inner of her cheek and balled her contention. "Li Lei, you can't perhaps believe what I say but, I want you to hear me until the end." Li Lei continued his gaze at her to accept her words with open ears. 

"Actually I wa-"

When Xiao Yun was about to speak, her phone rang loudly surprising the life out of Xiao Yun. She took out her phone, mumbling a sorry to Wang Li Lei and placed the phone nearer to her ears. Nie An heard her line go through and quickly skipping straight to the matter. 

"Xiao Yun, come back fast! The teacher is rounding the students!" 

"What?" Xiao Yun snapped her eyes to Wang Li Lei and he looked down to see the hour hand on his watch had struck nine. 

"Quick! He's already on the second floor!" 

"Alright! Got it I'll go back now!" Xiao Yun ended the call and stood up abruptly to take Wang Li Lei's hand to the elevator subconsciously.

Inside the elevator, Xiao Yun pushed the third button in a hurry. When they arrived Xiao Yun walked over to the corridor with fingers still attached on his sleeve to come to a stop in front of her room and instead brought him in together with her. 

Nie An and Ming Ran heard the door unlocked and ran to greet Xiao Yun. "Great! You're her-" 

Xiao Yun didn't notice what she had done and inspect over the room and asked. "So, did the teacher come?" she looked at her friend's expression turning stiff and interrogated them. "What is it did they came already? Nie An? Ming Ran?" 

"That-" Ming Ran sneakily pointed her hand on Wang Li Lei. 

Xiao Yun felt her heart jumped off from the cage and turned her face back to see her beloved behind him. "Oh my! What did I just do? " 

"You brought me here." Wang Li Lei explained plainly. He had been wanting to tell the girl, but she had unconsciously pulled him with all her might.

"I know! That's not what I mean!-" Xiao Yun raised her hand, scratched her had and turned his body back to push him, "Li Lei, go out first I will catch with you up later I-" 

"Room 49." the teacher's voice came from the other side of the door along with a knock. bringing instant shock to the three girls. Hearing no answer from the students inside the room, the teacher knocked again. "Room 49? Is everyone there? Answer me!" 

"Aah!" Xiao Yun rotated Wang Li Lei with her hand and turned back to her face in a panic. "What should I do? What should we do?" she asked to her friends who haven't yet had the time to think. 

"E- eh...?" Nie An and Ming Ran looked at each other and reflected their surprised face altogether. Having a man, older than them inside the room full of girl to place the cherry on the top, he's Wang Li Lei. The scene was enough material for the thirsty news to cover. 

Nie An's eyes traveled on the room and spotted the large closet in the middle. "Mr. Wang, could you please enter the wardrobe?" 

"Yes, Li Lei! Uh... sorry can you get inside the wardrobe?" Xiao Yun pushed him to the wardrobe, making him crawl inside the closet and hid him under a few dresses to clasp her hand. "I'm sorry Li Lei, please wait for a few minutes, okay?"

"Mn." Wang Li Lei nodded obediently and hugged his long legs in the cramped place. His appearance made Xiao Yun feel apologetic, but she had to quickly shoo off the teacher so he could go out. If someone were to hear the Demon Lord hidden by his fiancee in the wardrobe to hide him from the patrolling teacher, the news would be enough to knock Andy out from laughter. 

The teacher was about to knock again and use the master key to forcefully open the room and saw it opened by Xiao Yun. "Uh- teacher, good evening." 

The teacher saw the layer of sweats upon her face and looked behind to see her two roommates having the same sweat in and squinted his eyes. 

"You all, why are you sweating?" 

"Huh?" Ming Ran gasped, the three of them flinched when they saw the teacher rubbing his chin to inspect something. 

"You three...-"

They gulped from the teacher's trailing words, suspense riding up to the back of their heads to have the teacher walking inside the room and raised his hand to the railing. "-is your room hot here? Do you three do not know how to decrease the temperature?" 

The three girls breathe out in relief, "Yes, ah- no, we mean that we were raising the temperature because it was cold but now it became cold." 

The teacher hummed a long uh and turned around to spot something sticking out from the wardrobe. He walked a moment there but stopped his hand from opening the wardrobe's door. 

"Okay since you three are here I will be going now." The teacher walked out and the three girls slouched their back but straightened it when they saw the teacher looking at them "Go to sleep now, alright. Don't waste your time playing or storytelling." 

"Yes!" The three bowed after the teacher exiting the room and locked the door again. 

Xiao Yun strode off to open the wardrobe door to see Wang Li Lei's sitting to hug his lower body in a position that doesn't fit him the least. 

"You can go out now." Xiao Yun stepped aside gingerly for him to walk out of the wardrobe. In the awkward silence, Xiao Yun ushered him to the door after verifying the teacher wasn't there they went out and stood outside in the hallway. 

"About before. It was a beautiful place, but I ruined the experience sorr-" Wang Li Lei shushed her mouth with his finger. 

"I told you, don't apologize." He looked at her eyes that was a little swollen and lifted her chin to press his lips on her forehead. "We can go there again anytime you want and I still have a place beside this that I want to show you." 

"Okay, I will not apologize again. Thank you for bringing me to such a special place." Wang Li Lei released his hand from her and stepped away. "Don't be reckless again. Good night."

"Good night." Xiao Yun replied and called him, "Li Lei!" 

He turned his head, seeing her biting her lips before she spoke. "The rest of the story, I will tell you tomorrow."

"Okay." Wang Li Lei replied before walking away from her room. His long legs strode to the elevator, pushing a button and pulling his phone to call Jang Hyun. 

"Yes, master?" 

"Bring me all the students in Xiao Yun's year, find Xiao Yun's trip routine and the thief that was caught today in West Lake. Also-" Wang Li Lei's eyes turned eerie as he continued. "Put me through with the Head Master of her school. Tell him I have something important to discuss." 

Jang Hyun didn't know what happened, but from the orders that Wang Li Lei gave, it must be something that involved the young lady. Especially with the furious tone that he used. "Right away, master." 

Jang Hyun paused and continued, "Master, it's about the sponsor that you searched for the other day." 

Wang Li Lei walked out of the elevator and the employee that saw gray storm covering his face quickly evaded their eyes by bowing half of their body. 

"Have you found out who it was?" 

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