Hollow Ascension

Chapter 93: Into the Abyss

Chapter 93: Into the Abyss

The clearing vibrated with a hum that reverberated in the bones, setting the air around them alive with tension. The sickly green light emanating from the fissure in the ground pulsed rhythmically, like the beat of a monstrous heart. Kael could feel the energy pressing against his skin, an electric charge that made the hair on his arms stand on end. The temperature dropped even further, turning each breath into a misty cloud that hung in the air.

Elda stood at his side, her staff raised high as she channeled light from its tip to form a shimmering barrier around them. "The Hollow's core is within this fissure," she said, her voice strained. "It's drawing everything it has to protect itself. We'll need to cut through its defenses to reach it."

Kael tightened his grip on his sword, his eyes locked on the shadows swirling around the edges of the fissure. The darkness twisted and coiled like a living thing, tendrils of mist reaching out toward them, shifting and reforming into grotesque shapes. "Then we break through," he said coldly. "We end this, here and now."

Lena moved beside him, her blade glinting in the faint light. "We'll have to strike fast," she muttered, her gaze flicking to the writhing shadows. "If we give it any ground, it'll overwhelm us."

Elda nodded, her face pale but resolute. "Stay close," she urged, glancing back at the soldiers and mystics forming a tight circle behind them. "We fight through the illusions, and we do not stop until we reach the heart."

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Confront the Hollow's Heart: 40%]

As they advanced toward the fissure, the shadows surged, swirling into towering figures that loomed over the group. The air was filled with an ear-piercing screech, a cacophony of voices whispering, pleading, taunting. Kael felt the weight of the Hollow's will pressing down on his mind, like a vice closing around his thoughts. The darkness seemed to press against his senses, obscuring the boundary between reality and nightmare.

"Focus!" Kael shouted, swinging his sword to cleave through the nearest shadow. His blade met resistance, a cold, biting force that sent a jolt up his arm, but he pushed through, driving the darkness back into the mist. "Do not let it into your mind!"

The shadows hissed and recoiled, only to reform and lunge toward them again. Lena moved fluidly beside him, her blade dancing through the air as she cut down the tendrils that sought to ensnare them. "It's relentless!" she snarled, parrying a strike from a clawed shadow that materialized in front of her. "We need to push harder!"

Kael nodded, his jaw set. "We force our way through!" he roared, stepping forward to meet the next wave of shadows. "Elda, keep the light steady!"

Elda raised her staff, chanting words of power that resonated through the clearing. The light from the staff pulsed, forming a barrier that pushed against the darkness. For a moment, the shadows wavered, retreating as if burned by the light's intensity. But the reprieve was brief. The shadows regrouped, their forms shifting and warping as they advanced again, their whispers clawing at the edges of their minds.

"You cannot destroy me," the voices crooned, their tone both mocking and sinister. "I am the darkness within you. I am fear. I am despair. You are nothing without me."

Kael gritted his teeth, blocking out the voices as he swung his sword, cutting through another shadow. "You're wrong!" he growled, his voice filled with defiance. "We are more than our fear!"

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Confront the Hollow's Heart: 60%]

The ground beneath them began to quake, tremors running through the earth like the heartbeat of some vast, unseen creature. The fissure widened, green light spilling forth in waves that washed over the clearing, casting long, twisted shadows that stretched toward the group. The air grew denser, each breath a struggle against the oppressive force that filled the space around them.

Lena staggered, her blade nearly slipping from her grasp as a wave of nausea swept over her. "It's... it's trying to break us!" she gasped, her voice strained. "The light, Elda! We need more light!"

Elda nodded, sweat streaming down her face as she tightened her grip on the staff. "Hold on!" she cried, her voice cracking with the effort. The staff flared, its light intensifying as it pushed outward, forcing the shadows back. "We're close! Keep fighting!"

Kael felt a surge of determination as he stepped forward, his blade slicing through the darkness. The shadows screamed and writhed, dissolving into wisps of mist as the light seared through them. Yet, for every shadow they cut down, more rose to take its place, drawn from the depths of the fissure like black smoke billowing from a burning pyre.

"They just keep coming!" one of the soldiers shouted, his voice tinged with desperation as he swung his weapon wildly at the encroaching darkness. "It's endless!"

Kael turned, his eyes blazing with fury. "No, it's not!" he barked. "This is its last defense! We break through, and we reach the heart. Focus on the light!"

Elda's staff flared again, the light erupting in a shockwave that radiated across the clearing. The shadows recoiled, shrieking as they were pushed back toward the fissure. The ground beneath them split further, cracks spiderwebbing outward, revealing glimpses of an intense green glow from deep within.

"We're weakening it!" Elda shouted, her voice filled with both pain and resolve. "But it's not enough! We need to sever its core completely!"

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Confront the Hollow's Heart: 80%]

The air around the fissure vibrated violently, the hum growing into a deafening roar that shook the ground. Kael felt the energy pulse through him, a raw, chaotic force that threatened to tear at his sanity. His vision blurred, shapes shifting at the corners of his sight as the Hollow's magic pressed against the light of Elda's staff.

"You cannot resist," the voices hissed, swirling around them like a storm. "This is your end. Embrace the darkness."

Kael swung his sword in a wide arc, his muscles straining as he drove the blade into the fissure's edge. A shockwave burst outward, the impact sending him staggering back. The shadows around the fissure writhed and screamed, their forms dissipating into black mist that swirled in agitation.

"Now!" Kael shouted, his voice hoarse. "Elda, sever it! Cut its connection!"

Elda stepped forward, raising her staff high above the fissure. The light flared, a blinding flash that pierced the darkness and illuminated the clearing in an ethereal glow. She chanted words of power, her voice rising above the cacophony, the air around her crackling with magic.

The ground convulsed, the fissure buckling as the green light within flickered and wavered. The shadows screamed, a piercing wail that tore through the air like a gale. The energy around them surged, pressing against Elda's light in a final, desperate attempt to overwhelm it.

Kael felt the force pressing against him, his knees nearly buckling under the pressure. "Hold!" he roared, gripping his sword with both hands. "Hold the line!"

Lena moved beside him, her blade flashing as she cut through the tendrils of darkness that lashed out toward them. "Almost there!" she cried, her voice ringing with fierce determination. "We're breaking through!"

Elda's eyes blazed with light as she brought the staff down, driving it into the ground at the edge of the fissure. The earth split open, a shockwave of energy bursting forth and sending the shadows recoiling in agony. The green light within the fissure flared, then flickered violently, its rhythm faltering.

With a final, echoing cry, the light within the fissure shattered, fragments of green energy spiraling upward before dissipating into the air. The ground rumbled, a deep groan that reverberated through the forest as the fissure collapsed inward, sealing shut with a resounding crack.

The shadows around them writhed, then faded, dissolving into the mist as a cold wind swept through the clearing. The air grew still, the oppressive force of the Hollow's presence lifting like a shroud from their minds.

Kael staggered, his sword lowering as he stared at the now-closed fissure. His breath came in ragged gasps, each exhale visible in the cold air. "It's... done," he muttered, barely daring to believe it.

Elda collapsed to her knees, her staff clattering to the ground beside her as the light around it dimmed. "The heart is severed," she gasped, her voice trembling with exhaustion. "The Hollow... it's broken. Its power is shattered."

Lena let out a shuddering breath, her shoulders sagging as she lowered her sword. "Then we did it," she murmured, her eyes fixed on the spot where the fissure had been. "It's over."

Kael nodded slowly, his chest tight with a mix of relief and disbelief. "We've struck it down," he said, his voice a ragged whisper. "But we need to get back to camp. The land needs time to heal, and we need to prepare for any remnants of its power."

The clearing was quiet, the air still. For the first time since they had entered the Hollow's domain, the forest around them felt... empty. The darkness that had loomed so heavily was now a mere shadow of its former self, a memory of a force that had been shattered at its core.

[Contract Progress: New Objective – Confront the Hollow's Heart: 100%]

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