How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 790 - 791 Ascension Mission (Part 2)

Chapter 790: Chapter 791 Ascension Mission (Part 2)

Therefore, strictly speaking, Hogu requires the collector to study this new life posture, which is more advanced, at least higher than Hogu's supreme will.

Through the individual's explanation, the same clan recalled the past and was furious at the continuous suicidal behavior. On the path of ethnic evolution, the direction was personally pointed out by the supreme will - it did not want to, nor did it care why it was respected. What it hoped was that every collector could be like it.


Group organisms can also be called ecosphere organisms. A group of collectors struggling to survive in gas giants have accidentally evolved. Network organisms built from complex low-intelligence life field organisms seem to be very powerful, but in reality they are very weak. Once the ecosystem is disturbed, even normal information exchange becomes a problem. .

The Supreme Will has also clearly stated that these groups of creatures are not what it expects, but have considerable reference value.

"More advanced than that."

The previous hesitant collector answered like this, and when he heard this answer, his peers were even more confused.

"That's a good thing. The ethnic group finally no longer needs us anymore. There will be stronger compatriots to replace them. I have long thought that there will be such a day when we will become the past and the ethnic group embrace the future. This is proof of striding forward. What's there to worry about?"

The same clan felt puzzled, observed the life field of the distressed individual, and made sure that the other party had not fallen into a traitor, which made it even more strange.

"You will say that you still don't understand what I'm saying... You don't understand what I'm suffering now."

"What on earth are you worried about? How can I know your distress if you don't make it clear?

The same clan does not believe that it can't understand. It is also a collector and is also loyal to the ethnic group. It believes that it has this ability. Even if it does not, it will find other ethnic groups to help.

He was repeatedly questioned by his peers and told the other party about his own depression.

"Okay! Then I'll tell you! I'm worried about what to do so that my peers won't become the most hated traitors! This is something I'm struggling with!"

The same clan was obviously stunned by this answer, and it took a while to react.

"Why is this so? Isn't it more advanced than the 'group'? It is still the order given by the will personally, that is to say, this is the result that the will expects to achieve.

The will can never lead the ethnic group in a worse and worse direction, so it is impossible to expect all the collectors in the whole Amoeba to turn into traitors.

After thinking about it again and again, my family finally got a reply.

"I think you misunderstood, not me."

"I'm not wrong. A group is an individual, an individual is a group. An ethnic group is a large group, but it can also be regarded as a small group. These small groups can be regarded as individuals. I ask you, to whom should these individuals give everything? They themselves? Or is it an ethnic group?

The individual collector in distress questioned, that is, he was asking his peers and himself.

"Of course it's an ethnic group."

Answer like this without thinking. Only the traitors will hesitate. In the eyes of the collectors, the interests of the group are above all else, including their lives.

"Which is the ethnic group between such a large group and a small group?" The collector asked again.

This time, the answer of the same race is no longer as clean and quick as before.

"Uh...a large group, right?" The same family hesitated for a moment and then answered.

The collector waved his tentacles and replied.

"If a small group is thrown into an unmanned river system rich in material resources, with superluminal technology, it will only take a thousand years at the latest to complete the complete occupation of the river system and quickly rise into a large group."

"That is to say, small groups are actually essentially the same as large groups, but they are fewer in number than large groups and have more resources."

The implication is that small groups are ethnic groups, large groups are also ethnic groups, and when individuals are equal to groups, it will be difficult to distinguish traitors whose interests are above all else.

"Can't we base it on quantity?"

The same clan's puzzled rhetorical questions, and this is in exchange for another series of rhetorical questions from the collector.

"Of course not. Does the quantity mean anything to us?"

"Let me give you an example. If there are two groups, there is only a single-digit difference between the two groups. Tell me which one do you think is an ethnic group."

"Well... both, or the two groups are combined to be regarded as an ethnic group. If you want to ask the question of choosing one of the two in the Selin society, in the case of close equality on both sides, you can choose more or less. Anyway, it's the same, and the ethnic group will continue."

got this answer from the same family, and the collector continued to ask.

"Then if these two groups, one is dominated by the will of the same race and the other is dominated by the will of the traitor, which one would you agree with?"

"...It's still the same, they are all ethnic groups."

Because whether it is a large group or a small group, the will of the traitor or the will of the general collector, it can be understood as normal thinking.

Following the conclusions obtained through reasoning, the collector analyzed the same race little by little.

So for the sake of the whole ethnic group, the group dominated by the will of the same race decided to sacrifice themselves to let the group dominated by the traitors survive."

"And the traitors only set out for their own interests. In order to consolidate their rights in the ethnic group, they will divide the collectors into three or six nines as they enslaved other similars."

"Then, it was a civil war that should never have appeared within the ethnic group for many years. The traitors competed with each other for material resources for various reasons."

"The ethnic group is even in danger of being brought into the 'closed loop' by traitors. Once the 'closed loop' like in the past happens again, it will be difficult for the ethnic group to have any technological breakthroughs."

The so-called closed loop refers to the sealed social structure. The upper layer is always the upper layer and the lower layer is always the lower layer. Although the collector does not care much about the upper or lower layer, such a social structure is not healthy. Only the upstream and downstream flow forms a circular social structure is a normal and good social structure.

However, for traitors, the normal and good social structure of Amoeba is not the result they are willing to see, because traitors are naturally different from collectors starting from their own interests.

While the collector was worried, a familiar radio message swept away the entire star system.

The collectors recognized the release of this radio information, which was the first collector in the whole Amoeba to have a self-concept, sustainable.

Come to this star system forever.

"It seems that you haven't started yet. According to the order of your will, I will also join the research. I hope this will help you take fewer detours and complete the as soon as possible."

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