How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 808 - 809 The Leader of Civilization

Chapter 808: Chapter 809 The Leader of Civilization

"Yes, but what are you going to pay? declare in advance that we will not accept your currency, and you need to take out something equivalent to trade.

The collector cluster reminded the Cotter Chamber of Commerce.

Although there is no currency in Amoeba, collectors will trade with other alien civilizations, and economic knowledge is not lacking.

They are very clear about what an economic bubble is and what a virtual economy is, so it can only be delusional to cut the leeks of collectors through trade.

The collector's transactions have always correspond to the actual value.

The reminder of the collector cluster did not surprise the Cote Chamber of Commerce. Before the communication was connected, they thought that it was impossible to trade through currency, but they couldn't figure out what standard the collectors would use to trade.

"What do you need? Our Cote business group can do its best to provide you with it. The Cote Chamber of Commerce asked.

"Materials, any material can be used. It takes time to mine, but every time we stay in the stellar system for a short time, so we don't extract much material." The collector replied.

Quality is the standard. This thing can't deceive people. Each gram corresponds to the actual value. A gram of gold and a gram of iron are equivalent in the collector's value standard, and there is no excess value expansion.

Although there are some problems with this value standard, such as trading quality gold through high-quality stones, and then realizing the improvement of wealth within their own civilization.

But as a standard for trading between first civilizations, it is very suitable.

Such a trading standard also satisfies the Cotter Chamber of Commerce, which advocates fair trade.


A week after the collectors reached a trade agreement with the Cote Chamber of Commerce, a series of radio information spread like a meteorite hitting a planet, stirring up stormy waves.

"Amoeba! You illegally occupied the territory of the Dalim Fleet! Now I order you to leave this stellar system immediately, and we allow you to use technology as a compensation clause, otherwise we will expel you by force!"

The naked threat of war, the source of broadcast information is the force of the Dalim fleet, the strongest force among the four major forces of Dali civilization.

After this broadcast statement, the condemnation statement of the Cote Chamber of Commerce was also issued.

"The joint statement of the Dalim Fleet is unjust! Our Cote business group strongly condemns their robbery! This is the act of a dictator!"

The leader of the Dalim fleet, the satellite base of the planet Dalim, was questioned by his successor.

"Great leader, isn't this too irrational?"

A civilization that has achieved superluminal speed, fools can see that they Dali basically have no chance of winning.

"As my successor, you are far from mature enough to see through the essence. The great destruction is only aimed at Amoeba. There is always a time when the stars will explode, and the time for the stars to reshape is not be short. As long as we can stay away from the fleeing Amoeba, civilization will not be threatened."

The leader of the Dalim fleet united sighed and then continued.

"In contrast, this is an opportunity for us to make great strides in our Dali civilization as a whole. As long as we get Amoeba's technology, our civilization will jump to a new peak."

It was because of Amoeba's advancement that he was targeted by the leader of the coalition of the Dariam Fleet.

After listening to the words of the leader of the United Darim Fleet, the successor felt ridiculous. The premise of robbing Amoeba technology is that he can win and can't even win. So what's the matter of snatching?

Not to mention anything else, they can throw their fleet out of a few streets by superluminal speed alone. Relying on the large-scale distance of the universe, they can attack, retreat and defend. They can fight as they want. There is only one way to go to attack.

"Do we really have a chance of winning? I can't see it."

The implication of the successor is that they have no chance of winning at all. If so, ask the leader to indicate it to him.

The leader of the Dalim Fleet replied, "You know, Amoeba are hunted down by the Great Destruction. They can't stay in one place for a long time. We don't need to defeat them. Just delay and constantly harass them so that they can't get rid of your entanglement. The longer it takes, the more unfavorable it will be for them."

"Our more than 100,000 warships are mainly towed. Even if 100,000 livestock want to annihilate all in a short time, it will take a lot of time, not to mention thick armored warships."

"Most importantly, the Amoeba group is being pursued by great destruction. They must seize the time to collect planetary resources. The main purpose of our warship is to interfere with their exploitation of resources."

The successor understood this time that the leader of the Dallem fleet was taking risks and taking advantage of the conflict between the Great Destruction and Amoeba!

Amoeba needs to seize the time to extract enough material before the Great Destruction, so every minute and every second is very precious, and their fleet can't beat the Amoeba cluster, but it can interfere with the other party's collection of materials. In this way, Amoeba's time is wasted!

The Amoeba cluster either left their parent star or destroyed their combined fleet of Dahlem.

If Amoeba chooses the former, the possibility of their Dali civilization being destroyed will disappear.

If you choose the latter, time will also be wasted. After all, the battle will also consume time, not to mention the destruction of more than 100,000 warships with rough skin and thick skin!

If Amoeba agrees to their war demands, the Dali civilization will have superluminal technology, and they will no longer be afraid of any great destruction! Because the Great Destruction is aimed at Amoeba, not their Dali people, they just need to avoid the impact of the supernova attack!

"This...this is too risky!"

The successor was dumbfounded and shocked by the leader's madness.

The leader of the alliance of Dalim's fleet resolutely replied, "Rich and noble are in danger! Can you guarantee that Dali will not encounter a more terrible crisis than Amoeba in the future? Reality is not a game, it will give you a fixed time to grow up!"

"If there is a choice, I don't want to do this, but Amoeba is unwilling to trade technology, so I can only take such a risk.

Technology is everything. The leader of the Dalim Fleet Alliance is very clear. After learning from the Cote Chamber of Commerce that Amoeba refused to trade technology, the leader of the Dallem Fleet Alliance decided to take the same risky approach as it is now.

Looking at the observation information of the departure fleet in the distance, the leader of the Dallem fleet murmured.

There is another idea that the leader of the Dallem fleet did not say that if Amoeba chooses to fight with the fleet of the Dallem fleet, the whole Dalite civilization can be used to understand the way of fighting interstellar civilization and use it as a reference template. In the future, their Dalians will step outside the stars and come into contact with other interstellar interstellar interstellar future. Civilization will not be so passive.

"One thousand more steps back, even if I am wrong, the destruction is nothing more than the combination of the Dalim fleet. Amoeba will not be angry with the people as a whole. The Cote Chamber of Commerce has reached a trade with Amoeba and will get a superluminal engine, and civilization will continue."

At this time, the collectors have locked in the fleet of the Dallem fleet, which is very cunning. They have set sail for some time, close to the collector's resource mining site, and the broadcast statement was issued.

"I knew you aliens wouldn't be so peaceful."

The leader of the cluster muttered to himself unexpectedly, and then gave orders to the cluster.

"Two black hole bombs are ready to destroy the two planets united by the Dalim fleet."

After receiving the order to attack the planet, he looked at the fleet coming from afar, and some individuals asked among the collectors.

"What about the incoming fleet? Remote gamma or sublight strike?

"Stupid, why refuse the material resources sent? The more than 100,000 warships are recycled together with the creatures inside, which is a batch of materials of considerable quality. The leader of the cluster said.

"So that's it."

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