How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 814 - 815 Long Ring of Gravity

Chapter 814: Chapter 815 Long Ring of Gravity

The swallowing giant, as the name implies, can swallow the star. It is a biological giant that can carry the whole star together at superlight speed, so it is called the swallowing giant structure.

This is different from the planetary superluminal engine of the Dali mother star. This giant structure can swallow the star in a short time and then superluminal the star without intensive construction.

With this huge structure, the material mining speed of the collectors will reach another level, and they will enter the speed of light immediately after capturing the star, and there is no need to worry about the impact of destruction.

Expectations are very good, but the difficulty of achieving them is also very great.

First of all, this giant structure must be at least the size of a celestial body. Unless it is a structure of such a structure that relies on gravity to maintain strength like a gravitational ring, the structural strength will not be guaranteed. Electromagnetic molecular materials are far from being able to compete for the size of celestial bodies, otherwise the planet cannot be all spheres, which can be square. Or a triangular body.

Because of this, to make the planet superlight, it needs to rely on the planet to build, connecting the gravitational ring and superluminal structure with the planet for superluminal speed, instead of building a giant structure in advance and then applying it to the planet. The latter is much more difficult than the former.

So the question arises, since it can only rely on gravity, how can such a huge structure be constructed?

After some discussion, the collectors had a bold idea, which is to try to transform the structure of the existing gravitational rings and make them more diversified.

It doesn't matter if the celestial scale needs gravity to maintain the structural strength, then gravity can be used to maintain the structural strength.

According to their conception and calculation, it is feasible to build a long strip of gravity ring. Cut a ring-shaped gravity ring from the middle, and the incisions at both ends are connected to a straight acceleration pipe to form an ellipse similar to a playground runway, which is a long strip of gravity ring.

The essence of the gravitational ring is that the internal relativistic black hole has reached a balance with the proton pipeline structure, and the acceleration of the inertia of high-energy particles inside has become the strength of the structure itself. Even the long strip of gravitational rings can still provide inertial strength to the structure after the particles accelerate to the straight pipeline.

In the process of designing and building a long strip of gravitational rings, collectors encounter many problems. One of the problems is that the gravitational rings must be constructed and formed as a whole, and the special structure makes it impossible for collectors to complete it by splicing.

The ring gravitational ring built before is quite simple. You only need to use the acceleration pipe to roughly form a circle, and then make the electric field of the outer acceleration pipe wall stronger than the electric field of the inner pipe wall, and the ring gravitational ring will gradually take shape.

However, this time, not only the curved arc structure, but also the straight length is added.

This is a relatively small problem, and it is not very difficult to solve. As long as the acceleration pipeline is elliptical at the beginning, and the internal electric field distribution is adjusted to a certain extent, the problem will not be big.

If you really want to talk about the more troublesome problem, after the long gravitational rings are built, there will be a force that is close to each other because of gravity. Because the circular gravitational rings are the torque, this can be ignored, but on the parallel acceleration pipeline, this problem is highlighted.

As the ability of accelerated particles increases, the gravity generated becomes stronger, and the two straight acceleration pipes side by side have no other force to support other than the moment of inertial force.

Therefore, it can be imagined that with the extension of the length of the long gravitational ring, the straight acceleration pipeline will inevitably not be able to remain straight and show a concave trend, which will make the part connecting the circular acceleration pipeline and the straight acceleration pipeline unbearable, because the entry angle of the acceleration particles is wrong, and the ring part needs to be stronger. Electric field force deflection acceleration particles.

Such a problem was not solved until a collector proposed to fill the negative material in the middle of the pipeline. The universal repulsion can be neutral with gravity, and because of the position, it will not produce a superluminal effect.

With a long strip of gravitational rings, the star- swallowing giant structure has a foundation for realization. After all, it is the size of a star, and the molecular material is as soft as boiled noodles, and the scale of rotten at once touched.

The construction of a long gravitational ring is not easy, especially in the size of the planet. Because the strength is not guaranteed, the acceleration pipe is soft like a rope.

On the contrary, the construction of the planetary gravitational ring is very smooth, which is also part of the swallowing giant structure. With the plural long strip gravitational ring and another ring structure, a completed swallowing giant structure can be constructed.

"This is not an ordinary difficulty, and the acceleration pipeline is always restless."

"Don't worry about being so meticulous. After accelerating the particles, they will be honest. This situation is only temporary, just like the construction of the star rings."

"Star rings have stars as a gravitational source to provide an initial stable position, and these straight acceleration pipelines do not have such a special environment."

As particles pass through the accelerated pipeline, and these particles become faster and faster, gradually approaching the speed of light, the distortion of this structure that even the collector feels difficult to maintain becomes smaller and smaller.

Then, the collectors saw that the long acceleration pipeline they built was slowly beginning to shrink, just like the annular gravitational ring, which was also half of the size shrinking, and then stopped shrinking and the various moments reached equilibrium.

"A wonderful work." The leader of the cluster looked at the finished product in front of him and commented.

"The existence of long gravitational rings means that we can not only build objects at the star size, but also at the star level..."

The length of the long gravitational ring is not very long, which is equivalent to four times the diameter of the earth. Because it is a trial work, too many huge size collectors are worried about it.

But the size of the original work does not mean anything, and the Wright brothers' plane has never exceeded the speed of sound. Does it mean that future planes can't exceed the sound barrier?

Gravity is a force that can play a role on a large scale at the celestial level. As long as the design is reasonable, it is not difficult to build a straight strip with a star size.

Just as the collectors were building for the star-swallowing giant structure in full swing, suddenly a warning came up, and the abnormal movements of the star interrupted all the behaviors of the collectors.

A new round of supernova is about to explode!

"Da damn it! It was discovered in such a short time!"

Without hesitation, the leader of cluster immediately ordered.

"End everything immediately! Evacuate all! Prepare at super light speed!"

All the collectors immediately abandoned the huge structures under construction and the material resources being collected, and desperately entered the superluminal voyage to the next destination star passed to them by the cluster leader.

The supergiant suddenly expanded, drowning the gravitational rings and other unfinished remnants built by the collector, as well as the only planet, followed by a contraction, and a large amount of material gushed towards the middle part of the supergiant, compressing sharply.

In the end, with a violent explosion, the plasma storm was wrapped in extremely huge energy and swept everything.

After the violent mass energy storm, all traces of the collector were erased, leaving only a black hole in the open area, proving that there was once a supermassive star here.

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