How the Zergs were Made

Chapter 828 - 829 The Incarnation of Destruction

Chapter 828: Chapter 829 The Incarnation of Destruction

In addition to the collectors, the soldiers who retreated to the rear were shocked by the inexplicable star-scale eyes on the battlefield.

One eye alone is comparable to a star. How big will the owner of this eye be?

The soldiers on the Konak side felt a sense of palpitation that made them collectively fright at the moment they appeared in the big rift. This feeling was inexplicable, but they took it for granted that the source of the palpitation was the big rift, and the unknown existence behind the gap.

The great fear and doubt made the soldiers who did not know much about the 'old seal' ask their comrades-in-arms who knew about it.

"What is the old seal?"

"Do you know the old times?" The comrades-in-arms asked.

The soldier replied, "Know that it was a very glorious era. Our utopian territory is countless times larger than now, from the door world to the land of divine pursuit."

Once upon a time, the seventh class in the door world was also full of ambition. These supremes used the river system as the stage and played a civilization epic.

They once chased the stars and rivers, picked the stars and the moon, and spread the brilliance of wisdom to every corner of the river system.

It was an infinitely beautiful era recorded in the history books of Conak Utopia. The population will increase by hundreds of billions in each era, and the territory extends from the door world to the depths of the divine land outside, and you can use the spiritual realm to show more powerful power.

However, no matter how brilliant the achievements are, they will eventually decay. The evil consequences caused by the abuse of the spiritual realm will fall into the mortal world, and the eternal evil will cover the spiritual realm into a place of disaster.

Since then, all the seventh class has uniformly chosen to retreat to the gate world and regard opening up the territory of the land of God as a taboo to anger the gods.

From the old seal, the warriors originally thought it was the enemy sealed at the most glorious time in Conak Utopia, but now their comrades-in-arms have emphasized the old era, which shows that this seal is not so simple, at least it is directly related to the times themselves.

"Is the old seal related to that era?" The soldier asked.

"Yes, in ancient times, we once had glory, and so did the other seventh class in the world, but this glory also attracted great destruction."

The comrades-in-arms stared at the big crack in the void and explained it very seriously.

"At that time, we invested almost everything we could, but we still could do nothing about that thing. At most, we had to seal it."

Invested almost everything you can invest?

Are you kidding? The Konak Utopia in that period is no better than now. The huge territory has brought huge resources, and the investment of huge resources can only seal this enemy?

The soldier felt that something was wrong. Thinking of the relevance of the times just emphasized by his comrades-in-arms, he couldn't help but think of a terrible fact - the once extremely powerful and brilliant Conak Utopia had to choose to retreat from the gate world after fighting with the enemy in the old seal.

It is also because of the enemy in the seal that the Conak Utopia has the rule that "opening territory to the land of gods is a violation of the taboo of gods".

The soldier was shocked by his own idea and felt that such an association was reasonable, but at the same time he felt ridiculous and subconsciously denied it.

"What is it?" The soldier couldn't help asking.

The comrade-in-arms replied, "The embodiment of great destruction."

The soldiers were obviously stunned, and then suddenly came over. All the original doubts disappeared, and the great destruction was indeed called 'god'. If it were because of the great destruction itself, it was understandable that such a rule would exist in their Conak.

At the same time, the soldiers are also secretly surprised, because in the record, the reason why the great destruction is called the great destruction is that it will destroy civilization, and their Konak can still exist after being targeted by the great destruction?!

Thinking of the embodiment of destruction answered by his comrades-in-arms, the warrior couldn't help asking, "Isn't the Great Destruction invisible? Why is there an incarnation?"

"There are many ways of great destruction, and incarnation is also one kind. In the current record, incarnation attacks are the most gentle and benevolent side of great destruction."

The comrades-in-arms stared at the big crack and tried their best to suppress their fears.

Even the mildest and benevolent side brings terrible pressure that mortals can't bear!

At this time, the collectors facing the big crack still know nothing about the object they face. If they know that this is the embodiment of the great destruction, they will inevitably quickly enter the superluminal state and leave the battle, but they don't know it, so they stay.

"This thing is too huge..."

Some individuals sighed because of their huge eyes. Judging from the scale shown by the eyes, the creatures behind the crack are at least light-year-level size, at least in the estimates of the collectors.

In addition to black holes, such large objects can be reached by extremely rare and extremely low-density supergiant stars.

Even if the collectors currently master the gravitational ring technology and want to build giant organisms across light years, it is impossible for because there is an upper limit on the speed of light, and mass matter cannot move beyond the speed of light, which will make the gravitational ring on a larger scale. It presents 'soft'.

Take a long gravitational ring as an example. If it is a light-year long, it will take a year to maintain the strength of the gravitational ring itself to reach the other.

Because of this, the collectors are so surprised to see the star-sized eyes in the big crack.

No collector thinks this is a fantasy, because fantasy does not show the effect of gravity. Collectors can feel the powerful attraction that is transmitted from the direction of the big crack all the time. This is gravity, which is the proof that creatures have a huge mass after the crack.

Some collectors couldn't suppress their curiosity and asked, "What is that?" Is it also Lingzun?"

"It doesn't feel like it."

"If it is Lingzun, when asked, he will generally give feedback to show himself and ask."

According to the collector's understanding of the spiritual master, whether the spiritual master is malicious or kind to them, or angry, if he wants to destroy them, he will mark himself after being asked. This is the way for the collector to distinguish the spiritual master from ordinary monsters in the spiritual realm.

At present, the large crack, this huge-scale monster is obviously unreasonable. Unless the density of this monster is comparable to that of a nebula, it should have shrunk into a black hole.

This unreasonable situation, coupled with the killer of Konak Utopia, the collectors naturally associate with the spiritual realm.

The collectors believe that the monster after the crack is either spiritual or ordinary spiritual creatures. As for other possibilities, the collectors have not seen it, so they will not think about it in other ways.

"Who are you? Is it Ling Zun?" The collector asked.


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